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. ,lia..LL,ea lVl~eret{~ng.,
Thursda~ iP:r.il\Y 14, 1932.
. cou"t:' ~~ -"'~>--'ti---~;~~ Hall.
C~ty 0 esn~ve~\,v.p , rrAX2!'l_
A special meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall
at 8:30 A. M., April 14th, 1932, pursuant to due notice the:eeof' as
required by law, at which meeting the following were present and
participating: M~yor H. B. Schlesinger, Commissioners Plumb and
Cockburn and City Secretary Camp.
Whereupon, a quorum being pr1)se ,4i(he following business was trans-
acted: Commissioner H. C. Coc ~~n presented for consideration,
. an ordinance e~ti tledt , ~Cl
nOrdinance taking over "b.f street improvement work c~lled
for in the contract of ~e June 17, 1929 between the City
of West University P.la~ T~xas and Charles K. Horton, Inc.,
as well as th at called .for ~n the contract of date October
9, 1929 between the City of West University Place, Texas
and Carl Pleasant, Inc.; determining to . sub-let a portion of
such improvement to others, re-a~ranging the ~its of im-
provement and other deta$ls be reordering the same improved;
selecting the materials 'and methods for "such "improvement;
apportioning the eost thereof; fixing the time and terms of
pajment thereof, rate of interest and penalties for default;
ordering pla~s and specifications prepared by the City Engi-
neer for making sa!d improvements, and repealing all ordi~
nances, resolutions and orders in conflict herewith."
Said ordinance having been duly considered,Commissioner Cockburn
,moved that all rules requiring ordinances to be read more than one
time or at more than one meeting of the City Commission be dis-
pense&with and thst said ordinance be passed and take effect
finally and immediately upon its passage and approval.
Commissioner Plumb seconded said motion.
Whereupon, the Mayor put said motion to a vote and carried 'by the
following vote:
Ayes: Mayor Schlesinger and
Thereupon, the Mayor declar
Cor~sioners Plumb and Cockburn.
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1d~ordinance finally passed.
Nays: NONE.
Thereupon Comm~ssioner (joclfb~n presented for consideration, a
resolution ent~tled: ($k
"Resolution approving plans and specifications of' ~he City
Engineer for improving portions of West Point street and
sundry other streets, avenues, highways and Public places
in the City of West University Place, Texas."
Said resolution being duly considered Co~missioner Plumb moved
the adoption of said resolution. Said motion was seconded by
Commissioner Cockburn; whereupon, the Mayor put said motion to a
vote and it carried by 'the following vote:
(Continued to Page 17)
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Mayor Schlesinger, and Commis$ioners Plumb and Cockburn.
Thereupon the Mayor dec'~ared said resolution adopted.
Thereupon Commissioner Cockburn presented for consideration an ordi-
nance entitled:
"Ordinance ratifying and approving contract dated April 14, 1932,
by and between the City of West ':qniversity Place, in Harris
County,..,Texas, signed by its Mayor and attested by its City .
Secretary, and W. H. Graham, making the same the contract of
said City, for the improvement of portions of West Point street,
and sundry other streets, avenues~;highways and public places
in said City; ,ordering provision to"be..made for the payment of
the Cityts share of the cost, of such improvement; and directing
the City engineer to prepare and furnish to the City Commision,
a written statement showing a description Of the respective
parcels of property abutting said po~ions of said streets, with
the nar,nes of the owners ther'eof, ~"~r as known, with the
estimated cost of such improv~m ~ ~et opposite each respective
parcel of ,property. ft . c/
Said ordinance being,duly consi~er~~ommissioner Plumb moved that
all rules requiring ordinances to~" read more than one time or at
more than one meeting be suspende~~'and that said ordinance be finally
passed at this meeting.
Commissioner Cockburn moved the adoption of said ordinance.
'Wher.eupon, the Mayor put said motion to a vote and it carried ~y the
following vote:
Ayes: Mayor Schlesinger and Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn.
'Nays: NSNE.
Thereupon the Mayor declared said ordinance adopted.
Commissioner Cockburn presented for consideration, a resolution entitled:
llResolution consenting to sub- t'~g of contract dated April
14, 1932, between the City of .~t'Vniversity Place in Harris
County, Texas, and W. H. Gr ;:.rfor making improvements to
portions of West Point str ,~nd 'aun,dry other streets, avenues,
highways and public plac'es '~r,.l! said' Gi ty designated as Units 1 to
44 both inclusive, to FloyCf'E. Houck, of Parkridge, Illinois."
Said resolution being duly considered, Commissioner Plumb moved the
adoption thereof: Commissioner Cockburn seconded said motion.
,Thereupon the Mayor put said motion to a vote, and it carried by the ".
following vote:
(Continued to pagel8)
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(Continued,fro~~fage 17)
Ayes: Mayor Schlesigger and Commissioners PlQmb and Cockburn.
Nays: NONE.
Thereupon the Mayor declared said resolution adopted.
There being no further business to come before the board, upon mo-
tion being made and duly seconded, the meeting ,was ~eelared adjourned.
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