HomeMy WebLinkAbout070832 CC Min Rep,:;ul'ar Ivleegng. , ::'" /; Fr;tda:v"":1" JtiJY~_8,.. ~:1.932! Council ~ha~~~----~j~f~~~~l C"itv of Was U-' rsit ~AlfR~ I. 33 ( '\ ) '. J ) I 'The Commission convened in r~l~T session on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and~~ommissioners Plumb and Cockburn and Secretary Camp in attendance!,,> .,..; t~! ~;' Mr. Lee Dawson ~ighting and Power Company appeared before the COQncil i~ e legally issued City Script item #3556 in the amount of $564.00 ~. was issued to the Houston Lighting and Power Company on June 30th, ~~'931. Due to a recheck of the cost of construction for which thi8"jt tem was issued, Mr. Dawson stated that he was pleased to have this item reduced to t~le amount of $386.~1. Motion was made by CowJnissioner PILunb and duly seconded by COIT@issioner Cockburn that the Secretary. be instructed to aclmowledge this reduction in writting, and embody in this letter the whole hearted appreciation of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. Mr. E. C. Fantham and J. D. Langham appeared before the governing body to 'outline their. offer in the dedication of one half of Block 27 of Colonial Terrace Addition to the City to be useci as a park. Motion was made by Street and Bridge COITilllissioner Plumb and du seconded by Commissioner Cockburn that the foregoing gentlemen be instructe to proceed with the dedication papers, and when their plans were efinitely outlineQ, to appear before the co~~ission with all the papers needed in transaction. Voting Aye: COID~issioners NOS NONE. and Cockburn. Bills in the amount of $9 from Y~enzler B~os. filling station was presented by, the Secr'.. y, and upon motion being made and dul'Y' seconded, the secretary ,wa~/instructed to m~ke this payment. \] There being no further business to come before the board, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved, J'~ . Mayo Attest: .~ City Secretary. " i ,-,.. I -, 1 , "