HomeMy WebLinkAbout102730 CC Min ~ ~ o "'f') +. r1" pili. :0 ~) c\ ! " Redtlalr- Meetin6., Council Chamber-City Hall. Monday'Octooer 2i/'tn, J.~"u;. C:Lty 01' West iJn~vers~t;y p.Lace,Texas. 199 ~ F"..' J ,.,-.~ Regular meeting of the City COITIrl1is sionconvened'at 8 P. M.. on the above date~) :lVIayor.Schlesinger presiding and both Commissioners, Walling, Plwnb, and Secretary Gushraan in attendance. ' ",",Min.utes oi'the meeting held October 20th read by the Secretary. ~Motion made by Commi1:)s ioner Plumb, duly ,seconded by Commissianer llllalling that the minutes 'Of Octaber 20th be approved as read. Vating Aye: Commissianers vValling &;Plu.mb~ Nos None. Following bills, offered by the Secretary for approval and ratifi- catian; viz:- -~J. F. Byrd, Making_~ax case for 1930 re~eipts, , ~ R. L. BentoJ;)., Servlces on a30 Tax Roll, ~i1!"" " _ An:none Durall, Labor water dept. " ~, _ Oliver Levy, Jan,itor & yard, (;'l Second National Bank Inter st on Eonds to, ork, tl ff II tt ' tI It ft .,; , ~ f.f (, .', . , '<I,' W. H. Graham, Attorn~y" ~ch~ol suit, {~I' Fire Fabric Hose Co, Scrlp Que l2j20.30 v ... J. E. Rogers, Inc., Feed far mules, $15.00 75.00 12.00 13.40 2443.71 2315.78 ' 25.QO i539,.60 44.96 Motion by COInrnissioner Plumb seconded by ComhissiQner Walling that the,';foregoiYj.g bills be approved for pay.ment and the paid bills ratified..;,: ~ ..' ' Voting Aye: C'omrnissioners 'Plumb '& Walling, Nos Ndne. ,) ,A letter addressed to the Mayor aIfd 'Commissioners from Jack Raf- ferty" qity Engineer was read, as f'ollows: , TheC:b'ty.of Houston conti~ues to ma}ceuseo:f,the 48ft storm sewer , an Rice Boulevard o'ver' proteats already 'made by this 'Office and your honorable, body., , r I believe that action "should be taken t,o protect the rights 'Of our t, taxp~yer,s, whoe property is being subjected~o grave d.raina~e dan~ ' gers.- v .... . J ;. /~ . . . .. ~ MO,ti:Q~' ;inad,e by Gomrriissioner Walling; duly seconded by, Commis.sioner Plumb, that the Mayor and city Attorney be authorized to file claim w~fuh~ityCouricil of the c~ty of Housto~,in protectimn of qur tax~ payers in yonnectian with, the prevailingoanger by virtue 'Of the ;use- 9:f;', this. 48t. storm serwer' as a;foresaid., " V<;1>ting :lye: COInm,'iiSsdL,o:mrm"", s Plumb & Wall'1ng,. "'- ~ "~. ~QS N~rie~ ~. , The '':eax,6ollected requested that the ~~it for the allowance of a q% discount on 19;30 ta~ collections. .', the 'minutes o~'Sept. 3rd, fixing the limit at, October 10th, b~ e~nded in the c'ase of the '\. " San Jacir,Lto- Trtt,st Co..,' in p~yrrierft of ~es' on' property in the name .qf tp.e~,C. A... Bryan Corp,ora.tion, becaj1se of th~fact that San J;acinto' , . ;Wrust:>.Q0~pany h~.d( th~ matter, in r:eadines'Sfor payment withintl?-~,J:, limit bu.t:.w€?~,e l1P.ayqidably d'etaip,in,getting,-pro,per sign.aturestrc;j'fu the Bryan Corp'arat.lon " ~'" , ; " , ' ','0':2,," . . '- ,~ .. ~ .<C.. Motion mad.e by' G'onimissioner Plumb, dul~e-conded by Com;.' Ja.ll,i.ng,j'<"::<:' f!r.ont.i,nl1Ad 1'200. \ ." ,,:''', -----... ~I 1 ~"1 (Contihued fromP. 199) ." that an extension be extended for -:the payment of the said GompanY'g taxes up to October 25th, ~930. And that the Tax C.ollector be authorized to, apply the same in cfonnection with the 5% discount. Voting Aye: Commissioners 'Walling & Plur.o.b. . NOS NONE. 20'0 c () - .,?'.~--..,- -+ - -. '-::";,) , Petition was re~d from Mr. Allan Seale representing the owners ~ of Monticello A~d~ion asking permission to 40 certain work on ' Sunset Boulevar<i;" "~~z: to commence on the Eastenn margino,f Bel- mont at' intesecti;o:n~~p,f Sunset Blvd';I':mxx.RX1ii:tK:Kmum~~xia5~'t ' and to Bxpa:v:amestb.e;" ~~rt in said s:blbeet a dis tance of 60/feet and replace same .w:Lth'18tt of loose shell and wIth 2ft of granite gravel topping and t~( co~~t~t.on,North & souths~de of said Sunset Boulevard a dl::;tari e;p'orrsponding with' the e,bove street improvementy standard cur ~guDDer. Also on the so~th margin of lot 17 in block 6 of .' cello Addition, a standard con- crete sidewalk the full,,' ~ance6f t,he frontage of ,said lot b. 50 f t ' ~ ' , eJ.ng ee . iJ t1ij .', . . Motion made by Comm :;..s;3~ . ;~'VValli:ng,duly seconded; by Cornrni-ssion- erPlumb, tha~ the petiti~ of Mr. Seale be granted'subject to approval by Uity Engine5'r't#of proI'i:Ike~ and plans for sidewalk. ' :' Voti-ng Aye: Commissioner 'Plump &Wa~lli:iig.',., ' NOS NONE. '. -, . .!~ .. : . MayprSchlesinger offered the following reso1,.ution wh;i.ch was necessary as a result of irregularities indulged' i:p: by' the Ho,us", ,~ tom Natural Gas eo., in crossing' streets within th~Ci,'tylimits ~ /' with,out obtl3.inin& proper permit ~n, su~:g c~ses, Viz.;' ,. ' RESOLVED THAT; . ,. ,WH~EAS, THERE IS IN ID'FEGT AN ORDINANCE " PROHIBITn~G THE EXCAVATION 'OF' STREET&JWIT-IIOUT SECURING A\tYRJ:TTEN PERMIT FOR SUCH WORK; ,&nd . WHEREAS ,.IIf HAS COME If 0 ,'.CHE NOTIC$OFt. THE' BOARD OF" C01lJllJ.fIS"SIOl'IERS rrHAT THE HOUSTON NA1]URAL GAS COMPANY HAS MADE SUCH EECAVA'PIONSF@R'c'THE PWtPPSE OF'EXT~NDiNG ,ITS LINES WITHOUT;SEGURING,SUCH PEntfl~ AND iN SEVEEAL INSTANCES~MADE EXTEN8~QN~,IN A MAI~~ER ,THAT WAS NOT IN, CONFOI{lJIITY WITH THE 'PLA1~S OF Sl\;:t:p BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND ,IN' ,A MANNEg ~HAT D]:]):NQTiSERVE THE'BEST INTEREt>TS OF OUR,GJ:fJ.'IZ)mS"AND TAJt'PAY;ERS AS A, WHOLE; , , ~" > , BE "IT ItE$O~VED, BY THE 13QARDOF,COMM'ISSIOD1RS':: OF THE CITY' OF WEST tn~I~ERSITY' PLACE', . ~$:JqiS;; ,',:-~'r::; '. , THAT A COpy OF .SpCH ORDINANCE REQ1:lIR-IWqJ:tSU'mI':PERMITS BEJ:i'URNISHED T'O 'SAID HOUSTO~'NATURAL; 'e,} , ::\E'@~lPANY AND THAT THE OITY ,SECRETARY' ADVISE THE H-eU " A\tlfAWURAL GAS CQ]!IP ANY BY LETTER THA'l1 'IN FURTURE ~n.WJ;~ BE REQU IRED TO SECURE PERMIT IN THE REGULAR. MANNER .BE- FORE PRDGE;EDINGWITH CONSTRUCTION' WQrm:.'Wfl'TCH,INVdLVES !VIAIC[NG-~ExC:AVATIONS"IJ.r _lJ;H~ STRE:B;T BETWE~~L~R:OJ?ERTY,' , ,LINES O~, PROPERTY ABUTTING ON' SUCH' STRUm:' A-l:iSO THAT A' Cl)l1y:~;f6F THiS" mtsoLUTION' BE~'INCCRPOHAT~"'trN'Sl)CH ,LETT:ER AD9lTED .BY' THJt J?O~D OF COl\OOVIISS;~NERSOF THE CITY 9FWEST lJNlVERstt;yP4ACE, TEXAs,:.oomOBER 2~th 1930. Mot:i,.on made>'byd6ntrfti~to~er 'Walling:dul:y secoliaed';~y ;,Cqrnmission- ',;::J?lumb that; th~abov.e;resolutiori be Erdopted'as', re~d'~i:::'" r , ,-, . ".., (c,o~~ip,}X~a p' 2q~)" ,'} r'" :i I~ :.;. , . , ~ , U m .1' ~~l ~~ /..~ ,. .hl i.. . {, . .-'. ~'{~ ". .,... t. r 0" "' ~--, TT''-- ~ :)\ \) 'r) l!t< ~ .... , (~~\ 'C C~ .-' " , I .. , (Continued f~om P. 200) 201 r f Voting Aye.: g Commissioners Plumb & Walling. NOS NONE. There beingno further business, M Motion made by Comraissioner Plumb Walling that th&'meeting adjiliurn, the . same adjourned. duly second~d byCommissio~er Wher~up _,,~~ Mayor deCl~red , 'i' " Walling & PI ;F ,ffJ · . , , c,,, ~ ' , .. ~~ 1/ c Voting Aye: Co~nissioners NOS NONE. " ,~ ' < A.~j;est~':7' . '"... '. ,- -' -\ . ~:, . . .... .~, . ,.\ ,1 \.~ ., li~:.:: C 1'ty ,~ ' '\ Approved, ? : .. ~" , , <; ~o,~~~~~p~ ~eld November, 3rd, , ,...! ,...1 '," . '.'\ - i ~f .\.. i.; _~ ;~.~ . ,1: ;.J./ ;~~t . 19,30. Secretary out '. '.". ~. ' t;,J of th.e" City. 'w <I, I <-'~,' ~