HomeMy WebLinkAbout093032 CC Min IU 4;-tt1. I ~~ .~. /J- ~ X 1 ?~ . . " . ~1 " ''-. I 1 I l d- ./ "1ieg:ti.Htr. Meet:ti1~..' .. . Friday ~S&pkember '30,1932. .Co,unciIChambe~':".....;.,-'..;~-;.....{)i 'ty Hall.~. City Of 'West,-Univer~sity' Pltitoe ,T;3xas ., . . .~..: ;~4 7- . ., . '., ::..- - "" - ~ - ' The commission convened on the foregoing date with Mayor H. B.Schlesinger presiding, and COllnnissioner Plumb and Secretary Camp in at+.ende.:nce. A letter from l';1r. W. W. Davis at 4109 Byron Stl"eet was Bead b~. the Se,crer--&", tary, who reported events leading up to the letter, and same was accePted'::y~ -~ After due consideration, the council refused to accept t~e check, ~d the SecFetary was instructed to advise Mr. Davis that we are returning his check, for req,son that same was fendered as payment in full of water use€l during month of September, and did not include a payment of ~~5'. 00 on meter. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Mayor Schlesinger . that the request for priviledge to u~e,water at the foregoing address on a flat rate charge be demlined, for the reason that it is the practice of the Water Department to disconnect: any place from water service that ;has been on flat rate, by order of the COWfC:lI. The Se.cretary also w~s ,in- structed to refer contract and.letter from Mr. Davis to the legal depart- ment for further action. The Secretary was instructed to have a platte made, of the Poe Street ex- tension and file on the permanent records of Harris County, and also have a spe cial deed dravm on that part of ci t:v property north of Poe Street extension to the church propertj lin.e, conveying same to the.West p:niver-, sity Place Baptist Ghurch, to be used for church purposes only, in compli~ ance, to 'speci~l.!iee!i ,to city, dated January 19th, 1929.' .. ". . ~ ~ . . , ~:-~ :- "'i " . An:6r{linE\IJ;,c,ewl:th;~tp.e following caption was presented and read by the Secret.ary,v::i.z:' . -.., ORDINANCE LEvyING. ASSESMENT AGAINST PROPERTY ABUTTING WAI\:EFQEEST AvENUE., INjTijE CITY OF WEST'DNIVERSrry PLACE IN HARRIS GQV~f~~,~,_',IDjE~$:~:"':FRQriTHE' ;,-:' SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD '1'0 THE SOUTH Ln'1l!: OF'GASQrr'STRI1fET7 P,..lill THE OWNERS lJiJIERE;OF; FIXING A LIEN ON THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS ,OF. PROPERTY . ,- SO".-A:f~UT~IN~;"""~0.j3~CURE THE PhYlEENT OF SAID ASSESSMENT; FIXING THE TIME ANP. TERMS OF PAYMENT THEREOF, PENALTIES FOR DEFAULT, RATE OF INTEREST, AND PROVIDIJ.JG FOR THE ISSUANCE QF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES TO THE CONTRACTOR IvIi\KING SAID IMPROVEMENT, EVIDENCING SiUD OBLIGATION AND LIENS. . .h .,. Upon motion fa Commissioner 'Plumb 8.nd seconded by Mayor Schlesinger ,the foregoing ordinance was passed. :' The following monthly b~lls were presented by the secretary, viz: Davis Emer. Equip. Co. Simon H. Johnson Raymond Pear Ron Gebs BeltingtRepair Co The Cargill Co. Royal Typewriter Co. KrenzlerBros. Neptune Meter,Co Gulf Refining Co. South\vest Bmll Tel. Co. $ 7.05 20.74 25.16 15.V5 6.00 2.50 17.60 6.01 27.67 36.69 $11.95 1.00 &Mach.Co.16.00 7.50 14.05 6.00 96.67 5.01 134.03 389.16 J.E. Rogers Inc. Isadore Odensk-:r Houston Foundary Pruitt Spring Hailey Tire Co . Harill &, Clay !< ~~a tional l'ileter Co ~~omilson~;~lVlills Lmbr Co Consolidated Oil Co Houston Lighting&Power (Continued to Page 48) ~j.. ~ "; " ., ~ .~::...~ . ;..- .: ~~.. . '{.'0,";1..~'$; I L..- r t\:~l'l, C vohti1:l'tJ;eq.:T:t',Orri, :"P~age 47) ]):lOtion was 'mfJ:'de Lby ,OoTI1m~f3sionerpiumb' . and duly seconded: by Mayor Schlesinger that the foree:oing bills b.e approved and ordered paid wh@n proper funas are available. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb ,and Mayor Schlesinger,,' ,. 1ifOS NONE. Estimate #1 for shelling of Wakeforest, Poe and variiousother streets in the City of West University Place, in favor of O. K.Wfullborg, representing the Gibralter Construction Company, was presented by the Secvetary, and upon motion being,made and duly seconded, was declared appr.oved. ,'" ..n.~:: , . .j r I ,: , It ~Ui I' ,,-. '-'" 'i~'- , ; The Sanitary Sewer deposit carF'ied by the City in the National Bank ,of Commerce, representing sewer tap of "Barnes jobtl was brought to the attention of fhe governing body. Motion was made by Commissioner PIUL'1b and duly seconded by Mayor " Schlesinger that money carrie,d ;in this. accoun t be tr.ansferred to the tlGeneral Fund" in the ,.official depository. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plurab and Mayor Schlesinger. -"NOS NONE. }:;" There:heing no further busi:n.ess to come before the board, up6n'lTIO- ticm being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared. adjou,rned. ~.. . /' "') ..." 1"t I ,\ Attest: :('1 .1 i I lJ !/ * J I ! .:1"' ;\' 'I I,' , J '=. ",'~\' l . -. ;" I l,.;~ .~C,. .."'"._,~. ,..,~",., c " 'l .f~~~$ ~ 1.; .l ~~.,.,,,,,-.,;;.,.,,, ,~ ... , I r .1