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Special MeetlinPi... ,
T~ursdav Oct. 8., 1931~ ffi:OOP.M.
Council Chamber-~----Cixy Hall.
City of"West University Place. Texas.
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The commissio~ 8\nvened in called session with the Honorable H. B.
Schlesinger, 'MaY'~r, pre siding wi th Commissioners Plumb and C'ockburn
and Secretary Ca~ in attendance.
City E~gineersJ. H. Rafferty presented ten applications for building
permits, houses to be constructed in Bissonett Addition by and f'or S. M.
Strickland and petitioned the honorable body, to order a sanitary sewer
line to be installed tq, accomodate the houses und~r construction. He
also agreed that should the council see fit to install this lih~ he ,would
cause to be installed, gas'mains through this respectivedist~ict. Due
,'to the fact that the installation of' this sewer line woul'd aiso accom-
odate residents in College View 3rd. Addition both in gas andsaJ1~~ary
sewerage, the City Engineer was ,instructed to have the work don~:'
Mr'. U. R. Brpnk appeaft.ed,,,before the council for the purpo~:,e of ,offering
" a bid 'f'or the install&~':f~Q. of, cut, off swmtch' in' the BrYdn,W$:ter ,vy:ell" .
and after due considerati~E., motion was made by Corrnniss'iolter FlttiTIb 'and
",duly seconded by COminiss'~,q:t'i~r Cockburn i:;hat he be 9redereafi:;o pr()ceed.
with the work.' >>\ ", ' . ",,",-' .:~,"
The fact that interest on b6~ds come due on.October loth was brought
to the attentionQf the Corrnnis'sion, and the Mayor and Secre-tary were
instructed to make necessary negotiations for the payment of same. .
The final! estimate of $1281.44 and reso,lution accepting the work of'
topping of various street's in Rige Cou:~t Addition was, presen~~d ~qd
upon motion by Commissioner Plumb and' be;tp.g seconded by' Comrnis.siener
Coekburn~. the estimate andresoluti(m':w~s pa.ssed..
Du~ to the increasing building program now 'in being in bur city and
jJie e~er increasing deman,d for a s.roii tary sewer disposal plant,. Ci ty
,~g~neer J. H. Raff'er~y was instructed to take necessary step~ in
:$eeuring a location and preparing plams and specifications for said
disposal plant. '
'--- '
City ~gineer.J. H. Raff~r.ty reported that the West University Place,
Baptist Church was planning a new building and petitioned the ,qom-
mission'to open and shell the section ofPoe Stree~that the Church
. will front on.
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,~ii~e, heing' no' further bus'ipe~,~ to corne before the' coffirnission,the
"nt'e:eit:illg was declare~djourrle<f~', , ' ,
by ,Cornmissi:oner Cockburn and be:i,ng seconde(i by'Com-
the City ,~ng=\i1eer was il!-structed tc> p;roC'f?€ld witp. this
c0nstruct1on of' church 1S staTted and well under way.,
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" Upon motion made
miss i.oner Plumb,
~ork when actual
Approved, (--/ ;
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