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Friday' March 4th. 1932.
Oouncil Ohamber----City Hall.
City of West University Place, Texas.
The Commission convened in regular session on the foregoing date with
Mayor ,H. B. Schle singer presiding and Oommissioners Plumb and Cockburn
and Secretary Camp in attendance~ '
Commissioner Plumb declared the hearing on special benefits to parcels
of land abutting o~ certain streets in West University Place First Addi-'
tion/to be : topped with a two course bituminous surface, open.
.r" "proposed ,
The followi~.g pers()~s testified that it was' their belief that the proposel
, topping would 'not enhance the val'4e.L~~;:l of their property more than the
cost of'same, and that they did not have the money at this time to ~ay
their ,part of the cost, viz: C. A. Dwyer.,,'W.'R. Campbell, E. E. Hampy,
C. H. Hill, Mrs. I. L. Butterfield and Mr. A. R. Meitzen.
Mr. L. E~ Bro\~ing, a reputable real estate man and a residen~ of West
University Place testified that it was his belief that the prqposed
topping would enhance, the valu.e<.L~ ~~:. of each parcel of land more than
double the cost of construction, and ~ha~~t would make that particular
section of the city a more desirable ' aey,g in which to live and increase
the building 'activities considerab ~.~.
Mr. 'A. A. Brush, for 23 years qu ' '~ed 'as an appraisor, ,testified that,
it was his belief that, the toIfpitn.....would enhance the value' ,1 in of pro-
pertyin tbis section .~ore than eie cost of same, and stated that
through his experiences as appraisor for a loan company he had found,
that pieces of property abutting on streets such as is proposed for
this section, 'a~e very much more valuable, and more de sirable for homes.
Mr. J. E.Cathriner, real estate man and former Bonding Company manager
also te&tified that the improvement as proposed would enhance the value
,1.-'-' ';:,)~n of each parcel of land more than the cost of same.
'There being no one else'present to testify on the enhancement of valua-
tion this topping would cause, upon motion being made and auly seconded
was continued until Monday morning at ~:.OO A. M.
The Secretary presented two bills from the MORIN &MAES Prtg. Company
for the publishing of notices on Lake street project and the one course
topping, in West University Place First Addition.
Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner
Cockburn that the secretary be in structed to secure a publisher'S
affadavit,on the publication of these notices and to pay same.
VO,ting Aye: Commissioners Blumb and Coc ~~l;lf
A copy of letter to Mr. Sam Neathery,'\;;' fering settlement of City of
Houston vs City of West University ~ce case was presented and read
by the mayor.
Motion 'was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner /
Cockburn that the action of the Mayor be ratified,
Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and CO.ckburn.
(Continued to page 8)
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(Continued from Page '7)
City Auditor C. F. Milledge presented a form which he recommended that
Delinquent Tax Collector R~ L. Sonfield use, simpl~fying matters in
his reports of Collect2ons.
Motion was made by Commissioner CockbUrn and duly seconded by Com-
missioner Plumb that Delinquent Tax Collector R. L. Sonfield be
instructed to use this form and also to make a report on collections
each Thursday at the City Hall, and in the event of no collections
during any period, he is to make his report accordingly.
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There being nol't:.~'iI'te 'busiUess to. come bef~re the board, upon motion
made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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