HomeMy WebLinkAbout112430 CC Min , '.. - r:"'- /1~ "IV' 2,' 04.rvt ,~,p-.' jft " 'R 1" t. ' "~I1'.- '_l'l J.' & r" egu ar Mee Hle;._ ' "'!~"l; ffl~, 7. Gounc'il (;r.0-1<'1-':!o'Y,_0'it-.r Hall VI .~_.Vl~ /7-"'./ ....J.. v.:...._....!.1.,...........!. v~ J . .' .() , ,.Monday Woveinber'. 24th, 1930. ' \ ' City of West University Place,_ Texas. '" ~ RegUlar meeting City Cormnission convened at 8P~~. November ~~th 'wi th H. 13. Schlesinger, }\~'yor presiding, botlI'--Commissioners Walling & .Plumb and ser?a:r~ C~shman in attendance. , Min~tes ofthe.me~ti:l~;~~,'vember 17th 1930 read by t~e ~ecretary., Motlon by Cormnlsslone l.l~umb, duly seconded by CorrmUSSloner Wal- ling that the minutes~~ approved as read with correctinnas follWwsj Insert fact that M~ssiT.~ Halla & Wmms were 'present at the'meeting'of, November 17th, 193().~" earing t'odiscus,s the ..matter of opening Al- bans Street and impr'o '.,_ g the same, M~~ Voting Aye,,~';"t:., 'CommissIoners Elu~m &:~$liing, Nos None. '.,.;:'! "- o ~-.;..,:' : M~~or Schlesinger then ;Jad in full, Judgement in theSu~t #2088, entitled C. M. Womack -et P.l,&+Ap~ellants,v~'C.ity of V~e~t;_ive~sity F.l,a:ce, et aI, Appellees, ;de~al"'J.ng the orchnance cqverlng=,~,~he.lssuance~ , of 'certain water works bo", ~~trictly in accordance with law candthat' ,'no 's'ubmission 'of the ques' ' to a vote was ' necessary. "-, ,-' , . Motion by Comm~ss~oner W.,;~ ng duly seconded:'by CO~Wi~~io~e~;,p~~nb ~ that the JudgeE:lent ln lts ent .' €J;y be spread upoh, the nllnutys'~f>Hhl'smeet- , ing. That the bill for $2.d6 #698 Court of civil ,appeals f:b~ copy be paid. Voting Aye: _ c - "', , 't '_";q \. C.o,1funfssioners ~lurnb & Walling. -, 0'.- NOS NDlill. ' , , ' I, Following bills offeTed by Secretary for rati'fication, v-iz,: , " , A~ . P. Robb for l,abor roll, ':$i8:.7~ ,Voucher 2733 to Gus Smith-a/c weihl crleaning, ( '75.00 'Norvell & Wilder, Well ~upplies, '192.J76 Antone Durall Labor water dept ,<10.50 Oliver Levy Janiter ,service and yard work Ci-ty, Hall .', 9,.1.0 Southwestern Bell Te,+.CoPhones & L. D,.-", ,,_>:'~,5.::1=.26 Motio,n by O-oramissio~,eil?PlUL'1b duly seconded by Cor{l.J.nis s i6ne;r~~,+.ling the foregoing bills 'a,s"paid by t}J.e S'ecretary & Mayor bell~pified. Vqting Aye :'Comm1ssi Oi1:eX.S Walling & Pll,Th1b ~ NOS NONE. , ' ':\ I., , th 81; t , ' ~ , ~ "..... . . . -Est,imate submitted 'from Miller & Miller' Shell, .labor etc~~;'for stre'e,t work and the construction of brid.ge and 'side walkdn, t4;e:~;su,nlof , ( $308.89.- Said estimate approved by the~treet & Bridge COID-l11':t:ssioner add also the Engineering Department. ;!if' , " " ,,', I Motion made by Comm~ssioner walli,n~;-d?llY seconded 1;y Con:mi~_~~o~:~r _Plumb, ,that the estlmate be app~ove ;erd that the CIty:geqr~t~y be _ ins-tructed to pay same out of gener S\iru~ds. ,- . , Vot:tng Aye: Commissioners Plumb & iting'. , ' " c' ,N.OSNOT\TE. . - '.": ,.,~..# ' ,'-' 0 ' , , ..'" . ',- ... Reiort of' the l<q11-alization B~~& ,.f'e#ttee year 1'93Q was ~~bmftted ,.., ' ',:sh()win'ga< to_tal <valuation fop .s,~.I,~, ye,ar',6f _$5" 486 ~2'T~r;oo':{~-ri'd, sub- /,m1ttirig their ~q~il amounting to';C$825.00 -for ,work ,ID! ~ equal;t~ation '<i~'J;_X 'd $300.'OO.:-,,.-,i::the compiling of"t:~ blQck book.. - .,' " > ' ,ea~fter "~~ppearing between. the figures&s':::b.ove.s€d~forth and, " gse:?l<J., ,tn;e tax roll for the yev.r 1930 0~2.::p.g due. to ne:i).uctibns , . . , . . ~ . .:;;;:-} " , , ~ fl1 ~, 0\ \) ~ ~ ~. 'r) (J I I,U-' " -7- . .# ~ ~~'~". "'<'" < .r..:" . (Continued fromP. 804.), 205 and alterations <8ubsequentfy, and now approved by tne ,Commis- sion. ~, Motion made by GOIT@lssioner Plumb and duly seconded by CorMilis- sionerWalling, that the report submitted by the board of equal- iZ,a tion :'O~ liC'cepted and filed, sub j ect to the corr'ections and , al terat~oj:u;aoov.e' set fopth and that the bill presented by said board o:f, equalization ~in the total sum of $1125.00 for their, ser- vices in such capacity and work done on the'block book as afore- said be approved and p'a,id. Voting, Aye: C Commissioners Walling & Plumb~ ,NOS NONE.' - <~. Tax C21lector Cusr..man then SUbJ}ll tted ,the _ tavc i",it which hadheen -I completed, showing a total valuation for the\ ~, 1930.' as $5,431,335.00 for appr0val of tb.e body. ''fc, P3 " , -, . ''. . :t~'='! .~V '- _ Mot~o:J4 .m,~ue, by Conn:riissi on,er -Walling, _duly ;s;6,onde-dby dOln~iss:Loner Plumh> "that the tax roll for the' year +9'30<~as above indicated show-' ,(#c ing,.lf1,'~0t~8;1. valuation of $5,,431,355~OO 'be approved and accepted. Votl,I:J,.g AYfi1::' Commissioners Plumb & Wa'rling.,; " l\TOSNdNE:c" " ,,', ", c -' . -. '.i. ,:. 'II \. ~'. . -/>' _ "">." ",';. ~.. "--' ~. ,. \' Mayo~~~~~esrng~r 'then submi ~ted the fol~6wing =or~inance in caption, '. '. . ~. . IO~,;_;~~, AN ORDINANCE PROVIbING FOR: THE 'LEVY' t " 'JOF $1.50 ON EACH $100.00 VALUATION OF TAXES FOR THE, YEAR ,1930 FOR AN , WITIN THE CITY, OF VffiST UNlVERSITY.PLAGE, TEXAS., FOR GENERAL PURPObE3AND,PROVIj).. " " ING THAT SAIJJORDINAN cE'X TAKE EFFECT IM- .-" ,,;< ,,ME:Q.IATELY,. ' ; Motf~n'1:?Y~Qo'mmissi'6iler~ :flumb, and 'duly' seconded bY'Commissioner Wa'l-', ing tha't't)1e op'(lizmnce "f:ixing tp.y tax rate for ,the yee:I' 1930 at $1.'50 "en aa ell , $roo,~ valuation be approved and passed. ~6~;~~~':<'3f.' Gommisi3ioners V1Tal~ing, & Plumb . ... ",...,;>';'::' "~. Mr:., 'If\(~ "II:~~~a appeared b,ef.~~e ,the commission :(Q.etke -report as to d~,_t;,.e ,ipn'r'eached' b:y; himself' ..and co-own onc~~ning theope~"; ing~'~:@i;,QvE;l~~n t' of "Al"bans '8 tr,ee t . ' 'c,,',,' "", , ' , ~~i" t:i~~',~~::~~~f:~~ ~~:' ~~~~~~X,~;t ~~~s c~:~s;~;~~W~l~~e:t ~i~~gP~~:- \ ':i~'id st~~;~:t~d because of! that ;ea~t, the street cannot, .1?e opened' tip and~ii' "'<:1 through ,to Wakef6r~st\and furthp1ore"tnai;, th\'3 H,alla~Fl are' <rrq;t' ,'g:' to, pay for curb 'and gutter nor dedi-cate a ,r:i:ght of~r' "way ur;t"J;eiJ:: ..t:~~fi.ty.w:illbea{ tpe, entire cost of improving the ,saQif1, Str-~.~t~>_,v, ~" . c, t- "'.,_ , "_,,,,;, TherE7:-jj~;~n,~;no j?urth.e~busine.J3 ~,,',before the meeting., on ,motipn 'duly}j'" ','" s~eofia,:~d~Cthe;saIn.e, wt4i3, declare.a:;ad,jp;urned. ,- , :.. f- ," ,', :V6ting;ltye:60rm,nissiopers V'lall~Jjig &Pl~. " , '.' ' Nos None. . ,,~,.~-:.' , Attest,} .., J ' :Z. ~ ~. , , 1.-. :j .- -.,----.-.------- -TT1r7 : I c