HomeMy WebLinkAbout092332 CC Min - '::<:;xv ." ..... .The coramissign couvened in regular session on the foregoing date with Honorable MayorH. B ~ SchJ,.e::<inger ',presiding and Cori:rrnis sioner plarnb and Secretary Camp in attendance. Minutes of meetings held on June 24, July 8, 22, August 5, ~eptember 2, "l:l.lld' 16th were read py the $:ecretary, and upon TIlOtion being made' by, Com- missi6n~r piumb and duly. seconded by Mayor Schlesinger, were approved. , . . "".TrlJ'ee .estimates.1'" one on t0pping of University Blv'd. at Edl06; repairs 'to Wakeforest, Rice Boulevard, Georgetown and Lafayette; and repairs to Belmont Avenue were. :Pr,esented and read by t:qe Secretary. Upon motion of Street and Bridge Commissioner F.ib:dmb and seconed of Mayor Schlesinger,. the foregoing. estimates were approved. . /-J' I ' , . 1 ~:. .' - /?::;:-- .:." "-'" ~ < .Th,e Secretary presented a letter from the Hov.ston Lighting & Power Com- pany, over the signature of Ivlr. C. w. McPhail., Gener'al claims and Insur- ance Agent, . thanking City fireman G. W. RobJ.nson f'ortheefforts rendered by him to resuscitate Mr. ,A. J. Shipp, etnpl#ye~, of their company,who was' . accidentally electrocuted on .August 14th. The"Secre1lJ;ary was instructed to ack'Dowledge the fo:r egoirig letter and passon to IVlr~ Robinson. .' _~ - 1:. (-". . .. '\ :'.;~ ..,An Ordinance with the following caption -was presented for approval, viz: -!;- ,,: _.~~~: ;'~:y~"J';'llt ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CANCELATION AND REMISSION OF PENALTY AND .. ,. ,', IN'TEREST ON ALL DELINQ,UENT TAXES DUE CITY OF yiJESTUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PROVIDED SAID TAX};!S TOGETHER WITH COSTS ARE PAID ON OR BEFORE OeT€JB~ 31~ :1932. . Th$re being no further business to cowe before the board, upon motion being made and seconCled, the meeting. was declared adjourned. ~ \ .~ <' , :.... '.' Approved, "t,;'.i;.~ ;t. '-:~_,",yes lJ: 'tJf ~ 1: J I , ~ r , , , '. .~ l. ~ .-,~, ,."illi'~.;. 1~~~I~-~1 - r " -1