HomeMy WebLinkAbout090232 CC Min .1 \ i I. I .. j I t .1 : L____ ~"- I- , i I ; i' i I I I. I J Re~lar Meeting. Friday, ~eptember 2~ 1932. Council Chamber-----...--City Hall. Ci tv of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas. 41 The commission convened on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding ~Dd Commissioner Plurnb and Secretary Camp in attendance. The following resolution was read-by Mayor Schlesinger, viz: WHEREAS, by resolution the Boar4~f COli1ffiissioners of the City of West University Place created THE <" r~RP3ISE the official nev'fspaper of said c~ty as provided by Art. I02 (~- the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, and WFER~\S, said Board of Comma . ners desire to declare THE ENTERPRISE no longer said official newer and elect THE UNIV2RSITY NE~S as such official newsp.s..peT'. . :. 'l'HEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'HE BOj.\l1D OF COMIIIISSIOlJERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, on.th~ the 2nd dfl.;[ of Septembel", 1932, that THE E1:i'TERPIHSE is no longer the official newspapel" of said City, and that from ,and after this date, and until another is elected, THE UNIVERSI'ry NEWS shall constitute said official newspaper, and all all ordinances, notices and other matters of said City required by law to be published in a newspaper shall be published in said THE UNIVERSITY NEWS in accordance with the contract hereto annexed and made a part hereof PASSED AND APPROV~n this the 2nd day of September, 1932. IVlot1;:oP.. w~s made pSt C<>,.rnrnissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Mayor Schiesi~g.er that"'the foregoing resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and No one voting no. May~ Schlesinger. '.. ... . , '.. .... ;~. .. ... ney, in payment of transcript in l' West University Place, was pre- ion, which was acted upon by the' A voucher to R. L. Sonfield, City t case of P. A. Leckrone et al vs., C - , sented by the Secretary for rati follovring vote. . Voting Aye: NOS NONE. .> 'f,J Ii! and Mayor Schlesinger. Commission er Plumb Due to the'fact that articles have been carried in the Enterprise, making reference to Treasurer's report filed with the Comptroller of the State, showing the outstanding bonded and warrant indebtness of the City of West University Place, and tbELt said articles and the st~ttements contained therein were in fact not true and served to mislead citizens and tax payers of this city. Therefore it is deemed to the best interest of the citizens and tax payers that the treasurers report be published in its entir'ely in the official nei,':Ts paper of the City. Voting Aye: NOS N01'-TEe Commissioner Phunb ad IJIayor Schlesinger. ,.. "J.S. ~ ~- Notion was madi~% COlliIilissioner Pluuili that Mayor Schlesinger be author- ized to direc4Y~~e auditor to prepare such financial statement as is necessary m~ ~Dropriate in connection witp proposed annual budget, and th.at such s nent be in such form as will reflect the true financial condition o. . ~!:le city, and shall be fully explanatory and understandable. Said moti~n '~ing seconded by Mayor Schlesinger, and acted upon favorablw (Continued to Page 42.) T~~~. .i ~-_. - 1 1- 4~ (Continued from Page 41.) The mayor was authorized to negotiate with honorable J. D. McCall of Dallas, Texas fo~ legal opinion in connection with budget, the ap- praisal of property for tax pUl"poses and the equaliztion thereof, and the possibility of reducing present assessmentswithont subject- ing the city to litigation as a result thereof, and to go to Dallas for a conference at the expense of the city if it be found necessary. The mayor and Secretary were authorized to make payment of amount due -on estimates of topping Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Westchester and Brompton Road,~~mountingto $3,000.00 to the Gibralter Construction Com}1lny out of the l"e vctH:ul.e bonds now~~~n deposit at the Second National Bank. f",\,()-'~ ~. '~-( "'- .. ~rt'~1 )j I J ~' There being.no further busines tion being made and duly seco ? come before the board, upon mo- the meeting was declared adjourned. ,'.Nf . .!jj ~ ~. oved, / " Ma~ Ettest: ~--' --~-T-=~T I _~r- . ...] - -- ------1-----;------- -----