HomeMy WebLinkAbout121530 CC Min ..... ~ ' 0\ \) ~ ~ ff opm\ , , n ". " r~ \-- ' "('-"-""';-' , ,"'" , ) '-_/ ~~~~~r MAAt.inE nA~Amhe~ ]5th~ 1930. Council CnamhA-r..nit:y :aAl1~ City of West University Pl~~A. TeY~~_ 209 "Regular 'meeting ~~ the City Commission convened at 8 P M on t~e,foregoing.date. Mayor Schlesinger presiding and fuil ;tten- d~nce consist~ng of Commissioner's Walling and Plumb and the C~ty Secretary. . .. Minutes of the meeting December 8th, 1930 read by the Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Walling, duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb that, the :minutes of Dec. 8th 1930,be'approved with exception of slight correction ,in recording action suggested by Mayor in res- .ponse to letter Fantham ,& Fantham,viz: indicating that the Contract- or w.g:&:' unable toa,ell paving certificates instead the inference that. ftne City had failed. therein., ' Voting Aye? Commissioners Plumb & Walling. NOS NONE. The'f~llowing bill.s offered by the i::)ecretary ~o~~~al' viz' Y r.A', . .-H.P. ':P?p$ .Fi;r>st A.a.d supplies,' Read's Pharmae :' ,~OO , " ' MO,.t~o:r:,:,p.l~ommissioner Plumb duly seconded~y _ .ctfumisssioner Walling . . that .'tl]t.e'pJ.l,l ,f',or a dollar. be approv~<l:,and paiQ'. ' , Voting Aye: Both Commissaoners. NOS NO~. ' F,ol,10W4,~g"Ve~;J!!:s submitted for ratification,~ viz. VO]l;chfi)r,'i-;W~!Bck 2~'l0 J". H. Rafferty E:p.gr" Pay Roll Repairing etc, $90.00 t '( ~.,' > ~ :2811 tf. tt ," u, n n Eng Fees 37 ~ 9,5 fl "2823 ~est Coast Life Ins Uompany ,29.75 M.otiQn.):~~(:(!fommis:s~pner Plumb, ,duly seconded by ?ommiaaioner Walling that ~~~'~~regoing bills as enumerated by ratif~ed. Voting;.fl"Cir:Bo~l;1 Commissioners, NOS NONE. . "-"-':~~':'~"AJ;": J' < '. '." : ' T:Q.,~l:ii~i:~~i~gir~Solu~:iOP. was introduced", read' and aetj3d upon fav- o~~W0~1k,,;foJ. oWS:,' " ' , ' ' ", 1.", ~r ", ",'1 ('1 ~~. .. '" I w~{t;~~q:~b ' ~':,~~e by CO~issionerfPlumb and seco.nded b~. Commissioner :" ;' _ ,RES.OLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY : ..&F~$T , UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THIS L5th DAY" OF" , , ' ,,' , 1930,TF..,A.T liTHE EN1fERPRISE" PUBLISHED BY ~EE ','~~: PUB:r,UlHXNG, COMPANY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA:CE .~ r.l:'~"E?AJJIEI8 '. HEREBY Ji)ECLARED THE OFFICIAL ,NEWSP~PER , . " S~ C:r'rY FOR THIS MUNICIPAL YEAR AND UNTIL ITS 8UC- --""Qii IS ,APPOINTED AS THE OFJrICIAL NEWSPAPER %HEREOF, ~~!f ALL LEGAL N6TICES,ORDINANCESAND OTHER IN8TRU- " , ,;8 REQUIRED BY U.WT0' BE. Pu"'BLIiSHED IN SAID NEWSPAPER AND THAT T~ 'CITY SHALL PAY THEREFOR IN",ACCORPA1WE WITH f!~_ULE m OF RATES ~:tLED BY ,THE PUBLISH~ W' SA-ID NEWS- " ; ,!t~~ WI!H ,THE CITY SECRETARY. .~...itlV ' c' " .\ jA~$ED ~"1) APPROVED THIS 15TH DAY OF. ,dMMBER A. D .1930. , " Cj'1l' VotlngAye. Commissioners 'PlumP & Wall- N@f? NONE. ' .'~" . Th~ f04.-1owii1.g communicatioi..w~~,:subm~ttt. and ~ead, from the' i1a:e. City of, West Unive:s,sit1'Place volunteer Fire Department, __ .... '.. ~ ;. '<' ,;: : Yo< ",,' ,'~ >,' .. _ To. Ron'e,7 Ma.yor and City ,Council City of West University Place, Citv; Hall. , Gent l,emen t ( 8e~ ~&2l~ 1 .'. ',) , , l' viz: '" -. ---- --r-.! 1 - [1.r 210 (Continued from P. 209..) At the regular meeting of the West ,University Place Volunteer Fire Dept., the body elected D. P. Boyett to go before your coun- cil meeting regarding supplies for the personnel of,thedept. Any supplies furnisl1ed the members of the department will be greatly appreciated by every member. The betterthe'Depart- ment is equipped the better service can be rendered to the res- idents of the city. Yours TrJly, J. G. King Secty Treas. The following communication was then read: We, the unders~ned members of the Fire Department, wish to submit a reque~ f,~the, following equipment for Qw? use: 1 Siren f 'Assistant Chief's car, approximane cost$15.00 4 Unifor (or drivers ,( One suit e~eh with change) to ,,:: ~~st approximatf'ly $5.00 each. 13 pr ~ . '~qt"s at eost of $2.75 per pair., " 21 Pre B~Ue Jeans suits at $3.00 per suit. > ' In att~ding almost every fire we have had, one or more of our membei"s '5,ave had clothes ruined, and if this requesti's granted, th~'."," quipment will be issued to the active members sO they may 'Bff,:w"~n when answering 'the alarm. When ias:u.ed,' a receipt will be taken." ',,'tand upon the member' leaving the Depa~'ttme:rit, the equipment issued will be taken up. (Signed)D.P..B'O'$'ett, Thos.p.camp, H.P.Pope, G.P.Tully, 'and J.A.Metcalf. ' Motion made ,by Commissioner Plumb, duly ,sacondedby Commissioner Walling that the Secretary be authorized and instructed to is,sue an order for the boots and blue jeans. s~its as 'requestedhy the above. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE., Petition of Dr. H. C. Haden received through and ,by letter from Carl B. Ehman signing Agent for Dr H. C. Haden. p,&ttibiohing:'the Hon.Mayor and Commissioners of the City of WestWn:~"ver,sit'Y", , Place, Texas, to dissolve the lots platted by him an,d. designated as' a portion of Bissonet Addition, said letter da:te'q>:~ovember 26, .1930., as read before the body and after due cons;tg,eF~tion the the following motion was offered, viz:,~ ,'~';<:':,~" ...,t Motion by COmmissioner Plumb, duly seconded by Co~:t:~':s,ioner Wal- ling that the Secretary, be' instructed, to.' advise Di'~:;:lIaden that 'Our tax roll for the year L930 has been' closed arid; 8.p.proved by - the Commission and that the petition to dissolve, tp.~,',:plat of lots back to acreage ,cannot be considered since~'~~g.~:ustment - of values can be made for this year of the natUre, fn'W~lved. Voting Aye: 'Comm~ssioners Walling & Plumb.' /',"', N~S NONE .,,~ - ,.'" '~ " / There being no furthe~tliu....sJ.ness before the body, on regu1:ar' mo- tior; duly secondedljtb..e, -'~~e was declared by the Mayor, adjourned.. Vot~ng Aye: , ,';>ti',. Commis sioners Plumb -"'lling. NOS NONE. ~ " . ~ APprQved'~- i'..... ,1 ~ttest: ~ (.~ .J .!..- n - ., li.-- or. ~",4,~ \ I, 0>, ' , . C1.ty~ecret~~y;;(:, , ,... r- -T! ("'\ , , , I J h \., / " 6~