HomeMy WebLinkAbout061231 CC Min . f" .' "'I ~ I ~~'-'-"----c!~ ~..".._ . . - 254 I " 'City of. West llnhersil~ !~a8. ~&~1n'i~~ ghAmhAt"i >1 ~ ", J} ~" ,,1; ~une.:... J;" " . . ~e~ar jee~fJ" Me~ting called to order by the Mayor at 8 A. M. June 12th in regu- lar sess10nwith a full attendance, the Maysr, both CemmissiQ~~~~j'. Q and the Clerk" . " 1Vi1.:nutes of. previous meeting May 29th, re~d, (no meeting held ~n June 5th) . . ' Motion__ by Commissioner Plumb, dUly seconded by Commiss1oner'"Coek... b~n that the minutes of May 29th, be approved as read. i A11 voting Aye. Nos None. ' . , '1l!re&su.rer submitted his repots'tl!JhQwing that since :las.tr.epQrt '&'ppro;v- eo. by the Counc1:t1that he had Leoll~ct:ed and di-sm,-ibuted .d,el;inqUGXtt taxes as. follO\v$~Collecit1on $9M7.S2~ofwh1.eh$~9QO.OO had been placed in the,' . '., ng tund. . and , t548G.~ ClO. in' the General" ~'c:L~Jt~1ng a balance1n th tJtx 6011ector!s accoim~ of $ll'~92. , " - : ' ~ . )- / .:. . . -, - 'f, Motion 'lll'ade byssioner Plumb, dulysecondeG. by Commj,,$..:$~Qner.Cock... burn that the If, .er'.sr~port as above set f'or.th be a-p~r(Pl~~and 'that .h"is' d1strib n. of, the funds indi'eatedin tp,.e rep.o~;~~_e,,~:t:s,o , ~atj'.-r1ed. . ,.",i.->'(U" Vcrting rA-ye: Oommis sioners Coekb~n' & Plum'Q,.;.' No o~~ 'voting NO., ~ ' '~...... .-'\.',: .:--, MO,!),t1;1J,.y'report for Mayl~31 of the accounts' and bills payabl@"we;re ....iiit6,nfttied . all~,~e.a~j. sh()wiliB . total due .Of. $2~54.9~_of ,w~~e~I;5*&.:tp ;e"p:q;s't1tuteb1Ils f,or the' month otMa)' 1.93:1., ,', '.," ,. .;: '\'.:;;:, ',", .0tio;n m~de by Coinin1ss~t}ner Coekb'mn,l~111y .se.condedb7 ~eG@IJ,.~Ij$::O)ler , Plumb ~' that' the bills a,s, rS.ad for the ,month of May 'be appif0"'<fd"ai!fd '~J:'depedpa.i4 and that the repQrtbe a~e'6pte.d ,andf'iled. . , - V~'tUtg"~e: Gommissioners. Pl~b&Coekb'i1rn. \"-"':" '~i', )fOS NOWr:" .." '., "~' ',:..',' ',,' , ' . '. "'.. o -:\.' ,. . ~ .' _? ,;:~,;:"~:""\-<-~1-U' ~". 'Jfhe:ee.tlr~ rep6~t f or :.,t-i~'e' :week eiid1ng, June 6thw8.$a~bmitpf5,d,i"'eQ." <~ead . Showing a p:t-ofl1; for tJri.ev"e~e:k.of $'25iOe..' . ,:,':<" " <.~-' ;' , . , , . ,. . . ' -.. ~.. " ~ :. ~. ,~. ,..>- ..", .;,. MQti~n made. by ~~1ss1one~ Plumb,. duly seconded by Comm~sal~n~~~ qo.ckburn" that th~ Court report be, approved and filed. 'Yo:t~S- ~t~: Both., Comnriiir~:io:h~rs 6' ",' "' ..>,~t ,'.;' :~;?s: ~ONE.' , . " . ',"",' :'iiJi-'~'l~ )41. M~:tcal;(~l1.n:pe~i'f;ioned.' e~$e11 for., an ,&i~~8ur$:~e_~:;:~~i;~~$',: ,-- , 'l~~B'.~~:'+9~,~ ,d~ll!it!~<<;,J1tta.~'s ~en', J:3,:iee~s . ~ ,~~" B'. .:9'f{tlllb'er:tit})~~j:~""'~~li}n., ':, ~ue,,1;o;error filS 'ela1m'e.d~byhi~ 1n"clf1mjll,~iGnsof:'pr~1j))Bl'+tl~~:[~:,'~y?-'f .. . . , :: ' - - . ~ .,. o th~ '.-'.{.' '-- . .' - v~ ,," ~_ -.';' .. ~t~~1on~d 't~~,e'Ounc11 fo:r ex-tensiQn of, time, ~t;t~" tl1.~cor.. '1,."'.-;' " . -.-.b .".., . -.., ~ -,~ ~~~_.. ,- -~ ~-:r-' ~ ~ \) 'fj ~ ':'t lID, ( (; _..J , (Continued ~nom Page.254) 255 x:eetion of the sewer de.f'~,c,t wh1ch>cwas granted.X~~...~ /;::1>.7.3) ~s~ wl':UiM time he, expected to. be absel1~7;a..l1d on from the City" ~lJ:r. Foster was granted the e:Ktens1on requested with the under. standing that he would remove the nuisance just as soon as pos... sible in accordance with his explanation. Commissioner PlUmb reported an unsanitary'condition existtL~g or reported to him by realde~ n&arthe proper~y of or between the property of Mr. H.. L.. Walli.."lg on Be llaire Boulevard alld the. t of Mr. Jaa tTolU'neay Jr in the rear and facing Cason Street. It appearing that there was some overflow or disa.greeable odor tvom an -Qpen to 11$ t.. . '" / Motion made by Commissioner C -duly seconded by Comrnission.- .-".- - - __0" ar P1.Ul'l1b that the Clark be 1 ",'l.1cted to' a.ddress a letter to Dr " Aa C. -Chandler, 01.U" Sanitary; '~' Uicer requesting that he malle an inspection o:f these premia / ,Clld report back to the council. Voting. Aye: Commissioners ':"ulnb & -Cockburn. NOS NONE.' Commissioner Plumb reported that a bad condi~tion existed on Mer- .eer street betweenUnlvel"si ty Boulev.e.rd and Amherst and that he would, reeomme.ndJlli the appllc!':t,tion of a fee loads of shell which would oVercome the inconvenience in passing upon this street. ~ Motion made by Commiss'ioner Plumb. duly seconded by Co~~is- 3ioner Cockburn that the street & Bridge Commissioner and the City EngL~eer be authorized to work it out an~ act accordingly. Voting Aye: Commissioner Cockburn &: Plumb. NOS NONEi Water Commissioner Cockburn made motion that a water well be drilled adequate to meet present demands ~on the water wOl"ks system as soon &t:practieable. rn.irthermore Iij-re- that the matter be r$terred to the City Engineer for plans and specifications and the securing ,of bids, all to be pa1dont of water works Bonds. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb & Cockburn. NOS NONE. There being no further business bef'ore the meeting, the same was by motion. duly seconded declared by the Mayor adjourned. Voting AyeL Commissioners Cockburn &, Plumb. NOS NO~IE. -;. Attest: ai' ._~-- ~--- . ~-- ~r .Approved. .f~,/ ~{f .~ T 'L""~---T ' , "lH - l-'.--""""'"