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Called meeting of thenBw CO~~lission convened at 8.30 A. M. on
the.foregoing.date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding and present,
Comraissioners Pr.eston R. PIUrnb; H. C. Cockburn ~DB Secretary
. Erwin Cushman.
Reading of minutes for previous meetings dispensed with.
Mayor Schlesinger placed in nomination ffqr various appointive of-
~ices to serve for the ensuing term of ~wo/'years as follows:
Erwin cushman" City Clerk, Treasurer, Ta::k~Assessor: ~n9'oc811ectori~th
R b t L S f. l~ f COt At~ ..ga~ary or I~O . 0 per mun~
o er. . on J.e a,. or .1 7.. "uorneY.-"'::~~to sa~~ry..- 'j ·
J..'A. Metcalf f(?,r Cltyl'1!.rer:J[aJe~hall.. ;@25.00 per mon:th. (
G. B. Murray, City Marshall. . ... $25.00 t1 tI
J. H. ~.affe:ety City Engineer. ,'lfo.s~~~rlf'Cr'.' ..
Mo~ront~Jmaae b'y Commissioner, ~lum~ and dUIYi#e .' ~'d by Comraissioner
Cockb'tlTn"that ad:l of 'the nomlnatlons by "the F. 'as above set forth
at .tJ;e ,s~1:'ariesa.nd. w~ thout sa.J.aries ,as, ind"~ " ed be approved and
appolnted f'orthe CtomJ..ng term of two years '.~ '. .. ., ,-
Voting Aye: _~/'
Comrnissioners Cockburn & Plumb. ~~
No 'one voting no..
, ,
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Mr.GQckburn then mademotidn,that the meeting'C1ate for the,new Com-'
mi~sion be fixed for each Monpay at 8.~O KM instead of on same
day at8P.M. as heretofore.
Voting Aye:
Cotiilitts~ioners Plumb & COCkburn, NOS NONE.
, . .. ., & ~
. Mai~~t5chle~:inger 'then,:handed to Cle'rk a resolution drafted in
e~p1t:1~ssion of appre~:dation. to Mr. J. A~ Walling the 'retiring Gom-
. missioner, for his.splend:i,.d service etc., prefacing.the same with
a ver;y eomplete history of the Cities accomplishme~ts under the
ags:t~~a.nce of Mr,. Walling.x dur1i:llg hfso:ee:fu:o.IH~of office which' was
re,ad,;;iwith this gent;temean present.
, .
,J~Q..tftfn.:1WI!9,~<(RYQ.pmp1i,.8s;io:ner, Plurrib, duly seconded by Connniss.ioner
C€>e~iDu.rn, tha tthe resolution as drafted and above seJG forth in
par~,be fpJ;ly adQpted and a copy be sent to Commissioner Walling
and,~~i6ne,to the .u.Efu.terprise". 1ll0rpublicatiQn.Flirther more that.
it 'lYe spread1ipon the mini.1}l:7s, and fiJ.ed.
Voti#.g ~ye: ..,:C
Comm:i1ssioners Plumb,&CockbU:rn.
NQS }iI;~~,~
, ~ . - "
.., J)kayorschlesinger then took 'occasion to delega.te to .the newly"
wl'ected CQm..missioners the duties in connec''tion with their respective
. offices:J'Vii; Preston R.' Plumb to be Co . ~oner' of Streets & .
hrldges :~nd Ii. C. Cockburn Water & Fire '~issioner succeeding
Mr. Walllng. \,t
..i, M,aYt:orlfschledsHinbg' rteportlle~ thtat hekha~' ;r", age~. tbf_e lSlervic~dsOft J: A.
)!, M'eQil. an, uer . ~. ~ lng o. ma, e . ~~anva,ss 0.. a ~esJ. en s ln ~'. ';
the Cl ty to ascert .. .'In detall JUs how much lnsurance was carrJ.ed
py each on improvements of all character and :8:: H. Goods~;./ahd with
, I
:~ ~
(Continued tromP 245)
\., ...
whom such insurance hadbel?n' placed.. .
- It beins the intentton to recover if possible the loss of pur
good fire r.acord and to recall the recent penalty assessed.
<: The Mayor seeks to have his action ratified in the emplo-yment. ..()'_
o~ the men. assigned to the dut1iles as aforesaid. ~
Commissioner Plurab moved that the Mayors action in employing
Messrs Metcalf aD.d Wall~ri' to ca.nvass the city for the' .data
nec~ssa.ry ,be ratified. f.?;: :::,,"1 .
Vot1.ngAye: r~j~~. .'
Commis~~oners Cockburn ~~aU~nb.
NQS NOl~E. ~~ .,1 ' f,
AfteF some discussion i~ ~onneGtion'with the improvementx of,
~ake st~ee!r:~ol~ the Nor!!Jf line of ~Anlhe:rst to'- So~th line of Plumb,
1. t 1!1fas QecJ.GleQ:1~ lay th1.~ over to a future meet1.ng.
, - ..' .(:-...... ." .
" -..<~~
Fire Chief Metmli!i~\,presented a bill for the sum of. $73.00
to defray the experts.es of six men tq attend the Fir.ema.n"s school
atA. 1[.' College Sta:tiohon '27th, . 28th & 29th of April 1931.
,\he Fire Chief asked that this sum b~ appropriated for ,that pur-
Motion made by Commissioner Plumb, duly, seconded by Cormnissioner
Cockburn that the sum 9f $73.00 be appropriated for the purpose
<;>f sendingthese.,"men to the Fireman IS. school! as. requested.
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Cockburn & Plunm.
. t.
There'b~ing nofurtherpusinessbefore .the meeting~ ~ommis-
sioner Cockburn made motion to adjourm which Mr. . Plumb sec9nd-
ed and ~he Mayor declared the same adjourned.
Co~issioners Plmnb& Cockburn.
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