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, 238 GityofWest un1vef>a1tr Place. " C01D:fCil. Charnber-Ci :r 'Hall Monda.yMarch30th1 193T Regular Meeting. ~, If. '" City Commission conve~ed in regular session at 8 p~ K~ on the for egoil1.g date with both Commisstoners, PluJ:nb & Walling .:hi, attendance. arid' City Secretary Cushman.' () Minutes' of the prE%;~ious meeting Mar.ch 23rd 1931...re,ad:by 'the' Secretary. .~, t?, . . Motion by commis~~~(r~er Walling du~Y s~conded bYCQIDrh.i;3sioner... Plmnb' that the m~lltfts be approveu as read. ~ ' Voting Aye: ',;; Q1 .. " Commissioners Wal ~ & ,Plmnb. ~,. ". NOS NONE. ~ ,,,\ . . . ~~~- ~. . .. 'FoTlowingbills subm,~, ,.', d for approval. :<:J.~., . [yo , , . i.', "- x"! ... , .~ -\'" .~ : - ,.A1eJtan,(~1e~ Wil:+iams ;" '--:r,~'i?. &,B.Del?,t. ,$17 ~;8.5",> ,': r: . "I,"~> 'Iaidor-e 'Oden:sKY, . " ';~hoeingc.mules ,,4.00 .,'h,; Miller &lVLiller Script University Blvd,400..DO' "_;,".~ .J. IJ. Rafierjry,Eng fees ..:' It, .. n Extn 35.,.00 -, ", . 'd . n tI. if ': -I.lab(}j:< ,$'anitat"y':s,evv!?:r. , _ . ,', . ' n, ;,~ ,.' Westchest~I',8tF,~et . T2.~615 '.~'..:::"J,:~:.::~,<~, Plumb, seconded by CorflI!1issio.:tf~r~.'''iW~*l*~g supm:itted be approved.. '<.; :' f"::::: '- Motion by C9r[llI1i~ssi6ner the foregoing b ills as Voting Aye: Bothe COlJ1.missloners NOS that, "" ",'f' ; .....- o N Ol\J'.E. . ;~ t; ", :-" ,. , . ., . '". i .~'~: ~;;O' 'f'. ~ _ . 0:r9:inance 45 w?-s .introduced for passage and adop,ting"!isfcfflows: P, .:' ". :AN'~.0'ftDniA~CE.ESTjlliLISHING,A',1rIRE. PRE. .. . . .<~ . ...., l" . , . ~.:' ',~ . .' . '. .. , ";'.. -. .<....;.,t c":Y~ ,,'. "'_ ':"';rr;~n)N' 'BaARD.,PJt0VIDI1\IG:,F(:}R ITS, NtEliimEF:SB; ., " .... .' _ . . '.' . '. .,~ ~ D,-..-, j ,'1T-8' ,'ORG~Nr:ZATJ:ON',",PREEtCIrmll1:~.):~~ ;;p:q~'r: . .AHD OFF);'Ollil' '1JEGURDW .A~;:BlMmGA-NCY:'e; "::~ . Motiori 1rlaab:b~~J~~rnni1s ~io~&r'.wailihg,:: d~ai:.~~~:~;~~~eR:l ~~;'~~Q~~1k~ion- er Plu.mb that the ordinance be, passed and take effect 'a~'6hce. ,'Yo'tini ~e:,:' . '" ." ':' ',',,, ':, :' , , , ' ' " ' C'Onfuliss:t6her;3':~lurriti &'W~l,l"ing, .. ' , "',' . .~NOS NONE. ..,,';:;',.: t~. ,'.', ""'" ., ,. . ~,; ~ H. . ". ' ". '; '. ~I. \ . . '. . '. ...' ..: . ..~~"...,:,\<-~'~ :- . ~ire, Qhie:fMet~calfpJ~ti tio~ed ,the" CQu-p-ctl ,:f.'?P "t~A~,':'~B~tf,~'" '~l,~O?0:f . $18.'00 to cover cost of. pr~nt~ng a.nd .ban:ners for;Qlea~:,: ,:e:ek. ,Mr ..Plmnb motioheg that the appropriation be made;.. du:ty::"t;l~-bnaedby DOUJ~ni~ssionerw~11i~g., . i{1:", ".. . "" , '9:V:G~j;n1S :4-~e:_,;J?Qth ,C,QYQfuiJ?,A~qrtl?rs., ,NOS JfONE. . ^ ~. ~ . < . . ] " ., ~'. '. / / ". :0 >J' . ~ ':.., c~ "1',\:, Tr,$af,lureJ:' 'G1is 1;,,11lin.)J ~~BJ;'t, , in, Sinking and$,.400'. ~'. i"i.r?<Et,: C:ommissloner Wall:irtg~'moi( ge'$J~e4'.,by IJ?Q.,~ ,~reasUr,e~(41.u; . . .Ar1.1 'vo-t';t~~~~:w~.:: NOS 1\f0l\t]ji~e:<. _ f \.: ;-- . ....' ~. ",. .". . . ~.~. . . "t~:1athe,cou:~dmake .~Ilothd~~i9:~~i.?~"'.OO.' .1 fund:f;rIDm the,Ta:xG{)ll~'~~f!~,t,~, 'fund. ...' <,tha,t th;ts :t-ra.:p,s'flelt> ,be ma:a;J\~ ~iS: sug~ r- '~conded-.., --, .~, ,') , ""' (-" -: . ~~) W "\-:". l\i....~ the meet'ing 0nr~gulartnotion