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pity,o{ West University Pla'cy, 'l'exas.
CCJUllcl~ ChaUtb6!--C..L t;y tLCl..Ll..
Monday March 9, 1931.
.. :.~ .
Regular. Session of the City C6mmis sion@calledto order at 8 P. 1':1.
on the forego:i..Ylg date with a full attendance, viz': ivIayor H. B. 0/,
Schlesinger, Commissioners J. A. Walling, Preston R.Pl1:Lmb'and \ /
Erwin Secretary Cushman.
Minutes of the previous meeting M~ch 2nd, 1931 read by the Secre-
On motion COmIaissioner Plumb, duly seconded by Commissioner Wal-
ling the minutes as re~d were approved.
VQ.ting Aye.: :;~
.Bot~ 80ITilllissioners. N09.~~?~.
lJ:ihe "following bills wer~.:):*bmi tte.d for' approval~ viz;
. A.P.. Robb, Extra 'Labor'wbTle ~ic~,
F.,W. Heitmann Co, (General) '\';'
1I ft It If If .,~ .~.
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Ra~7TI1ond Pearson, (Police)
Norvell-Wilder Supply Co.,. ~..:..'~
Isi~-or,e Oden$ky, . ~
Bering-G.ortes Ha~dwe Go ,". ,,)
Braz'os' F1q:r;al. Co, a'
J~'E~' R~ge:rs .IDnc.~: .
strattss-BodenheimerVo, ,
Pittsburgh Platte Glass Co,
... Nu-Enamel Distributing Co.,
Rupley Brake Service,
...,.. ....Keystone Printing Company
Oheckom,eter '8?-I19s C6,. Chicag0,
. ,,,1Jlil.so;n,..St,a t'i0ne,r:y'&"J'~in tg,"Co ,
..."<:A11&Jirl~'~i1rtt1&r'7Insur,anc e Agency,
:tlbyji,iVTetal Company, . )
El.U1er ;8mith, Grader Time st & B., Dept~c'" ,:;.
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JYIotiOlll:>yCoImnis s'ionerW~lling, ,duly::s6coIlded oydoIilW;i:;~;$:'~~8:~~
Plumb that' the bills. as read . and e;numeratedabov:~'1i:fe. !iip,;7&~Q~e€l and
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Vo:t:ing Aye -:) . " . ,
BothCommiss ioners.. :NOS
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~Vater Supt Robb, advisee. tlJ.8 council t':-iat Lis 1Na ter works
~levrolet truck was gre~*ly lD need of some repairs;
Ee advised that G. ','if. Rol?i;son had made a bid 8.rrlong others of
an mnount not to exceed $45.00 for all of the repairs necessary
at this time and that it was the. lowest bid. .
Motion made by Commissioner Walling, duly seconded bJ'- Commission-
er Plumb that Supt Robo be allthorized to award the job of repairs
of the truck to G. \V.. Robinson.
Voting Aye: Both Commissioners.
Superintendnet Robb then submitted to thecolITlcil his report
indicating the capacity of both purnpin.g pl~ts of date March 9th
1931 itemized in gallons and about tl~_e "n~al demands upon the
suppl'y available with further statistic> lnformation.
. . C.l "
City Secretary instructed to file the ~ort for future reference.
,- 'v
Comrnissioner Walling submittedrol estiWRte from Gus Smith of cer-
tain necessary repairs to the system ~hcluding labor complete
in the smn of $165.80
Motion made by Commissioner Walling, duly seconded by COll@issioen-
er Plu..mb that the work be ordered and that the estimate of Gus
Smith be accepted.
Voting Aye:
Both COll1ruissiOi.oner. HOS NONE.
Fire Marshall Metcalf, submitted.a reply from Fire Insurance Com-
missiorrer DevVeese of Austin, Texas.,. acknowledging the receipt
of his inspection report for the month of Feb'y 1931 which stated
that cards had been mailed to all parties reported by him with'un-
safe conditions also requiring of the Fire Marshall that such
places be inspected again within the next five days following date
-of the report to see that hazards have been removed.
City Secretary instructed to file the ac~~owledgement aforesaid.
Officer I. W. McKeo~m reported that the remaining walls of the
house situated fun Lot 5 of block 3 Monticello facing Wroxton Ave,
were still standing and that no actioD. had been taken by the OW1l-
er in response to the council's order to remove the dangerous
remains of this building.
MO"jidn:m made by Commis si oner Via lling'and duly seconded by Commis-
sioner Plmnb, that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter
to City Attorney R. L. Somfield, remi .~Th~him of the Council's
direction to this matter upon a prev ~'meeting to order the
owners of property known as lot 5 B ,,'3 Monticello Addi tion
to' remove the remains of house des ed by fire and direct him
again to prepare appropriate proc'alngs and present to council
nex~ Monday ni~lt the 16th inst. ~~~diate action required.
Votlng Aye: .
Both Commissioners.
'.Report,fromCorrmissioner Plumb was read in. connection with inspect-
ion of Fairmont Street in College Court also looked over College
Avenue where it was excavated for pavemen~.
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t1?brward from Po 231. )
Mr 0 Plumb reported conditions very bad 8.::1.(1 espec ially Fairmont
Street whic);l he recommeEued to be repaired at once if possible'.
He also thinks that College Ave for at least two blocks should
have .cunb and gutter as much loss WQuld be sustained by placing
sllell in these holes otherwise.
Motion by COlnmissioner Plumb, duly seconded by COfMnissioner
Walling that the Engineering department be instructed to make
the repairs on Fairmont street Richmond Road to Bissonet and
to report to the Commission when,complete.
Voting Aye:
COlliL~issioners PlLtillb &.Walling.
NOS NONE. '-<;
C?IDL~iss~oner Yl'3~: advised ~he,Council in ~e~ly to its letter of -
tl1.e 4thlnst., C J..J;.;lng atten tl.on to bad condl. tl.on of streets com-.
plained of by v ~ous peti tiDneI'S at the las t meeting west of -. ._
the City hall, .~~ he found it necessary to in~ediately engage the
services of a g, dir & operator at $15.00 per, day and ~ad them all
graded 'includin#C~meron Blvd from Bellaire Blvd ''to Bissonet st. ,
Motion made by ConOissiol1.'er Walling, duly seconded by Gorrtmissioner
Plumb that the aboY~,. report of the :::;treet & Bridge C0Umli~l{3ioner be'
approved, adop~ed an'~ t{led.
Voting Aye: Both Comm~$'\oners.
NQS NONE. .,." .'.:
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COll1J:l1issioner PIUTI'lb submitted his reply to the, c'otIy;;;:J!,a~J:it and pe-
tition presented at the me,e,ting of ]!larch 3rd,19$1 bY;~~A. Parker
to shell ~r gravel Harthorne Avenu6,through,Bissonet,Place stating f
tha t he had alJ:"eady begun -ghe grading all streets Lp. his' 17~ acres y' - 0
in , that Addition.. Mr. Pl-y.tnb recommended t:Q,at the 0 :i:rhpP0Y~ment .. -CJ
a$ked by Mr., Parker be denied because of the fact~' th~t w-e,:~would be""'>~',.
Jl1pPitbmWr spen.di:q.g monelf6r the purpose of selliilg<l;e1i}':l;'furtherni,@],:;e
that no one lj..vesin tp.:i-s prop.erty to be seryed a1ld~th@' Additi0nal,
reason that ;the ,City has no availab~e fun,dsat preseii;t>t'oJ'Jth~: pur~
PO.sfj..,iridic+a.ted." , ..- _. 'j~ ~~:.'1\'~~ .~:.,~,: ,
Motion made. by "C~r!1lXlissionerWalling'and, duly seconded;,.byCorimlis- ,:
~ s i.onel'>PlUlubthe, t'. the repo~~t 'as,ab ove be acceI:rt,ed, ari.-cil."'Jtb,a$ tTh,e~, __ ~_~ "
Sep:retary be instruc,ted toadv1se l\tIr. L. .A. parkerthat'tne>peti- ~~ _'.
tion to ;install the .improvem€nts S ouglitin the pet'ttlo:i1ie(::rul(!L~l'lOt"< "~\
eQn~is~~ntly ~be~granted. ,.' * '! ..'.' .~,:Ji ~,'"
Votl.ng 11,:y:e:~-->. ;.... 0,'. .: J-h.. .
Both COTI1l11is,sl()lileJ?'s,~;N'OS nONE."" ,,' ... ,.....'
Proposal from Miller;,.;1y Miller to do the,gxaavating,~J;i'~Uniivei'l:~ity
Boulevard .from Ki~by~~r,i ve Eastin to ,the extensi.0no,fr~'th~~ B3;vd
-entering the Gi ty. .1Ious t<;m with permission of~' ,:5 ~'~'A~;~:,~:$rti'~i?lrjt;:'st
Ii B. ,Com Houston t~;~da,~f3 of Jany l~th, '1931,:was~~~;u1bIh:i1J:te;d:t.?ti~.: ,_,
"Prices quotea<being~; '__E>e.:p-, cub~c yard, 40.i p,erho~<rilan,;llf9ij-r'S' and'''':: ..~.
1~80.e per hour' T-eam h . ~ :off_ering to begin work as :$ii>0iEi.is;:nbtifiedt~ , _',
to ,begih. 'Cost -,~~,,~ ~i~p~id',;1iry Of ty Script.." ;::.;,,2-~;. ';, (,,',': _ . .-. ::"5'
lVIo1:ibn_by Commis~ion. '"~hll11ti, duly" seconded by COli1hl;1f~:\si'on;eT Walling :.,':',:<',
.. tnit the proposal ofM:O-ler ,& Miller be approved!3-n;(;F,~~G0~p,tecL'and;:~"
that. the work be paid" for in City Scrip,t. . "" ~ ''''---~
V()t:i.REi Aye: . "'. \_,,).
0~$inis sioners Walll.ng & Plumb.
NQS l~ mm..,
~~ -. \
,;" :..:: "',};~r~;aY0~ /jchle singer read to the body a.nd ORDER OFEIJWTION..,
... .r't,Q_,h~1.1):e,ld,onthe first T~esday in April 1951 which-!(jl~J:.ls<on
';A:prf1 ,7th foi-.;'theellp'etion of mUliie1pa-1 o:ffic'ers-..
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(Continued fI'O[(lP. 202.)
Election to b.e ~eld wi~:irr tbo corporate liTIlits of' said City
for the election of the 'following Dfficers, viz: 1st a Mayor and
2nd. 1Jwo Commissioners and 3rd A Judge of the Cor1Joration Court.
Illhe poling place shall be at the Clt;y' Hall .in said City of WeBt
Uni versi ty Place, Tex.a.s. ..
. The voting hours sb.all be from 8 A. 1\1. to 7 P. K. on April. 7th,
19~1 with the following election Oi'ficersto hold., said election
are heret,y appointed, viz' JIYti- CL II~
Neil Ge:isenhoff, Judge, Jl1.1ia [Jot tIer ahd B-eoJ:1go h. Le-e- Clerks.
Said election officers shall promptly and a,s required by law make
due returns of said election t6 the Board of COTrlTI1issionei"sof the
City of West University Place, ~exas.
Witness my l1-and this 9th day of April, A. lJ. 1931. .
H. B. 2chlesinger. Mayor Oity of
West Uni versi ty Plac e, 'l'exa s.
Motion made by Commi ss ioner Plumb a:i."'ld duly seconded by' Cor.l1missioner
Walling that the I1iay'or's order of EI~c tion be accep.ted and that
his proclamation of the same be authorIzed and published acco.rding
to law. .
Voting Aye:, f;,..
Commiss ioners Walling & Plumb.. ~~., ;::
Mayor Schlesinger drew attention to ',' ,l"ailure of heads of depart-
ments to co-operate with the Secreta; !n establishing an 'orderly
method of procedure in the handling o~;-'the bills D~nclered against
the Uity for various purcnases of material etc., and'in working out
a system which will eliminate. further confusion and dele.y on meeting
night, the Tiiayor instructed the Secretary to notifw all heads of
departments to get in all co~~unications and bills in.their possession
to be referred to the COQDcil before the meeting time and that
the hour of 7.50 P. I'E. each J;iI onday Night be the hotIT' fixed a salimi t
for the reception of any bills or cormnunications for that night.
Subsequent reports,amdmunications or bills handed in would be
laid over to the next meeting.
There being no further business .befcl'e the meeting, upon motion
Copmissioner Plumb, duly seconded by Cormnissioner Walling, the
same was 'declared by Mayor Schlesinger, adjourned.. .