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HomeMy WebLinkAbout102731S CC Min - 280 "Special Meeting. Tue sda v. <Jet. f:,l( I 11175 1, R. 00 'P _ M Council Chamber------________nity HAll! CitvGof West TTnivAT'Hit.y P1Ap.A3 TA~J:j~ The commission convened in called session on the foregoing date with (,: ' the Honorable Mayor H. B. Schlesinger presiding and Commissioners ' Plumb and Cockburn and Secretary Camp in attendance. The fire and tornado in surance on the City Hall building having ex- pired, the,Seeretary was instructed to reduce the fire insurance to $5,000.00 and renew same immediately. ~:"Jf:Bills from U. R. Bronk in the amounts of $45.00 and$15.QO respective- ly were presented by .J~he Secretary, and upon motion being made by Cemmissioner Cockhurn~an.~ duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb the Secretaryw,as in strae~~~., to pa'Y-i', sfame. 'J;'he. following bills,wer~~,q,ffrJed by the Secretary f'or approval, and payment, viz: -','... .~ Kier-Ni~kles Garage 'Texas Sporting Goods Magnolia Paper Co. Lloyd Metal Co. Houston stamp Co. W. C. Munn CQ. S..W.Water Works Journal Allen-Gar~ner Co. Rupley Brake Service "jBtiekleyB:ro s. W~stinghouse, E1:ec.. Co. Davis Emer. Equipment Co. F.. W. Heitmann Co. A. S,te1.zig IIIosehart & Keller Au to Co. Isadore 'Odensky 'The Haden- C () . .rEtInas Blite Co. " -,..Harris- county Imp. Co. $_traus-.Bodenheimer Co. j!i . ":B:eringCortes Hdwe. Co. Home :tceService J. E~ Rogers, I:r;ic. '"- .,'F.. :W\~, _Ga~.tner 00. .Br.owning;..Ferris Co. ~RaYmond Pearson Co. Dunlay-Armand Co. Krenz,l~r Bros. ,$er. Sta. ~:qn$alJ.dated ,Oil 0-0. ...~,$i~ ,. .- ~eftningCo. ' ': .~.,:;,.. . -. ?-- J\ -" r;.J " t ,!.~ ,t Q $66.00 1.50 5.00 28l;Ji3 5.30 8.50 3.00 5.99 3.50 5.4:5 ~.64 54.QO 8,3..52 1.15 .3.38 5.'75 ,55. '76 3.75 2l,. 9 ~ 4 01;; .~~ ." 4., ' . 5.~., 16.;i~ " :M);~'~~9 ,,- .6.50 19.82 81.41 25.28 89.05 23.48 " \ Ci "- .. .. ," . .,~.> ~. . . . .,'"-t.', . ~ c. . ,. '-.. ~, . ,", t: . 'i;.. '.i~; ~ A 'Q ~:, .~~.~:::.- ,.:i ....r _ /'.~ ~-?: ,\'i:~ "..-.:0: .. .I .'/.: ~'~~h~.~\~:; L) ,Also Bill from Neptune'Meter C<h amo~t' of $305~53 was offered by ;;~,S:e'C:'ret~-y and he was instructed to. ent:er llp6tithe aCCoUll,tspaya-bj,;e in :"'~W:'~ter' Ledger. ' -":" I j I \. ~~ . >" . - . ';~.::";'- . tion W8:S lumb th~t . . , ", , m~:de by Cominission~:r. Coc~9urn~nd,dtllY, fore.go tng b illsli?l1:Pi1i1i~ u?;on Page' 28l . '. . .',.,. ยท " '.'Qontl.n1, 281 , , second~dLbY Commiss ioner , .~. .' ~ . ,...~ ^ -'. .~. "'1"'''' , -'''", II . '->;<.~. ~ .f':':' .' ,~ I~ ' , --- 1- "I ",)",111.11,11 :a:J :::.. Q -fJ ~ (Continuation of. Page 280) ',Voting Aye: Cow.missioners;:lPlumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. 281 ~ ( A bill from the Southern Engine & Pump Company in the amount of $338.00 for the Centrifugal pump in New Bryan Water Well was present- ed by the Secretary. After due consideration was given, motion was made by Commissioner CockbUI'n and duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb that bill be paid. .Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS' NONE. The Secretary presented the treasurers report for t'~le months of August and September 1931, and a average monthly report for the months of June, July, August and Se,ptember. .is! /.3. ,:",. , "1' seconded by Com- proved. ~, Motion was made by Comnissioner missioner Cockburn that reports Voting Aye: Commiss~oners Plumb and Coc NOS NONE , ^,..'F''i'~ I' .)<~ ~ ,"f " J/ , ~v"""Q ,,~~ .'..0 r;r:n~ 0.'C~. ;Wgp'to.:rteid,01;fipan~~f6~C'.the' i-n.'sf8i11at'J.;<lm7o:!i'. Sanitary Sewer line in College View 3rq.Addition and Bissonett Addition to the Ricker Construction Company, was presented by City Engineer J. H. Raf'ferty. ( Motion was made by Cownissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Cormnissioner Cockburn that resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb and Cockburn. NOS NONE. An estimate in the amount of $1,250.00 in favor of the Ricker Con- struction Company was presented, and upon motion made and duly second- ed, the estimate was approved. ,The City Secretary was instructed to notify Mr. J. M. Swain that the City Commission has given further consideration to his present position at Sanitary Sewer Lift on Hawthorne Street, and has decided to discon- tinue his position after October 31st, as he was previously notified. ~here being no further business to come before the commission, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned~ c Attest: r.r:==..._....__..~~ .- .-....I-.-~'-'f'~"'--~- -