HomeMy WebLinkAbout012932 CC Min ',I " , Regula.r Meetinp:.,. Friday Jan. 49th, ,1932. Council Chamber~--~-City,Hall. City of We,st University Place, Texas. ~ 298 The Commission conven.e~in reguiar sessi'on on, the foregoing date with \ . Ronorable Mayor H. B., . lesinger, presiding and Commissioners Plurnb ()"" and Cockburn and Secr ~:y Camp ,fun attendance. ~, , , ", The minutes of meetin Wfld on December 7th, 14th, 21st, 29th and .Tenuary 8th yvere read ..bthe Secretary, and upon motion being, made and duly seconded were' e~lared approved. The Secretary presented a letter from Mrs. B. Lurie' petitioning the honorable body to cause to be, installed on her 'lot 6,\ block 19, of West University Place, First Addition, a sanitary ~ewer ,line with the_ promise tq build six br~ek ven~er houses 0n this lot., lI,~otion was made by ,Commi~sioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commission-.. er Cockburn that.letter be referred to,City Engineer J. H. Rafferty, and that the Secretary advise Mrs. Lurie that the body is in favor of' installing 100~-of line provided that proper assurance is 'made that at least three houses are constructed. . Votipg"-Ay-e.: . COITLmissioners Plumb and Cockburn'. NOS NONE. ;. .~. . -1!';. , The following monthly bills were presented by the Secretary, viz: - '.~ :. 1 Sears, Roebuck Co. ...;.---------'-----..:--------$l2.93 Krenzler Bros.--------------------------- 23.18 Superior Chemical Co.----:..--------------- 12.00 Wilson Stile .& Prtg. Go. "':'-------------':"'--- 3.35 The Had,en Co~-----_.----------------------111.~2 Raymond P~ar~0n Co.-~---------~---------- 20.75 Keystone prtg. Co.~-----.;.----":'----------- 57.10 Gulf Refining Co.---------~--.;.----------- p8.90 Consoiida tedOil Go. ---------...~-.-..,------..:lll.ll J. E. Rogers, Inc.-------.:....----------'7"--- 20.90 Home Ice Service--------~-~-------------- , 5.00 South Texas Imp~ Co.--------------------- 13~80' Rupley Brake Service-----------':"'--------- 2.50' Dunlay ArmandCo.----------------~--~---- 35.43 Isadore Odensky----~-.;.-;..._:'-~'_.------------... 5.00 Houston stamp(& Stencil-#-~~~----------.:.- 4.70 Motion was made by commil-ioner ,Plumb 'and duly seconded bY' C01P.IIlissi6n- er Cockburn i:;ha t' the 1'0 · ingbi.:ils .'be approved and order~q .paid. ( . , ...... . CJ .,~~i~;;<~:. ". -y--..... ';'.;.. ;,,"... Voting Aye: .,Commissione ~lumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. '~ ~ ':~7. J, \~ city Engineer .J. 'H. Raf;feX', :1~was instructed t'o prepare 'an estimate on the 'construction of a shEM over the present concretefloq,I' at the Bryan Water plant, to, be used as store room ~f meters and appliapces., '0"" :- , '" . .,.~~ ; ,. , (pontinued to page' 29~) '"':', , \ ~-----r--~ ~-~ ----,:- ~.' . 1 - 1 , 1 ~ 0\ \) M ~ ~ o Cj ,";;' (Conti~led from Page 299) . r 299 The E:ngineerpres~nted for approval, proposals froJ:l!. F. L. Scott, Harry H. Hedges, Tom Need11.am, and o. K. Willborg.fl6r the two cotJ..Bse bituminous surface to~ping of various stre~ts ih West University Place ,First Ac.dition. The proposal of' F. L. Scott was for 57! cents per s,quare, yard, Earry ~~. Hedges was f0r 60 ',cents per square yard, Tom Needham for 55 cents Fran Square yard and O. I\:.Willborg for 42 cents per square yard. He also presented letter from street and Bridge Commissioner S. A. Starkey of the City of Houston giving his . experience on the stability of two cour~e bituminous topping such as is proposed for this addition, also stating that bids. received by the City of Houston on this type of topping average between 50 and 60 cents per square yard. . i' t, A Resolution with the following cap~on was read 'by Mayor Schlesinger, viz: ~. "~1 ~ RESOLUTION ORD~~ING AND PR ING FOR THE, IMPROVENffiNT OFPORTI~ ONS OF MERCER AVENUE AND Y,OTHER STREETSj HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CIT, , VVEST mHYERSITY PLACE, IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; APPORTIONINctJtrHE COST 'OF SUCH IMPROVEMENT'; PRO- VIDING ')lHE TlEME AND TERMS dF PAn1ENT rrHEREOF: AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED BY, THE CITY ENGINEER FOR MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENT. Motion was made by Cqmmissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Cockhurn, that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. ~. 'i-:~ .-', ), \, .. ~.. '"> .'i-- . .~ '. ~ , City Eugin'eer J. H.Rai'ferty presented plans and~ specifications for the'1:mpro..vementof, the stree,ts named in petition" whereas, The 'fbllqwing resolution WaS read, viz: '~EsoiuTION APPROVING PLANS: AND SPECIFICATIONS FOE IMPROVE~G ~j!ORTIONS OF MERCER AVENUE AND SUNDRY OTHER STREETSj HIGHWAyS, :~AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,,~,TEXAS. " /" o ?.,. Motion was made by Comraissioner Plumb and dUly' seconded by Commissioner' Coc~Qurn that the foregoing resolutio~ ~e adopted. , ,~ Voting Aye: commiss,ii;oners Plumb ,,:~~ockburn. NOS NONE . " ,~ /) ~n~t)&ne~_&.~1~ft~f ~~~~~:S, ~ti( \}~';.f>_ISJt'd~:We~;,r~':cikb_nl~~ >'i"~1)eltliWap'd~Qc 4Jt\:r &,~(' 1::1 t '0iil'gt'ft~:P'~Je~ en.tttl.m:~<the8i{Ut>~d4i~rin " ~~1\tjti~j,~i:Of1i ~. ~Tone tlU~r a.t)w~;,6 , :blt.n 4~Q centU~' ,erdmo}~amrted ~mdt iaai.-<<id~ng '~ !~: 'ti11l0e !f'C;flr one yea!J1r anti. t 1;;~ :t:BJ.egM:aiNprr1A~:1~;ert~r'YheeG~~.bir,u ad. , ' , , , Q.t&oJ$a~dm.QOOj;rabt~h-flhe~Vja~:l-d_*~~~.lthe w?ere~ m~rrgt<M.l411~%.necer~~~pjfttOvfaq~1~~g o~cril1al~C&"~ror~apprOV[1.1, vttiZyo.e.. OR.D.IliA!i.CE A:Ef~..QY..IJSl'G C.QNTRACT B:E!T\VEEN THE- CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ',~ PLACE, tilmsieB~1!'~YMA1:0RAND SECRETARY ON THE 01{E. HAN];),~ AND TH~'~1\ GIBRALTER CONSTRUCTI0N COMPANY, ON THE OTHER HAND, DATEI?JANUARy::~3 29th, 1932, RELATING!!'O' IMPROVIN(} PORTIONS OF MERCER AVENUE AND ',j C'lfji -T:~~~ ,'11 t~:S:' (Continue.d to Page 300) ",," ,~~:. ~;,-,. . -:~~ ',<:' :.- .' (- I' [' "'I 11 ,,"'-"": {...,) ., ", . . ", .' ~l.<n{Q.'~:~~'i!s:l5e tf~l~4.~)~~~ o-oo~til.Edn;)10:0niP~1?QiM'.~~lQb~'. ' < :1 ~lftn$2J,~2J53;;C9;f '~ChL~~2:51Cb1~adl$:-a\nre:L&:'6~~:Qt~~a:U;~ '? ,!'~J ,der qf the ~ty' s s~l3.re. in the lmprov:~ment of ,Lake stree'twas presente<\'" ~ 'j by ,C~tyEngineer J. ,H./Rafferty. The Engi~J!'n;K~sta.teathat. .the ,~y wo:Nthad @ee'il completed in compliance with the pl8.Itsa,no.sp~:i.!~cati.9~~~. ~ Motion was made by Commis'sioner Plumb" and duly se,conded by oo~~a:so~o;'! ' I .lOb."ukJ::b1rn that the estimate be ap,proved and that the work be accepted ' ~ on the .Bec,2~~~~_~2,-~ -2f,_9:i: ty Engineer J.. H. Raf4'erty.' ,~' ~ _ G~~J7:(.Sec::r'et;iLry. r . .,-/ .<'; 11} , Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. t , . NOB'.1:ij1,!,~,~, E,. , f ~t '.'~'4'~.;:~-;:~,,:,~;n::1-,;",1 ,'~' "1' '- ( Con tinUed~rbm Page 299)' ~'''~--~~'~-~~~",",'~''- !~., . - 300 SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, HIGHWAYS. AND PUBLIC PLACES IN SAID CITY; PROVI- ' . DING F~ PAYMENT OF THE CI'Y':{'S SHAHE .oF THE COS'IIOF SUCH IMPROVEMENT BY TH]: '~VY OF A TAX TO PAY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST WEEN DUE;Al\ID DI~ RECTI JIB CITY ENGINEER TO' P~EPARE AND FURNISH TO THE CITY 'COMMIS- , SION TEMENT. SHD~ING DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ABUTTING SAID POR- TIONS ID STREETS, THE NAMES OF THE O~NERS THEHEOF AND AN ~ESTI- lVIATE QFTOTALCOST: OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS IN FRONT OF RAcH RESPEC- TIVE PA ,\ OF~PRO,PERTY'. . 'Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commlssiolh).- er Cockburn t~13.t the foregoing ordinance be approved. ;{- Voting Aye:, C()JJI.rnis~ionersPlllinb -and Cockburn. :NOS NONE. '~ The following resolut presented by the Secretary, viz: RESOLUTION A~PRQVING E EER'S WRITTEN STATEME1~ SHOWING DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY" NAMES' OF ,S AND ESTIlVIATEDCOeST OF, IMPROVING PO~TIONS , OF MERe~ AVENUE AND S ,o:j OTHER STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN ~E CITY OF , WEST ;UNIVE.B.SITY PLACE,~; FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING: ,TO BE " , GIVEN TO, OWNERS AND OTHERS "!NTERESTED; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF .." SUCH HEARING. , :,,!- " - Motion wa;s made by Commissioner Plumb, an~ duly. secoJ:?,ded byCommission-'~ er Cockburn that the foregoing resolution be.adopted. ' . Voting Aye: Comm~ssioners Plumb a~d Cockburn. ,NOS NONE. t. . ~\:.~ .~~. ,There being no further business to come ,before boarrd, upon motion and .<'luly~, secori9-ed" ,the, meetipg' was 'decla.re~, a)~OiQ,;rp.'~~,~. . '..;;, 't ~\ 'V ,\:\ ''E .~ Appr,oved" , , .. .~. ~,:',' 1. . -,,:..:.:'; ~~, ".1 ~ .~: t. [, ..... .. _ L.I ~ I ''''''''\\ ~ , ~ ~~ ~ " . ;, "'\: . 'I ':I~'i"" ., . ~ , ~.; , <