HomeMy WebLinkAbout010832 CC Min 294 Reguw.ar Meeting. ?riday, Jan. 8, 1932. Council Ohamber--City Hall. City of West University Pla~e, Texas. ( , ~~~ ~ The Commission co~vened in regular session on the foregoing date, with ~~ Mayor Schlesin:~residing and Commissioner Plumb and Cockburn and~ , ) Secretary ,Camp ~ttendance. ' ~ ' ~~ " , The Secretary Be~~'~inutes of meetings held on November 17th ~nd 25th and upon motion nWd:~ by Commissioner Cockburn and duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb,~he minutes were declared approved. The following bills were presented for payment by the Secr~tary, viz. ~,., Consolidated Oil Co. GUlf Refining Co. Beard & stone Elec. Co. Neptune Meter Co., Wilson,Sta. & prtgSCo. Jack, Roach ~,;.. ~t:" V.H. Cain Supply Go,::,., ,American LaFr'atlc&' Gct,~ "" J. E. Rogerslnc. - ~ The Haden C.P. ' Isadore Odensky Dunlay-Armand Co. Raymond Pearson ,Co. KI'enzler Bros. Texas/Sptg. (lo0ds 90. Texas'Blue Print Co. Housto:p. Stamp & Stencil Graybar' E].ec.Co. The~Seag~a~e. Cbrp. Stra,us-Boden..1<:1eimer 'Co. .." . ." . ~ .", . . r. . E. L. 'SteckQo. F. W. Hei,tman Go. Lloyd;Metal Co) " j $67.99 29.0'7 1~65 291.57 '7.95 ~~'60 1.02, 105.00'! 17.11 1~;?13 2.0.60 8'7.66, 1.00 i 7,0 1;38 , >,J,.,.f}p , .65 ~,',i~~;ig?" , 36-~'p4 "iO~!'r5 14'i.38 , 8;.;OQ r2.g.1~~, , . o . \"."'> i.~ ',' ,~~ , ~ '. Motioh .' was made' by Comrn1.iSsd.or:l;er Cockburn" and, G.uly seco~ded P!J7 Qomw-is- "si()ner'lel)QburnCtJti'1,'~"Ii!ll:lJQ9g6l~~ ,'4 (l1 ,~.!..l w.":..', ,::nJ.w:lb that'tne',1fore- going billa be l;}~idwi th~tJ.,e' exception of billf,'rom trept1.ln,e IvI~,t~r ~Gf). , .~, tandt;1:1s.tsaid 'bill be -entered upq:h' a~coun'ts 'ps.yable ,in, ,the';p,0Q,ksi (;}t ~C~QM'~., ., "', . . "- .' ". . . .' . . . , . . '. . ~,' , ..". 'c,;rfhe Secretary presented for ratifi~at-io~ anestim.t}:t<e' fr9I!i;:;Jf ,~l~Raff'erty, ,~,<<j'i tF Engineer,' in theam~unt'of $63.00: for . serv;ices rend~r~a,C:i,.i;iw~ gnd ,<upon motion made and duly see,onded, the payment of said esti:m.9.p'~( VV'a.s de- "~~T?-rced ratified. " "",ij;hepa,rnent iu,e4t',Shof 'st,atementSf,:r:onl' Lloyl!l Me,talGompani,;in:'tJ,ile'amount ,;::of" $'65.)V~, and,Parker :Brdt;h,~rs i~ the amoui:it of,$6't. 79,Wf1~;~1?-,::.h~4 ' .". ",1 ~=-. :'l1:r>~vi:QtislY'ge~n .or:dered p~!;i~d'b:yseri,p, was offered forratiri~'iii,ti9J;1;: U 'Qf' ~theCQmmi'ssion, and upo!i m,otion bemg made aiJ.d'duly secona~d, this '-~"'~;&,~ti'Orldf:::Jj'[a.yor aridi Secretaryw~~declar.ed ra,tif1ed.' '. ' TGontl:otled tq Page 295) ," .' ~; r ~. " 1 .\ ." ,,~'7 . .'~ ~ .. , '.1 ".: .- ~I ~ I r ~, :J\ \) 'fj ~ n". ~' (J I I 0' .J' o ( Continued from Page 295) 295 ~he open hearing on special benefits to property abutting on certain streets in West University Place 1st Addition was declared open, and there being no one present to testify, the hearing was declared continued to Fr~day January 22nd, 1932 at 9 :00 A. M. ~here being no fu~~her business to come before the Commission, upon mo- tion being mad~ and duly seconded, the meet1ng was declared adjourned. Approved, , . Attest: ~~. ... ( )..' . ~ Ii J' "~1 . , ,{ " ~.: 1 rJ ~ ,.1