HomeMy WebLinkAbout120130 CC Min --, .~~.-~..' 206 Reg~r ~;~eeti11& Coun0iI Cl::.mnbor--Oi'5-;Y- IIa.ll. 'MOLda, Dec,emb\J:L 1;;11.,-- -'9~----1900. C.i.L,y uf WtH;:;L Ulllvers1ty l-.Lace, Texas. . , The City Commission convened in 'regular session at 8 P. K. on,the foregoing date~ presided over by ~ayorH. B. Schlesinger, foliliww- ing present, viz;. J. A. Walling, 'Corf'unissioner, Preston R. PIU,Elb, Commissioner and Erwin Cushman, City Secretary. o Minutes of the meeting :November 24t11 1930~ read try, the Secretary. Motion by Corirrni'ssioner Walling, duly S'econded by Cominis SiOll8r' Plumb that themil1utjes t~f meeting Nov. 24th, 1930 be approved as read. Voting Aye: COlnmE'~sioners,' " '. ' Walli~-lg & Pluml''t",;eiOS, l~ONE. ,', ' , .FOl~Owi~g bill ~o ~ feree by Secretary for approval and payni~nt, vii: Earl NorthBui ,0, 0, $1-3-5iil0-..;.--::-Rupley Brake- Service $45.43, Houston .str~ct-',Ji". },St;~el :14. OO~.;;Dodson _Bat tE?ry Co:,', ',Z/t.14 Vernon Law Book :', ~~h. l8.00---Lloyd Metal Co, .;;T06..00 HaruvvellJ Iron Wk "I',..,', 5. OO-'--~Straus-Bodenheimer C05~'25 " ' Peden & Co" 9.71;';''';V:,.:'B;. Cain Autolp $lO.p5--3.'E. Rogers I:ric39;~1f5' ,Sakowitz Bros, -36.15"~Allen-Ga~tner 48.00-W.C. Munn Co, "83'-.50' Ho Stamp & S co '5.00..;H,0 Serv ~ Station . gO-Cargill .Co, \~~.,35. <RaymondPears6n 2.00-Ho Ligt & Power,$254.00,Carroll Flor. 5:~OO J!,H.Pairiter Agt~, $350.00-Krenzler,Nros$11.OO ~n9.Ai>5l.55. ' ' \ .. , Motion made by CouE~ssioner PlUmb, duly seconded by Conmli~~ioner Wal- , ,ling that the forego,ing bills as listed b,e approved, a~dr,;gS:ld,." Voting Aye: Commiss io'ners lIV'alling & Plurl1b. NOS N01TE'~ ;f r9' U WaterSuperintende~t A. P. Robb m~de report to th~ CommissiQ~'~P' an ac~ident ~n the nat~e or a collismon betTIeenhis truck~and another auto vehic1'E~ on or about No"!om.boJ? 80thi930. :;~ J:." < ' :: :,,;:0 ' ,..._~ The entire report was refe'rred' 'to Att;rney So~fie'ld thrQ~~1~titer' Commissioner, Wallingf'or such actiOYl as might be foundn~~~~~sary ~ " J ,: ,i"",: Letter :fDDm the HOD_stan Pipe and Supply Gompany'Iii:q.der: d~tl~:f~b,~~ 'U9v~ emb:ex> 25th, transmiitingJ,therewi th Mechanic's . and Mater:La:tmJi:r\:,:s7'r'e- , ,lea~e int,p,e S1).rr~ 9f $137.16 aga:'inst the Coastal COJ;lstr:uC;~':t,io:n/\~~;',and E"d.>.S. MqFe:rian,d,vvas submitted. ,,"',' ",":'" " , '~,,:,';J:1l#e-Secretary' ,JV'a-s; advis~d to :file same for futux'e referen?E?~', ':d~th: Secre::ba~t~':'~~1Tii tted' f()r ~p~~o~al acoI'rect,~d, TaX,Jlf,o,t31~.,':;triA;yeJ3.r ,19,3~)pages ,1 '~'o 'll ~nclus~ve correcting' certa:i;.rt'~gr:9pettYi1il: J'\~Qhticel- *' , lo'Addition ownedhy the' Sarijacinto Trust <5o,tn accorda:ii'e,6'\vith 8". ,i\l:ir,n_il,arsG;ttlement,on1:!he same bas,is as the' 19~9..Y: ',' >, ~' ,; ~' <Mot't'on by G9inn1,ifs;siion~rPl'()"mb a'nd duly seconded by C.oko:p.is S;1:~n(}r;;,Wa,;l... ',~i:l1p;g' Lha!' t1ie'Co~r,ected'0I:;p'11as -ap2ve set forth b'B'approV:E?o:;a:ncfp:a:s- 0" '. ~ <<~?.eq;.. -.V:o..tln,g Aye: ~ ,. , . II. i ~ . . :.Q^, , '.',~omrnissioners V1fall~~g:?:'P:~~1n~,. ; ~ NON:B1. , " , f'There' being no ':further b'lisin~,ss "h16tioYl dlily' sec'onded'tb.e same w.as '.,9;.ec-J,:ared ~y ~ithe IVIgyor Adj owned ~ ." , 1 _ ' " , " ':;.11':>ting A.ye: Commi ssioner s P lum~, liV al :ljing. l~ ~ /J ", ." '.i'f::::&:~~~pprmved,.~. Mayor , v, -