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Regular Me~~i~g. ,
Frida~ Jan. n, 1932.
Council 0 ~moer--------G~~y tlaii.
Cit~ of West University P1ACA! ~AXA~&
The co~nission convened in "regular session on the' foregoing date with
Honorable H. B. Schlesinger ,Mayor, pre'Siding with Commissioners Plumb n
and Cockburn and Secretary Camp in attendance.
The Secretary presenid the ;eekiy payroll sheets of the Water,Depart-
ment, and after due,,p:a>nsideration, were declared approved.
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]3111 from A. C. Fri ,..;'~ in the amormt of $26.'75, for tran,scribing' "
agreement of cormsel ,~c in J. H.Kirby, et al vs City of West Univer-
sity Place annexatio ~~~it. Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb
~~~d~UlY seconded by , olnis~,;~oner. Cockburn that the forego~ng bill be:,
The Secretary presented the 'Gor.poration Court report for the period
ending January 14th, 1932, and:U:pon motion being made and duly seconded,
was declared approved.
A petition from resident tax payers in the vicinity of Rice Boulevard
and Mercer street, asking for the improvement of that section of Mercer
street between Amherst Street and Rice Boulevard.. After dueconsidera-'
tion, the Secretary was instructed to ad~i,se' -'the petft'ioners their wish
w11l be ,granted as soon as funds. are available for this. purpose.
Due the fact that the one course"bitumin,ousisurl'ace paving of ~lfercer
and :sUndry other streets in West University PI~ce ~irst Addition did
not meet with the popular demand of the prope~ty owners abutting on .
said streets, . Motion was made by Commission~rs Plumb and duly secend-
,ed by Commissioner Cockburn that the contract with the Gibralter Con-
'struction Company be ~ncelled.
i ".
Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cdckburn.
City Engineer .J. H. Rafferty was instructed to secure proposals' 'for a
two courSe bituminous surface topping o.f streets in West University
, Plage First Addition named in petition~
An informal report was made by Gi~ Engineer J. H. Rafferty' on the
condi tion o.f the Bryan water wall ~ and he said. tha t the sandy condition
is being improved steadily and t ~~he expected to have it corrected'
wi thin fa ,week. , d
,A bi1.1.from Oity Attorney R. L.e . . '-eld in the amount of $300.00 for
i,legal services rendered city' in t ':sase of Hohp. Henry Kirby €l't, al vs
qity of, West Univer.si~y Place. '"I .
Motion was made by Commissioners CQ,ckburn and duly seconded by Oom- 0,
missioner Plumb' that bill Q.e paid with the under s tanaing that this would
cover fee in case however higl\1 it has to be taken.
(. Gontinue.d' to Page 297)
( Cont~ued from Page 296)
Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb a.ndCockb.urn.
Bill f,'rom Southern Engine and Pu.mp Company in the amount of $165.82,
balance due on machinery ,and labor at the new ,Bryan Water Well was
presented by the Secretary, and, after due consideration, was instruct-
ed to pay same.'
'There being no further bu~iness, upon motion being made and duly
seconded, the IDeeting was declared adjourned.
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