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~ 0\ C ~ I~ I" - .... ~\ ~ o 'U I, -", . :;~"<~-f"----'-- . ..RAgJ,-t9y) ~!~e~tin~.. Council Chamber-City Hall. Iy16llcI@:v , ....lle..Q.filll~.B.th, .. _:-1tt5=l;~ 0.. C"~~ ~ ~ ~'D" "t ~ ......,:l v,J" O.J.. ~~ 0 0 u 01...2. v (,1.31.. 'J : P .Lac-'v, ! t:~~at). 2'07 ,Oity Commission convened in regular session at,8P. M.of the foregoing date with H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor presiding and both Comnlissioners Walling and Plumb and Secretary Cushrilan in atten- dance. 1'i'[inutes of the meeting December lstwas read by the Secretary. Motion made byCornrllis-sioner WalliI1g, duly se'conded by cOrDruissioner Plumb that the minutes of December, 1st, 1930 as rE.3ad b_e approved.. Voting Aye: COl1Jill~S S ioners Plumb and Walling. NOS NONE;.' ., .-" The f"Ollow'ing hill s we;r>e ,offer'ed b-y' the becretary~.2 for app~oval and payment" vi.z :; . ' " Dunlay-Armand Cempany, $75.42 --"C~:ar'k & c~u::ts,_'~~es~~~ ~$~3.69 - Southern Chevrolet -co, 10.79 ---Keys:to:n,.ePrlnt:AIDpany - , 30.00 Houston Oil'~Gompany, 5.00 -'...:- ' ',.)0" , - Motion by Cornmissioner'-'~lumb; duly se~Nded .'&~ommissioner Walling- that th,ebills above as ,-pr,y'sneted be, a:Qp'J1'tVe~,.and paid. 'C~ ' ,...voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & Plumh.;' NOS NONE.- ' ( / . '. ~ .. . ," ... for services'r~nered by J. J. ' ~hich:had been o~prlopked and ;f- Fire.Ghief I\!leteaJ,if!, submitted a bill Bi tt'ii1g ,during: August 1929 for, $9,.00 never ,Bald.,' " " " ' ',J.;:_. '. .., ,. ,~,;. . '.. " Motion made by 'Commission~r lnuriib'duly secondE?d by Gortmi'$:sioner Wal- ling that the bill ,for $9.60 ,due J.,HJ. Bitting beittpprqved and paid. vot,ing'>,;" 1~:Commissioners Walling &Plumb. ,." , NOS NO < i,." ' . 'c.-,' ; ',:",):,',;:," , City Att'orney S:onfield, submitte:d-bi:Ll taV:6r<tpf:'\'-'j ;:'W~;';w!t~Q;:e>r _ in the _ sum of'$$2.00b.alance due Tor checking up,:;ewnership e)ii::o:;~:r48 ~':Lots ' - at2Bft>:tn'6o:r.l~~!9i?i(Yn with delinq1};~~t)'ta~<r-Olls and Go:q.:tract 'with hil'i1: " , . ." f ;::'::~~i;~,'.. .-tiL' ) "".: .". . .....(.~. '"'. .:..' . Motion:uta~~:. bi.:'~dmmi s'si oner Walling~- d1l1Ji:: "~econded;" by . Gommip S:1.oner P,lUYJlb /th$,Wthe bi=\.,l favor J. )N.' Wilder fo~ $82 ~OO' balanc_~ ",d!j.e be' apprOVl?d an,d paid. , ' " ",,",:<;;' VotJ.1+e; A:ire:' COlTImis'sioners Plumb ahd wall'ing. '.:.&" ~':;~;j). H . ", ... ~~<"t j1tt~~a~~::~ , . ; e"~:'e:/;~:r:\,,th~imp'r,ovemeJ;l t S'" "'~ 'ln$01tiJiIt(~~or tb~i~gvl\n,~ " , ,1 :Ii - .O;e;' tllat'criLEJ\:;~rmi.t(~_~e Ci).ff,,1p!fi-e~sto :orCl!{:'8;':~~:;:> ;;..c ^Sian :-> > . Letter was sy.~mit;ed: '~~d"~~_, 'a'd~i.€iS secl to thE;} City from, F.ai1thaJl1'~ac\:~~~'i,'c Fanthamreq"tL6sting that'theCityfurnish' 50' l'oads mar.e'of shell " " '.~ :'/ >l ,', " ~ ;:: .7..........- ..~-;..:..:;-~ .' ,.-i.. . r ~. { 'to; >. 'fd' '.' I~, ~-:: '!:<' , ,,~ -~ ' ,-" '.~ ..:.. ,- , 2:tl8' 11 ' , (ContiI).ued from P. .207.) . .' in addition te that ,already supplied, agr~eingtherein to spread the shell as" in the former case on Co'ldmial Terrace streets, ,in- cluding the balance f@f D-ameron, which as desrib$d ,needs i't worse', than any of the strE!~ts.. ' " U~on suggestion ol~~iyor Schlesinger, the following motion was d. ''\ · ' ' ma e, V1Z: ' '} ~I ' ' , ',"" '. ' ,," Mot;Lon by Corffiniss ",:~r Walling duly seconded, ,that the matter:, , of furnishing tr.d~~ iW:di~iona=S sh~ll.. t9 F~t;lam & I:'anth81n be referred .to street B.~, Brldge Comrnlssloner Plumb and that the question of grantinjthe requ.estbe left enti~~lYt ,to the Judge.- mentof the Street ~ bridgeCOlll11lissioner. " ,,', Voting Aye: Com_missioners Wal],ing '& p;p.llnb. . NOS NONE. '.. '/ o 1.. City Secretary advised the Commission and submitted bi.ds lnconnec- , tion ,with the ,printing, of about ~590 Inventories fSlr asse~sing '~ 1931 property. Three bids we~.;e handed in,' Carg;i.ll Co, $,43.,50, Keystone pr:w~ing Co ~ J~37. 40 ~nd Mul?-~r prin~ing 0.0,' ,'$2t9.:95. , , . The .latter ]:ftt;tng, declo.eq.lphe lowest .Dld~ t?he J,ob. ,waE? awar_ded to . ~h~ Mu~lei(." '<:t~pting ~o, :'uy the ~ecre.t::t~y ,and 9:e hereby asksra t- , If.lcatlon b'y:;,,,;:t~~ bod). . '. c':; ~,,'" ' , " , lviotionby GonIDi;tssioner,p~mb,. 'd~ly s~G-6nded by Commission,er Wal- ling that the action Q > ~.fle Sec,retary in awardfung, the ,'j()p: to ':Muller Printing be rat 2;rd. ' , Voting Aye: .", Commissioners Plnmb & .~ling, ,NOS NONE. . . ~~ '. "~~'O'~:Lowing paid b,ills, 0f&r,ed "for ratification.' ~. "~I' . ~~;' \J' -... .!-;:.': .G41f Ref.ining Co, 'City West.Univ, P-lace Oli verLevy " ' , ff', tf' Water $2~66 . 1.25" 4.QO 1.lO 20.00 ~,.l. . ~ 0". ". ~ .' ....: . . - .. .""- ;..-' . i.. _~.N _,;Hancock';: Refund Deposit, , . i ' . .:r:~~<~.-<i , " ';:Motion .By COlYl.missioner W'alling, ~' Plumb, that the, foregoing bills Voting Aye,:'ColTJInissior+ers flumb NqS NONE~ ' '. : ~". .' :'. . " ;', ..,,~. . I . ~{~,~~< :--~ __ ':. "~'~'>'Y~b-:"-1:'" ", c" dRly seconded ,by. CqwlltJ..:$SROner:n . ~...". ~ \.;. ."~,, ""......... . as reap, ,be ratif.ie,q,." ',..'" : ~, '& Walling, > ':';.,',:r,t,;~,'~,S,j,',; " ",:P~ ,,' . ~~.}1',; ::' :~~: ~ . ";: '~.:' !'-.':; '\';-~..f ,~4r. 'Gee~ I., Sykes,. was a visitor at tp.e meeting an(L.t~'~,"recog:" :hizedby the Mayor. IvTr. Sykes advised that he had' bWgy,ij th:e' pub- lication of a clean..progressive ,weekiy, paper ,knOWflQi:E(the' t1Enter- , t," prise for. Gdrcul"ation in Wet3t Vniyersity place ar;tdf!aaj:eining com- '"" . '. munitie s . . ,), '. , _ ",'" --:,,:"~..J.-- '- . _ . ^ . ., . T'-':"" < , " H~e 3;ha;de 8l;pp'liqat:ion, to" be re~ogp-i~'~dr!3..S ,the offic.:ta;:Lrb~gab: Q,f tee '(::i.~y,o'f West Uriiversit';;r Pla~e',Texas., provided h€;~~;'Qffii~:d;'(iualifJi'" , :f'Gtr :thepub~i:yation <?f,not:l:ces" ord'inances et:c.T ,';,,' ,:,:rtf, .. ,," , , -. "::M~y.or; S~hl~,s:ip:$(i~~, s:ugges:ted t:n~t the ,C9mm~?sion ta~e'\icti"on ,desig-~ ,~' 'n~:M..ng~ the:j,:wrx~if?;t'p~:i-l3t3 a.st];le;~-ptficia1..organ' for the.:'pV:h~Tcatlori ',,'oI.\';';Sl)~ch::.n'@~j!~jfsana "O:~dinap.(}es, subject to, the, 'opinip:p. .of, our, '01, ", t.torne;y, as, t'~:,'t19,aJ;j.f"ic?tt1.JJps etc." <: '", '. ,~'j;,::,~,/ : ,,',' , " maqe. ,be, C0Jfuri.\/~ s':i.QneT~:,fi~ ,d\ily s e csnde:ii beY: f,PJJJip,~ s:~ on- , , <ng that the' Mayor f s sugs,)lon 1:>,e adoptep:'9dndi'bioned as 'afbresaid'.~" , ' " '\1"7:,.."', " , ,,' '. ' ,'Voti?;g f-Ye,: Commissioners We. .~~.&: Plmrip.;,;C:i; ." ",:Nos Nb~.~.,:,:; ,furhterl 'ines's ,.Mee.ting , A.ti{e~~if:~',~, prmvetl , ,1, . ,....,. "~O " '.. J' . ~Kay, or'-:-~