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"He~lar Meeting.:" ,
Council Chamber--City RaIl.
Monday-October 13th. 1930.
City of West Universitv Plac'e~ Texas.'
"City Commissi~m convened in: regulaJ:> ,s'~ssion at 8 P. 1\1. on the "
foregoing date. Meeting called to orderYthe Mayor, M~. SChlesinger.
Mommissioners J. W. Walling an~ P.'R. Plumb present also Secretary
~~., '
Minu~es ,of' I the meeting September 29th~ read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Walling, duly seconded by Comri1i'~,sioner PIUlIlb
that 'the minutes of' Sept. '29th be approved as read. ,"
Voting Aye: Commissioners PIUlUb& Walling. ' '_"
NOS NONE. 0' ,~..
Paid- Bills submitted for ratification. < :f.;,"
,V'oucher 2681 ----:...;...----Transfer of :tunds, , , ;t 'Cl $1200.00
n 2682 _'__~__"'_. ti u ,u ' , "~'(';.'OJ , 20.00
ff 2683 ---:..-----Hanover Bank for interes'v ' 10,232.77 .
tt 2709 Fergie Walker 'Co Compination miiP t'~r Mayor" !2,.50.
<< 2712 R. L. Benton, Balance due for Det1nq Tax Roll 21.00,
ft 2685 Gus Smith, Repai.ring well ete' ,PTap.t- #1 50.00.
u 2609J .H. 'Rafferty, On account his bond uses 385~60 .
ff 2711 R. L. Benton, Work on City books Sept, > 25~OO.
u 2686 ' Miller & Miller Atc Est. 9/25/30. Attd. 180,.97.
ff268'7 If, U" n ff ,p tJ 251.33.
II 2"l19tJ If "If 10/9/30 1f15b~00.
ff 2735- Publi~ Nat' 1 Bank Int. W. W .WJts . C.oupons . 120.00
'.fJ -2756 'Secon/:l Nat'l Bakk.,Irit n II If fl " lT51~88
~ II '2734 Extra work on 1930 Tax Roll, '.. 25.00
"2737,' Janitor, and extra cieaning to 10/11.30. 4.80. \
ff 273'8 Antone Durall Labor ~ater' dept. i.50.
lVIotipn.made byCommissione,r Walling, duly .,seconded by"Commissioner ,
Pl1mlbtl;1a:t;"tJ:1e foregoing bills be' approved as, enumerated by the
'M~yor.' ",'
Votamg, AYfn Commissioners Plumb & ,Walling. _
NOS NONE. ' . '
Estimaye Miller & Miller for Team Time for grading street's'.'app;roved
b:y 1VIr,~'j;Pl!fm:9: ip. ,thesp.m of, f534~00 was su.bm;itted, for atten:tion and"
appro\t:al,if':"':' ," ", " '. .
lVIoti9nJ:i;bY;~:borimi~:s'sioner PlUmb, duly seconded by Com. Wallingth~t the
Est~w~te Mi~~er& Miller for $234.00 above set'forth.be approved and
paiq.f ',>~.~>':"", , '. . +. ,,'
voting<A~ ;.e,6IQmis13ioner~ ,Plumb & Wall':j:ng.0,a'
'N'ds,'N",oW~" ? ,.' . " ',' " . ',: ' ,4
,'..'. ,'~, ,;;. 'fb'!>
Co~~.)'~e!:?r~'~ 1'0: the week' ending Oqtober, 4t ":~~;~930 wa~ submitted
by tne" Co~po:rt;t t J., on Judge. , ...~ ' .
1Yf6t,i'0n}):~a(:l~:;by Cmmnls sioner Walling anddut'y seconded' by Oommis-
'siqnerp)iu.mb'that the"report of the Corporatio1)..Ju~ge be accepted
arid>~fil~Q~ . ..-."
Y01:d.ng :k.~~~: Comm~~sioners, Plumb & Walling.., ' .;,:r..
NOS NOliE:-- I, ' "f ',' I" ""
;R~,t~i.ti'6,rl~o.:e'..Mes~~:~':.Eehert" N'-vat11 arid Shipley asking for e]!J:'d.y co:g.-
sideratiori.' ofext,ension of sewer lines in order to re;Lieve carta in
eondi tions complaimed of by said petitioners! wassubmitted....1:io the
'pody with estimate from the CitY....E.ngineer attached::,to .sketch,~;
On l1lotion duly aecon:ded, the' Secr'etary was iJj.s'tructed, to ,wri tie the
'pe-tit,1ibn~p-s advising that owing to the heavy cost fo~r the 'e:x;tension
" Eo:f'thi,~: Jine, :tk&txto serve.... a few'" hom~s. the, City was not iJ;l '8: '
, ,)
'. .,.
, .,~.
'. ?, 7,
~. n ,
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position to install the ext~nsion.just now, but to assuret~e peti-
t:i..oner's that the ma};tey w01;lld.aga~n be ref:erred to the, city Engi- '
neer with further request to s~e ~f some temporary relief can be giv-
en at a l.ower cost, and thereafter to get in; touch with petitioners.
yating Aye: C9illmissioners Plumb & Walling.
NOS N01-rE.
Lett'eP~om the Union Indemnity Company New Orleans La!, addressed
to critir Engi:p.eer dated Au.gust...~30th,' 1930 in connection with the
cancellation of Bond G. K. Horton Inc.; in. the sum of,$7500Q ,'00
Mayor Schlesinger submitted for approval of the Commission~rs'his
reply to said letter under ~:,date of October 10" 1930., wher~in he ,
takes issue with ~~e sai~ Un~~Inde~ity Company .showipg'where '
the work had no~/~,could ndt,~~ve been heldupforlac~' of finan-
ces nor abrogatji' ,'1:Y agreement'o.r otherwise and th?-t th~",bond is by
the City consid ~e, to be in full,Sore, and effect,., ,,', ~; " '" '
, Motion-me.de by' issioner Pl1irrl;1.Y," duly seco:q.ded by Comm1sliioner'Wal-
, ling: that ~ctiOJJ(i'cI' the J(ayor in~h~s rep}y to the U~io:p.lndemnity Co
'o:fN~w Orleans ~.~ be f1\l.J.ly rat~f~ed., ,'< ' " ,
Voti:p.g Aye: Co:mm'i*s~oners 'Walling & Pl~b~,
NOS ~ONE. ,,:, :1 ",', t, ,.'.
;t .
" ,
Petition from, Haden and Austin for~djustment ~f their ~~nderedinven-
tory. executed by them on, '95 acres of land in ,the Cit'y I:i"mo.ts f~< the'
year~1~30 was submitted 'by Mayor Schles:i"ng~r. It appeari'iti:":that the
equa.li~,: ~on board raised 1:;heassessment,a.foresaid~ rrom::~?p,500 to
$237;50 ::."and'it, furth~r, appearing to t~e Commi,ssion ,t;r.,~t: this- in-
c::rea~e is entirelrtoo high'~ ~ass~ssmeiftC all thi:r:lgs~,e~:$~de:fed and
out ?f proport~on to an equ.J.~able assessment "fo~h~~ p~~~~rty,
ther~fore, , , " '
}l[o,tion was made by Comm;i.ss:i,oner Plumb, duly seconded. ,b,~H
er 'Walling,tha,ttl1e,increa.se, oil this ,9.5 -acres ,to~,',thte'~,'
, . )$2375QD.', be disapproved ,&ld'tha:t the Tax' Assess0r:'be'ai:t:, l.z~C,lc;to
readjus~ the~and~red invent.oJ;'y.in_ qu.estio~ b,B;,~~:,~:t,?J tP,e:it!~J1?iIf~~;;f'ig-
Fas, vJ.z: $123,509. i'or -che year 1930,. " " ,~;, ", ",~:,~:,~, ~.~ ",
~~~i~N~:e: GOIIl11lissioners w~lling &, Plumb. _ ; '~1"'> "
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