HomeMy WebLinkAbout101432 CC Min ,":',.' DU,. ~~; . \ . .-\ :F~~< . . The Cemm1ssion convened in ,regular session at 9:QO A.M. on the fore- going date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commissioner Plumb an~ S~cretarr 9~mp in attendance. t . ...... ,<~. . . . r ~'" : . ". ~. 't, ('-":..' "" .:>~ '\.-.; The ~S~6retarY:>P'f<esented an estimate from Mr. ' G'~ 'Vi. House :in)~ililJt::iznbfu:i.t ~:f j,6. O(), same beiIlg f9!'" ~h~ r~pa;r~ 9f sliding :board ,in Monti~ellQ , Pa;Nt';. 'Motion was made by COInmJ.ssJ.oner Plumb 'an'd duly second'ed by M'a:yor Schlesinger that the estimate be appt>oved and ordered paid. .. ... . .i.~- . . ] VotingA,ye: NOS Nb1fE ~ Commis.sioner Plumb ~d ~a~or Schlesinger. --: .' . . The fcillo,!ing"pills were presented by the SecretaJ:'y for approval, viz: , .. 1- :.( ~ I Ful toilSta:bionery Co. -..-------------------~$.~h 75 Gulf. Refining Co. --------------------:..-----: 19;~11 Consolidated OiICo.-------.;.---------------117.92 wiJ.:~;o~.f 8t~ti'oner1' &<Prtg Co.-~-,;.--'-------...-~26~20 1'1bil.st'i.)n Sttiihp ',& Stencil.;..-.;.~-----.:..;.---.;.~-.....- 1;00 Aut0PartsCe. --------- ------- --- ---------"- 2;'00 Te;x:as sptg,. Geeds C9.---------------------- 2.15 Ernest L. 'Draper---------------------------llO.OO . League of .T:€t~as.~3tf~icipaJ..iti'es-~----------- 5~OO , Isadore Od~ ;..:.....-...----------------------- 5.00 ':;:a0j:~1"; iFtp'ifw ,t~J?L,;.;~.;; ~~..~ - -- - - - -- ----- -- - --- 2 ~ 50 Paarson-Johnston-Roaeh--------------------- 3.60 F. W~ Heitmari------------------,------------ 14.84 Nept'UD.~ Meter Co.--------------------------301.67 Dunlay-Armand Co.'----:------,----------..----- 17.'70 Sear-RoebuekCo. ,..-------------------------- ,2.Q5 Tl1ompson-Whi te':'SoRelle- --- ----- ------ -- - --.,.. J;~\\~Q;";~.,., ",,",~, .."',c,t'~.".r". . , j. Plumb- and.d'Uly seconded by be approved' and ordered Whe~eupon, Motion was made by Co~ssioner M~yor Schlesinger that the foregoing bills paid when funds are available. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plump and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE. A resolution extending the time of penalty and .interest on delinquent taxes r~mission to NovGmber 30th was read and formally adopted. A letter from S. D. Leverett in reference to a differenc.e between him and the Houston Lighting & Power Co. waS read and defered to later .me~ting. Report from Fire Chief on the special examination of members of the volunteer fire depar~ent was presented, an~ the secretary was in- structed ~e write letter complimenting the nfen very highly. (Continued to Page 51..) ,; r ) _/ I' l I l. (.l ~' 1~-=~I.'-'- =r r ~ 1 --<.~~I I~)',: I '~, .,. I I I(l I 1 ! . . I , Ii I I\}, I . I iJI ". .-~~~ ." I I l "",,: f---- ., , (Oontinued from Page 50 r . ( l . '. " ~. ,~ -5-1 -; 'F l'~ '. i ' 7' ,~ ~'.';'.~'~:.:-?:;~>,., There being n0further'bu:.sin$;ss1:;-6~pm~befo;tj~~-,~~~: ":P~;~fd, .uponmotion being made and duly seconded., the meet~ng wasdecl~red adJourned. Approved, . , '.J ~ ,. Attest: ...\ t . ,. . ' . , > -.,," . ' . ! "F' I. ~ '1 ~~ ? {.' . ,~ -~ ( .:.: 1;"" : . ...: .~~ . i".', . f ,. . >,! '..j . y--.t >.. ~- * h q ~ .. ~ '# '--tL' , 1:\5 0' H > ., . _A: . ..".... ...:r-~"""'-';'''''''''''' J'