HomeMy WebLinkAbout072931S CC Min Speq~$.l ~~RO ;&~A b~tJGV ~~. '7f";r f'~ .. f ,~, ,\ U t.f.../-l. \') t{~ :..J \..... f~~ '!>{":l' , \. ~ ',;: \ . \(~, ' ~:"-':~ .~ y ~' _'JI1:f"H'<t"~ .,rd' , ';-rr '~1.f'\}'*r,",I '" j ],4<< ''''''S''' F ,{"-'J,., ~'"', '''''''-'''<:0 ' , ". ," '~;d.~ ~~~, '~,OVE). . ;';.,c;jJJfi ' ~J~'""Ba:pd " >. ~~i:eA>~>i.i-i"'f~~;tf0,,~e~~H~A':~~;(-$j'0i:k~i~~,'; trl:1U;; " ';. . <' "" ;;;,' ~:f" ,", t' ';';:1'1\&;'" ,~<"'i'J'i'-:'t.;'rt .~' ,~.",4"":" \ ,., ':i\" t'i,".,.-;':",:';' ;....:..~".,."iJ;r'~: .rl".'l"l . , - -a ~,...~-. "q~~~~~ <i!.~--4.,t'\~.1rfJfL.,>C;J... "~y:q<J."~;p..n,:'-,"'<I,..JA.v.'" ,J.~.?".., a ., 01~ ,,~amta't ,'. ',', ca~+ ,.:,9 ere,a,e }leGf''1c'es'oJ.'.~s~~&taIf ""Y s~,~ret~r, Assis,tffi~Bi~-o~ili..~Atl!&f~Gi.!:~ir:11~~,~L' '~f{ '~er and As.sistant City ~ax 'CGilec:tor ~ and '(;hatial , ':'i:1;';;'jfg f!jff'ie,esshal,l.be held at on~ time l:>Y ene andt " per, and :1' thlI1!!t ' ',nt !ta;~'i,.srfH~prRh" ~jP~:Ai~~8~~'~~ ,~j 'a1'{ta!~f.r1cr8tfe x0rf3go-a:ll,S.. . e, , ana g'.I.v'.L.1~g'T osL":P""amp '&,p.e ;"",' r~ ~J~ ~G'& c;');etietl.~~f.. G:~tY8~eJJetary, City Tax Assess'or $ 'a~y '-Tr~as . ,If' ~'nd ~flm.JB~~l'D~O~wtm'Hi ~ ~~~~e~~&1rtfa~!~~q~!8rH~m :::~~~';~~~ ,. t Ci,I3€l"J.e.a~i pL.r.OfIUOD en... 10 ao1:d'tfs";,Ji3 $ .' t;J Wher~H-PBi1!11&9~a f't'.r.d-BWB-P.ti 8h!B!1ta1l&lm 1:f~fM!ff~5~~ngB.ltu bl.s~hlto stant ~~r~'C:f8"iB\tO:.t ed.:t riO bewo!l.s ect ~a d'.erl::t tt"!:!d'}Ioo~) 'T.sao.taa. "to 'j~ 0 :.1'('( p 't~... 'v~f ..h.1'Il't .f o1~." -; 1 ;t a' ~ , . 1. . i'lei:)(.f (;) , .. " . ,', , ' " '. IATE:J:,Y ANtt REPDL AL, .,."O}}t~RW}~l1G~~'e.Ql1!tgHW:~%~~~f:~~ll,fR'TfLld,T WITH THIS ORb '. . ,E. ''iil/fOF pr;rj i:;r t:'~..\<, '>_' 'J~. "I.A'-...+ '. , aJ$~!qL. ~;P~iANgJf~tGF't ~RE ~lITy;J;2~p.:rJ~Fc' 'E"f~R~ ~ !1riTMeu4~~SE8S0R ()1'~'1'11.1!i mT'f'~o ':tm;;u U" 'E l"~~,,-lt;r~, PPOIlIT- MEJT.,DEFI~ING HIS DUTI1!:S, FIXING HIS ' olt, J.'AiID$. 'ROVID- J IlfG:T,HAT THIS ORDINANCE Sij:ALL TAKE EFFECT I~IMEDIATELY AND ItEP:EAL .A~~ ::PRlo:a ORDINANCES$ OR fARTS THEREOF $ IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ~;RDINMlCE. he ':-to<IqqA i 1 I CREA'J:J:IlG THE OFFICE OF ASSj: ANT CITY TREASUR~ ~]:'V15f{:SITY]?~CE$ P'RQY.GFO:R :S:J:i3 ~J?J?OIlf~ ) ztoN~Ii'$t(lEt"'<i' . '..',' ".., ','.~:?'< '" ".+~,R ,',",',' "P~(IE:j'" . ",{iRj:~i'., ,.Il~j:~8{ J:ilI~I:N~!Jr,[p' ..(i(~~+~~~,a~SHALL 'TA~EF~~T , ,~~ttJDI1{B(!JE$ OR PARTS T~EQK~) \~l't~ c~ 'H'." H THIS OR)) . . . ~".."......_ ~>.~___~.,.r......_"..."""'_""",,,,_~=,~~~ ,..""...."""...,...w -_ -...._~........ ' AN QRPINANCE PROVIDING THAT ~~E':{5i"18~ of;ji~stSTA~T CITY TREA8uRER$' : ASSISTAl'T CITY SECRETARY, AS~t~~AN.T CITY TAX COLLECTO:S AND A381S':' TANT C!TY TAX ASSESSOR, OR A~Y;:'TWO OR MORE OF' SAID .0~CES$'M:AY BE HELD BY ONE AND THE SAME PERs:qlT:; PROVIDING FOR .TH ~UISITE HOND WHEN SAID OFFICES ARE SO HELpj::REPEALING ALL PRI P,RDINANCES,. OR PARTS THEREOF, IN CONFLICT HER;Jj:WITH; AND PROVID 'HAT THIS ORDINANCE ,.TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. .. .,,' J Motion made by Commissioner Plum~ and duly second~d 01' Commissioner Coekburn that the f'oregoing ordinances be adopted. ~4 - srlll II I Ii i.-~ 'u "'""'" "~'f~c"'" ~~,.',L ~ f . I \g^V rl! V ..~"\$lj:h.~;:>'.:':'~"" . . , J; t, t/-. , y ;.--:( '-~; . I'.", :-;: ,1...~ ; ..~ ;: v{ "'. '.f ", Voting Aye: commiSsi?~;er~ '~lirino'''Snd COCkJ?.qr~~" ' NOS NONE , j- Motion~"wade by COrmnis~ipne;r" Cockburn aIld duly, sec~ndedby COiIlplis'sioner, Plumb tha~' r'esoiution pre'sen.tf}d bjT Mayor. " . Schlesinger appointing Thos. P. Camp to the ,o;f'f.iees of Assiirtant city Secreta~, Assistant City Tax Assessor', Assistant City , T1;'eas~er , an~Assistant. City Tax Collector be, adopted. . . ,'V9tirig, Aie:~'~~ssioners 'Plumb ~d coek~urn. " ' . NO ONE VOTI~ ',.:NO . . '.' . cOPies"'o,f' t~':tl,l proceedings orifile Witli'~he A~sistant Secretary,,!" ~:., " " '." .<.;;1'.., The'qnes'tionof pre'~paym'ent~. of taXe's discotint wiis' broug~t to: the attention of the council, Whereas, .' . . Moi~on' 'was made bY:: Comin'issloner . PlUmb and 'duly sec'onded ,by:,. " Conmiissioner Cockburn that 5% be, allowed on the total' of" taxes if"paid befo;r:oe the first day of September, and a discount of '5% b~ al1t>Yiedon the total of taXes if paid beftJn.e the first day of oct'ober$ 'provided t12at not more than $25,000.00 has been 'paid in the period. from September '1st and September 30th. ,~ Voting Aye: Commiss1oners'Coekburn and plumb. NOS NONE. < OJ ? '7 '\. (!. ) '\ . .~ . -. . . There be~ng ilo'fur~her' bus'ine~s, on m6tion, , the meeting was . de,clareq. , &dj ourn~d~ '. ' ' ' !l $ .j- i: ~f Approved Attest ". 'f , . ;- .. , K t'" A " ., IT