HomeMy WebLinkAbout062732 CC Min .neg;u.LW:' 1Ylee1iJ.n~ Friday. June 17. 1932 ,Co'LUlcil Chamb er---Ci ty Hall , .city of West University Place. Texas The Commission convened' in regular session on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and Commissioner Plumb and Secretary Camp in attendance. 29 "- Mr. E.C.Fantham and 'J.D.Langham appea~ed before the council in refer- ence .to park site in Colonial Terrace Addition, which the .foregoing gentlemen wanted to present to th~ city with t~e understanding that same, shall be used as a park until the year of 1955, and that the city refund to them the taxes already paid on these lots, the same to be spent by them with ?on agreement that the city expend a like amount for the same purpose. ' After some _~iscus~ion, th~ ?ommiss~on deCli~:.~ 'i~~ off~r on the grounds th8.:t the restrictJ.ol1.s on thJ.s partJ.cular tra :.e)(pJ.red J.n 1950, and un- less this date is set out in the dedication ,~ city could not accept the prpposition. ' ,Ct,\" ,~J , ,'oJ j d ~ :~':~'4 A resolution exoneration the city Treasure~~nd his sureties of any and all reppons'ibility in the event of' fai1:'6.re of' the official depos- itory, and declari~g the Second National Bank of Houston ,as the official depository of the~ity, was presented by the Secretary. . , Motion was madeb~ Mayor Schlesinger aha was duly seconded by Cor~liss- ioner Plumb that the foregoing resolution be adopted. ' < Voting Aye: Cornmi~osioner Plumb and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE i : An Ordinance with ,the following caption was presented by the Secretary, viz: " , I 1 ? ORDINANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST PROPERTY ABUTTING WESTCHESTER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF WSET UNIVERSITY PLACE IN HARRIS COUl'iTY, TEXAS, FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF UNlVER';;":.. SITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF BELLAIRE BOULEVARD, ,J,'::. :AD mHE:r:o:eum:~s..R!UHlEREOF; FIXING A, LIEN ~~N THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS OF PROPERTY SO ABUTTING TO SEC E ~HE PAYMENT OF SAID ASSESSMENTS; FIXING THE T ~~ND TERMS OF PAY- MENT THEREDDR, PENALTIES FOR DEF , RATE OF INTEREST, AND PROVIDING FOR THE lSSUANCE OF ~L ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES TO THE CONT~CTOR G'SAID IMPROVEMIDfTS$ EVIDENCING SAID OBLIGATIONS AN'" lENS. , , I i' i ' I Motion was made by Commissioner PIQmb and duly seconded by Mayor Schlesinger that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. j Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE An Ordinance with the follmwing caption was also presented by the Secretary, Viz: T r '1 30 ORDINANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST PROPERTY ABUTTING RUTGERS AVENUE IN THE CITY OF WSET UNIVERSITY PLACE IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF BELLA IRE BOULEVARD,AND THE Ovv1{ERS THEREOF1 FIXING A LIEN ON THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS OF PROPERTY SO ABUTTING, TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SAID ASSESSMENTS; FIXING T}ill TIME AND TERMS OF PAY~ MID{T'THEREOF~ PENALTIES FOR DEFAULT, RATE OF INTEREST, ~ND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICA'rES '1'0 THE CONTRACTOR MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENTS" EVIDENCING SAID OBLIGATIONS AND LIENS. . ~ ,. ~ . Motion was mad~ by Commiss~n~r ~lumb a.n~ duly seconded by Mayor Schlesinger that the foreg~n$ Ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioner P~ and Mayor Schlesinger. < NOS NONE f.i~~' !' ,~~ The following monthiy bills ~ere presented by the Secretary, Viz: Gulf Refining' Co ' Houston Service Patys Co The Enterprise Home Ice Service A.D.Sory & C'o Bering Cortes Isadore Odensky Ernest L Draper Krenzler Bros Beard & stone The Haden Co Echols Bros Raymorid Pearson Bull-Stewart : Dunlay-Armand Co Reads Pharmacy Sakowtiz Bros J.E.Rogers, Inc Wilson sta & prtg Texas Sptg GOop.s F.W.Heitmann Co Consolidated Oil Co ) J , < '!~""" -~~ 59.45 31.66 21.00 5.00 11.95 1.15 5.00 10.00 8.50 9.87 40.60 6.95 33.46 2.93 8.55 2.30 4.50 32.65 7.10 8.96 3.42 '121.21 S J';~' :.;.; .? () ~t, -f k[j: ;~;~ .'jj' r~ Whereupon, motion was made by Mayor Schlesi~~er, and duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb that the foregoing biTIls be approved and ordered paid when funds are available. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Schlesinger and Commissioner Plumb. NOS NONE An Ordinance with the following captiDn~'as presented, Viz: , ~" ", ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE WORK OF lipROVnlG VANDERBILT AVENUE r'~. . . lnifD:ER CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF W:SET WERSITY PLACE AND O.K.WILLBORG DA'rED January 29', 1" ; CORRECTING THE NAJ'JIES OF T:Fi'REE OWNERS AS LISTED IN T~ SESSING ORDINANCE lIERETO- FORE PASSED; ORDERING SPECIAL ASSES~j~TT CERTIFICATES DELIVERED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR PROPERTX OVnJERS0SHARE OF THE COST OF SUCH IIVfPR OVEMENT . " l"~~~ -1 _f ~-'--' '1 -----. .(1 'I i " I ~ ! ~:-:~ I ,\ ) .,~.".,' 31 Whereupon, motion was m~de by Commissioner Plumb and dul~y seconded by Mayor Schlesinger that the foregoing Ordinance be adopt$d. .L. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Mayor Schlesinger. NOS NONE A report from Water Superintendent A.P.Robb on the cost of construc- tion of waterooains across Wakeforest Street was presented, and approved. There being no further business tocoille before the board, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was 'declared adjourned. " ~. --i'~ ~;~~t. .". J~ Attest