HomeMy WebLinkAbout022632 CC Min "T Fr!d!i~ . Pel,. -'25til--<" 1932 7 : 00 P III GounC~~~~~Wber--~-i-----i----C1t~ ~~. _ !iD;y 0 t TInjvA~R ty Pl flAJ -_, A , ' TheOommission convened on the foregoing date in called session with Mayor H. B. Schlesinger presiding and Oommissioners Plumb and Cockburn and acting Secretary C. F. Milledge in attendance. The meeting was call1ed for the purpose of having hearing on special benefits of the two course bituminous surface topping of various streets in West University Place First Addition. /J \ r j . . i ", '" ~. .\ . On. motion ot:...Oomrnissioner Cockburn, seconded by Commissioner Plumb, the council voted to purchase from O. K. Willborg one chassis and motor, number 6451-E44i, for one dollar and other considerations. Voting Aye: Mayor Schlesinger and Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. ...}, f i-' An Ordinance with ' ,O'wing caption was read by the acting Secretary, viz: AN ORDINAICE .P~Of~DING FOR THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID THE RECORDER @f THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, -THE CITY ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY REPRESENT- ING THE STATE, THE CITY MARSHALL AND OTHER PEACE OFFICERS, PROVIDING FOR A TRIAL FEE; REPEALING ALL' PRIOR ORDINANCES, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING THAT SAME TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. On motion of Commissioner Cockburn, seconded by Commissioner Plumb, the' council unanimously passed this this ordinance and approved same. Voting Aye: Mayor Schlesinger and Commissioners Cockburn and Plumb. NOS NONE. ~{... The following bills were presented to the City Council by the act- ing Secretary: Krenzler Bros.---~--------- ----------$2:5'.99 Auto Parts Co.----------------------- 3.00 H. G. Fields Lmbr. Co.--------------- 4.00 Vacuum Oil 00.----------------------- 9.40 Bull-Stewart Equip. Co.-------------- 33.00 F. W. Heitman Co.-------------------- 5.40 Keystone Prtg. 00.--------------....---- 32.00 Raymond Pearson Co.------------~-~-- 20.13 Sears-Roeb~ck Oo.----------~ ;" ,%L_____ 1.30 Isadore ?den~~------------ ~------ 5.00 Gulf RefJ.nin;g 00.-------- ------- 38.63 Thompson-White L~br.---- -------- 10.40 Allen-GaDtner Ins. Co.----,..::.,.--------- 5.00 T~xas Bl~e print---------~-:-------- .50 J~ E. Rogers, Inc.---------~--------- 35.99 Houston Stamp & Stencil-------------- 1.65 The Haden 00.------------------------120.06 Dunlay-Armand Co.---------------~----135.19 Wilson sta. & Prtg.---------------~-- 12.65 Harris County Imp.------------------- 5.00 Consolidated Oil ,Co.-----------------120.33 (Continued to Page 5) HI I I. \' I .J , --~-_._---~---- -1 ,- iJI I I .':y ., 1 J t~_-z,......___ (Continued from Page 4) 5 On motion made by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by Commissioner Cockburn, the City Secretary was authorized to pay these bills as funds were available for said payment. ,. Voting Aye: Mayor Schlesinger, and Commissioners Cockburn and Plumb. Voting No: None. The council also instructed that the Oity Secretary presents.& ,to the Council each month two statements, one showing the total unpaid 'bills, the other to show the total receipts and the source from which derived and also to show the total expenses, whether paid pr not. Said state- ment of ex~~nses to be classified by departments and class of expense, such as salaries, etc. On motion by Commissioner Oockburn seconded by Mayor Schlesinger, the City P&liceman, Mr. McKeoWn, was authorized to purchase one siren for his car, the cost of said siren not to exceed $7.50. Voting Aye: All. , Voting No: None. ,... .. A bill was presented too the council fOr~p. 0181 covering the purchase of two test lamps and s~ket for $1.00 an ~. feet of lead covered wire for $3.50. Said material tOl{be us, :, '.~"t the Milton Avenue Water Plant, and approved by Mr. A.. P.. obb. '{; i- On motion of Commissioner Oockburn, sec~ded by Commissioner Plumb, this bill was approved for payment. Voting Aye: All. Voting No: None. After the conclusion of the'regular business, the open hearing on special benefits to parcels of land abutting on certain streets in West University Place First AddLtion to be topped, was declared open. This hearing was called to order by Mayor Schlesinger, who stated that same was being held for the purpose of affording the property owners on the streets proposed ,to be topped, an opportmnity to state their position tnereon and for deciding the special benefits that would ac-' &~ from this toppmng. ~..... The following parties testified that it was their belief that the top- ping of these streets wou+d enhance the valuations of their respective parcels Of land more than-,the e'Ost of topping same; viz: Mr. D. W. Swope, Mrs.E. W. Penny, Miss. Catherine Oushman representing her mother Mrs. Erwin Cushman and Mr. lra,~~~. Harris. " ~ .~~ The following persons testified "that they 111" not afford it at this" time, and a few of the ones ligtedbeloVi,~&\.!fied that it was their. belief..that the enhancemen:t.would not bE(;a."y~uch as the cost, viz: E. L. Compere, Mrs. R. A. Smothers, Mrs. ~. D. Marshman, Mr. G. P. Tully, Jack Hynes, Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Pope, A~Smith, Mr. WomaCk, Mr. c. E. Gammill, Mr. Haines, Mrs~ goldston, R. B. Allen, J. A. Waters, A. A. Haltmar, J. S. BIeker, Dr.'Elva Wright]: C. A. Dwyer also representing Mrs. E. D. Wright, A. R. Meitzman, P. . :Minton, W. R. Campbell and, A. Shaver.'" )f.g, 1..J.~~Nl.s . "; ~. . (Continued to Page 6) . :"i.: _ .... '. . L T ' 1'- -- II r I I I I I I I ! i I I ! ~ f tj ~von~~nuea Trom page oJ After some general discussion, t:p.ecouncil continued the hearing on special bene~its to Friday morning March 4th, 1932 at 8:30 A.M. <<c~ Upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Approved, Attest: Act~ '.~ ~ ~ ~. ~"~f _ - t;.)' /If?;' S?> ' ~", > .~. ~ 1/ ~ ~ ": /'\ I ~ I 'J' "i, ",>, ,<' ) , l ! ,~,_/ I 1 r /, 1