HomeMy WebLinkAbout080532 CC Min I ' "36 . . Regular Meeting. Friday Au~st 5. 1932. Council Cham er-----City Hall. City of West University Place, Texas. The Commission convened in regular session on the foregoing date, with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Cormnissioners Plmnb and Cockburn and . Secretary Camp in attendance. The question of mailing water department statements to renters was brought to the attention of the governing bOdy.l After-considerable discussion, the Secretary was instructed to mail the ' .statements to t~~ owner only, and in cases where the renter pays the j water, to address the statement to the owner in care of the renter. Letter from Mr. C. T. Banister, C~ Attorney of Corsicana, Texas in reference to our system of ~ r ~. ing bond issue was read, and the .,.. Secretary was instructed to a ~ same, and refer to Mr. J. R. Phillips. A resolution, naming Mayor H.t~ Schlesinger and COIDL~issioners P. R. Plumb and H. C. Cockburn as, "'eMbers of the Board of Equal:tzation for the year of 1932,~Wherea~'n J~ . ....~ \~'~"rA" . Motion was made by Comrllis:toner Cockburn and duly s~conded by Commissioner Plumb that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. An Ordinance setting the date of openihearing as Monday, August 29, 1932, and bearing the following caption, was presented'by the Secretary, viz : : M~ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TIME FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ~QUALIZATION OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR THE YEARl932 AND PROVIDING THAT THE SJ~E TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. - and_~~ly seconded be It,ssed. :iii,! irourn . by Commissioner Motion was made by Co~nissioner Plumb Cockburn that the foregoing Ordinance Voting Aye NOS NmrE. Commissioners Due to the fact that the Board of r. .. ts of the State firementraining school at A & M College requests tha~lFireman G. W. Robinson be relieved of his duties at the City Fire stattJh for four days during the course so that he might be listed as an instructmr, Mayor Schlesinger made motion that he be allowed' this leave with pay. ] Voting Aye: COlnmissioners Plmnb ~cd Cockburn. Nos None. 4"" The Secretary presented a letter signed by W. W. Davis, P. A. Leckrone, and A. D. Foreman, reading as follows: (Continued to Page :37) L~. - , j -,CI~_ cy- J .'r.j I I i I i I ! i I I I i . i 1 t I i r I I I i r i r f i t. I i i I. i I I I i 1 ! t ! l f I i i' I. I i f L ,. ~f : \vOnuJ.llueu rrom rage 0b} 37 Hon. Mayor andCitiY Conncil, West University Place, Texas. Gentlemen: On Friday, the 27th day of July 1932, we, the undersigned citizens, appeared before you and requested the privilege of examing the books, min- utes and records of the City of West Univesity Place with assistance of such expert accountant as might be necessary to acc~mplish this purpose, and at this time, WOU did not give us a definite answer to our request, but suggested that the request be placed in writing and that you would act on same at your next meeting. .' . In accordance with your suggestion, we hereby formally request that we be permitt~~ to make an examination of the books, minutes, records and vouchers of west University Place, this examination to be made beginning forthwith, and we to be permitted to make use of such expert assistants in the way of accountants as may be necessary for the purpose of ascertain- ing the fu~l and true condition of the affairs of the City of West Uni- versity Place. We expect an immediate answer from you not later than Monday, August 1, 1932, and if one is not forthcoming, granting us our rights as citizens and tax payers to make this examination, we shall construe your action as declining to grant us these rights and. shall be governed accordingly. B:L Very truly,yours, W. W. Davis P. .A. Leckrone A. D. Foreman Mayor Schlesinger stated that inview of the fact that a citizens. Auditing Committee had been appointed and that the above request should not be granted at this time. Further, that the petitioners be informed that upon completion of the citizens Committee Audit if cause be shown that a further examination should be made, further consideration of their request would be given at that time. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner .Cockburn that the Mayor's recommendation be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners. Plumb and Cockburn. Nos None. ,# J The Secretary presented an estimate in the amount of $IO.S5 from the Davis Emergency Equipment Company for First Aid supplies for the Fire Departmen~, and the Secretary was instructed to place an order for the foregoing supplies. . There being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declaDed adjourned. Approved, Attest: ~. /7 C~'r City Secreta y Mayor. " "1