HomeMy WebLinkAbout111030 CC Min 202 Regular MeBting. , Council Ghamher---Ci t:;tHall.', Monday Novemb~r 10thn '----1930 of West University Plt1~e~Texas. City, Regular meeting, of the City Oorirrnis.s ion convened at the hour 'of 8. P. M. on the foregoing date, mayor Schlesinger presiding and b,oth Commisfi. ~ sioners Walling & PlUmb' and Ci,ty Secretary qushman in attendance. ~, .1: " , Minutes of 't~eme~ng October 27th read' by, the Se,cretary. ',_ ,Motion by, cof;.' -;f~"oner Walling" ,duly seconded ~y c;o~nissioner' Plumb that, th nutes of October 27th, be approved ,as' read.. ' Comrnissioner~; ling & Plumb voting Aye: :"" NOS NONE. ,~!'fIi " ' ,',' ,-,' ,;:'~' : ...J ",' ',,', Cash paid IctitY Hall $5.,10 ' #3799, formsfor;'~,. n:."s.; $6.00 Texas Sportin (cartridges 3.60 ,#38'01 Mai,l RacksI>.R..P 5.00 I .... ".. Ho Lgt & P Co st LamPS 170.00 C i. ty of Hous ton, 'Water I ..50 Ho Nat Gas , 'City ~ll .76 The T.~:mn:1s Co Fbgt :f'C)rJ.1fi..S 16.00 RaymondPearsonl 'gr~a~~g '2.50-" Beard & stone Repairs, 1.00 Our water Dept. citi<!i~l 3.00 J.F .Byrdl Rack,'''~ ,D.~mt ' 5.00 Royal TypewriterpRibbQ:t,t\s"~L,- 2.40 ,Hugha~ M~tDr Cl1etj~~~,artet'1:'.35 Ho stamp &,stenCo, "17.~~;; 6.00 J.'F.HarrJ.man:(F9"am:Lt~), 9.39 Barn,es A/fach Shop Reprs t:~, ..-..8.50.' McClellan & c. '(~a;rl1teeue) 17.75 Westinghouse Electric "'1"!iit9.00 ',Westingp.ouse (fire: Delft) 4.74 ,James Buteco(St,&B.D:p ;,~:;7.80 'Hargis thevCo Repai~s 12~51 Dr Stallings (Mule dop :'r;,J" 5.00 " The haden COljl sang & gravel 27 .10 Oliver Levy, 'Janitor, 4.30 Cash pai(i shoeing"IDu1,es, etq 10.05' " Antone DUrall (labor) .,... 3~00' F.W. Heitmann (S'inds Water) l3.~1 'J. W. ,Wilder I (Delinq", ~ >1.] s ,16. 50 Xrenzler Br9s, Gas' 'etc 60.24 'The foregoing bills paJ by the Secretary &.' Mayor submitted for ratification. ' Motion by Commissi~:mer Plumb, duly second.eel by Commissioner Wal- ling that the above bills as ,enumerated be ratifi~d and a:pprqved~, Voting Aye." oommissionersWalling & Plumb" NOS NONE. ' ' - I' lu I . , ' ~ Bill"presented to co.ver '60.2'f' topping o~ Haden Avenue ii1';''()"l! Crain Ready Cut House Co.~$16. 56. ' 'Motion by Commissioner Walling ,seconded by ComniissioneF PlUmb that theb:i,ll be approved and paid Carried., ' , " Letter addressed to Mr~ P. R. p1umbf'rom Mr. E. J. Go Qcbnan relative toto;pping Raden Avenue was read and. p~fsed to C,ity' 8e'i:#~tary for f:i,llh1\g.'" ,v ,..-' l!o, f1irth 'business on mot~p~;',:?-uly seconded th~ same was q.eclar_~d ad- '_ ~9UI.'ned.l;, ,'\ ",,:,,';'::, " ' ' .. V,?ting:Aye,:B'oth '~o~~s.s ioiu~:~:e.:~, ~ NONE. ,Y' . .~. .. .' " '. "'"r~pproved, ~ . tfl .~~ Attes;t: ..'. - . m..... i 4 ~,. ~ ~ City secre.....y. ',.'. (, ,_ 1.. " , I .'. . .. '" :, ',-', ,,( , ;' 'x ::... :"., '-------r! 'nrT - o " 0',', , ,