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~ "
City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. M. on the
~oregoing date. ,Meeting called to order by Mayor SGhle~inger with
both Coriunissioners Walling &: Plumb andSecr~t~ryC:ushman, in 'a.t-' ,
tendan'ee. " ,
Minu~es o~ the meeting September 22nd,read b! the Secretary.
Motion 'by, COnnilissioner Walling' duiy' 'seconded oy'Comrriissioner .
Plumb, that the minutes of Sept.. 22nd as ,read by the Secretary,
be ~pproved.. ' . '
Voting Aye;. ,/
COmmis'si'orters Plumb & Walling. ; " ,.' . s.
Secretary offered folloWing paid vouchers for'. r;.. . <g,~'~aM.on, . vl~:
"No 2704:, Oliver Levy $3.?O .;~ ,J'3
u 2799.,. A..n~one Durall, , 8.25 ,,' '\f '
U ,2J?O''t' ',.John Wilson ' 'lO~OO . f ~~',t,
'tf 2694; :i1. R. Bronk; 10.53 ' C;', ,.
tt 2680" Southwest~rn B, T Ro, 30~63
If '2684, R. 'L. Bent'on, Extra a/cTax35.00
ff 2?lO, KJ:>enzler Bros, , 80.'75,
Mo:tic~Iimad:eby Commissioner Plumb, duly 13econded by Commissioner
wai'fing~ ;'that 'the foregming bills be ~ rati~ied as paia.
Votion~:ye:' Comm~ssioners Walling & Plumb.,
, .
Bill Hpus'-c-on pipe Line Company ~or. the sum of $'137.16 for material
furnishedo lln d,erthe E,. s. McFarland oontract and ordered by Water
C~nfu1:J.f)s,ioI;1er Walling was submitted for approval and payment due to
.thefact.' that it was no,t included in the settlement with Ed S.
Mc~arlana and therefore not paid. ,
Motion by Commissioner :Walling, duly seconded by Coi:nrnis ~ioner Plumb
that the bill o~ the Houston Pipe Line Co be paid soon as ~unds are
av.ai,lable. ' ~ ' "
vot:$i;ig:lye: Commissioners Walling & Plumb.
NOS' Ntnm; " '
EngineeFEa.:f~;~.~ty submittedes~imate o~ engineering ~ees amounting
to $64.'7o~p:p:Sl1'ying u~on job', of; shell a.ndspr~ading in College V-iew"
Golonia~'r.P~~~ag~, ~~,.Fai:t'ha.venAdditions detail attached to dupli~
ca te' ,v,ouch~re2'7~'i~'Pt 30th~.' 1.930. " ,
, Moti011':Py':<e.6nnnissioner Plumb, aii.~y seQ.onded by COl11r(1issioner Walling
that"-eb;~z~f!igineerls' :ree o~. $64'.''r6~s above submitted be' approved and
. paJ.d.', ,',' , '" " ~-\ _.'~ ", ,
V:oirip.g Aye: C'onmiissioner.,s Walling & Plumb -\;~.
NOS'<16g~ " ,. '"
In respons.a to a reques~ f-rom t1;a~.M~yorf?; ity Atto;r:r;ey R.
:rie-ld, subm.it~edhiswr:tten OpJ.nJ.o;nrr~ati?-~ tc: ~nJ.~orms
fie' Officers J.n the makJ.ng of arrests i'or speeding. '
The op:l-ni.'on was 'pa:~ sed t~o th~ Ci ty'Secretary for filing.
L. Bon...
o~ tra.f-'
Petiti.onfrom 'Qitizens ~mr the opening of Wakeforest,,$~reet to
~!~?:S~~~'~B~ulevard ,w~~: ref:~rred to the S~.',~ }3~;.e~~~,~Sione,r by;'
- -
, . ~
Cont~nued .from, P. 193. )
~ ' ,
the Mayoi' with request'that lie investigate and make proper reply
to t4e peti~ion.
; '., ; ~.
a ~ough s~t~h was submitted by theSti~son Engineering Co., for 0
t~e SUbdi~~ng of Block 88 Wes~ Un~versity Place 2nd Ad~i-
t~on C--
· ~ (i,"
It was mO,~~bY Commissioner Walling and duiy seconded by Com-
missioner lli1rnb, that the replat of, block 88 W. U. P.#2 .(lnd
, O.K!d by*ib,~OityEngineer b,e approved in {;);ccorqance with sk~teh '
:riled with; ,;tii., , Commission this date, but, that forinal approval', ,
shall not be:~e?:>f,ective until tracing is presented and' blue print'
filed with ,th€!;'r;e.~.:~y secretary, together wi th appropri~t;edediea-
of addi~ional aastlments involved in' sa~d replatting." :';.' ,
Voting Aye : - .o,otnmis,sioners Plumb, & Walling.
There being no further
duly seconded the same
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Plumb & Wall~rig.
Attest.; ~. .' .
'~, '
c~ty ecre
business before thet meet'ing,p~,mot:fon:
was: declared by the Mayoradjournea. '
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