HomeMy WebLinkAbout060232 CC Min ) I ) "~'" . i I I I t I .~~ )1 , ,-'--'-- ,..._-----g-", . Thursday, June 2. T932. Council Chamber------City Hall. C~ty of West Uniy~rsitl Place~ Texas. 2'l i The Commission convened in called session on the foregoing date with Mayor Schlesinger presid4!'.gjand Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn and Secretary Camp in attendance. A resolution authoriz~ng the I?'Q.ir'l~~~c?f a tract of land known as the Overtr: tract for the sum of $4,000.00i~ovoe paid in cash, and the remainder in six months and 'authorizing the Mayor and secretary, or in the absence of the maYQr, the Mayor Pro-tem and Secretary, to comple'te negotiations ,and to execute in th~.name of the city, appropriate contracts for the consulma- tion of the purchase. . . ~. Motion was made by Comm~ssioner ~lU ,,~~at the Mayor and Secretary, or the Mayor pro-tzm be author~zed to c~s ,t~s deal. , "l Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb, Cockburn. NOS NONE~ . "~' .1; , ;"" An Ordinance with the following ~ption was presented by the secretary, vizj AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO KiliCUTE AGREEMENT WITH THE CI~Y OF HOUSTON WITH REPERENCE TO THE DISMISSAL OP 'rHE SUrT O,E', '. ..- . CITY OF HOUSrrON VS. CITY OF WE.;3T UNIVEflSI11Y PLACE, IN THE DISTRICT 'O.0uRT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT OF It'UTURE SEWER RENTALS TO THE CITY OF HOUS'l'ON BY THE CITY OF liVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AND DECLARIN G AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Commissioner Cockburn, and was duly seconded by Com- missioner Plurnb that the foregoing Ordinance be passed. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. An Ordinance with the following caption was presented, viz: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TREASURER OF,TH~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO ~k~ TO, THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE SUM OF $1,000.00 CASH AS PARF]; OF THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CASE OF CITY OF HOUSTON VS. CITY OF WEST UI'l'IVERSITj PLACE, INVOLVING SEWAGE; RE1\fTALS DUE THE' CITY OI-i' HOUSTON; , AUTHORIZING rr5EMAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE TWO NOTES COVERING THE BALANCE OF $2,600.00 TO BE PAID TO THE CITTOF HOUSrrON; LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAYIVIENT OF SAID NOTES, AND*'LARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Commissioner Cockburn, missioner Plu~b that the foregoing Ordin J;' ~tiuly seconded by Com- be passed. Voting Aye: NOS NONE. Commissioners Plumb and Coc~~n. t', "'", An estimate from O. K. W~llborg representing the Gibralter Construction Com~:r~ny, . was presented by the Secretary. .,' (Continued to Page 28) r-' , , 1 r' 28 \ li,onlJllJ.Uea. Irom J:'age. 'd't) Upon motton of Commissioner Plumb and seconded by COlnmissioner Cock- burn, the estimate was approved, and ,the Treasurer was ordered to de- 1~,ver to Mr. Willborg at par value, one bond, #11 as part payment of the City's share ,of the topping of Belmont and Vanderbilt streets. The Treasurer was also ordered to pay in cash, the engineer's fee, as per estimate. Superintendent of Water Department, Mr. A. F. Robb, presented a re- port on the cost of construct!.on, various lines .in West Uni versity 1,~,"," Place First Addition, and it WRS accepted as being appropriate and l ~ '~ . J . :::p s~~re tary p:;;e s en ted a j ~er ft>0jJl Mr. R. L. S onf':l. e Id, of' f' er:l.ng' ,~f a settlement basis of suit~~C. L. Anderson vs. City of West Univer- sity Place. . t~ ,;,.".~ The secretary was instruc~~~to order the statement of facts in the case turned over to Water:Ce~issioner Cockburn for further considera- tion. The secretary presented a receipt for bonds #23 and 24 from 3. R. Phillips, ~t '(' par value, to be credited on our account, in the' con- tract of exchanges of refunding bond issue #3, whereupon, Motion was made by Commis sioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Cockb~n that the action of the mayor and secretary in deliverance of these bonds be ratified. Voting Aye: Commissioners, Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. A porposal from I. L. Beabody, ~presenting the Public Works Compa~y for the construction of SanitarY7sewer lines and disposal plant was presented by the Secretary. ~ ;", . , ~i r;J Motion was made by commission~~cockburn, and duly seconded by Com- missioner Plumb that the foreff.o.lf1g proposal be accepted. Kia ~l ' Voting~Aye: CommissionersPlumb~nd Cockburn. ' NOS NONE. ~. There being no further business to'~,pome before the board, upon motion being made' and duly seconded; the 'meeting was declareq. adjoUrned. Approved, Attest: ~.- C:l.ty se~ L 'j r ;- -----: