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Regula+' M~eli_ini~
Council Chamber-Ci~y Hall.
Monday September 2;9nd, 1930.
City of WestUniversi~y Place. Texas.
City Commissionecohvened'in regular session at 8 ~p .)/I. on' 'the fore-
going date. called to order by ,Mayor Schlesinger wi~n,both Commis-
sioners Walling' & Plumb, and Secretary, Cushman in. a;t'.t'endance.,
" ~.,
Minutes 'of ,the meeting held September 15th, 1930re~d,by the Secretary
and the following motion made: ., '.
Motion by Commissioner Waliing, duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb
th~t the minutes Sept. 15th '193,6 as read he approved~ ' ,
Voting Aye: Oormilissioners Plumb & Walling, ..' ' ,
Secret~~w~submitted to Mayor for approv~of, the Comm~ssion the ,follow-
ing billS, viz:, A..
C~.F.Mil~j9d-g~; Prepara~ion 1930 Budget etc., b'lij,~~. $35.00
Houston LJ;'gh,t~ng &, l'ewer Co., , Cl ,11.34:
, A. P'. Rob,~Supt, Pay Roll to sept. 20th, 1930, .. "",~",tI " 28.~O
- Holl~von ,LJ.ghting & Power ao., P~a.nts .1 & 2 {Po ~, ',' 263.80
Oliver ,Levy;, Mowing lawn, reIl;t Lawn mow~r ~~c, ~", " 5.40
'E. B.. S:chlesinger For. Oh~;~,s Fire ~ept and L. ~ Tels etc :~O.83
Motion 1:qy Commiss~oner Walling duly secoItded by Comm:lssioner
Plumb that the forgo~ng bills, be approved and paid. '
Voting Aye: Commissioners,Plumb& Walling.
~~'. i .:~.f., .
Bil:l, frt@.tnd~,o.i.ller ~:md Mi::!-ler for meat, labor and necessary ingred.ients
f'urn~:s~e,~{t0r th,e Bar1;H~e)le ,A-q.g 19th, 1930 subm,it~ed for approval &:
payment in the sU,m')of'$111'.70, less ,donation of 200 l'i:)s meat by
themariiQUJ:1t~ng to '$1,6.00 leaving a net ,balanee. of $95.'70. "
'. ,.
~G\tic0n':;ii1~cil-e by ..,GOIDmissioner W~ling, dv:ly 'seconded by Commis~lioner
Ptumb; t~at<tthe bill tor. ~I,l,lan~e of $95.'70 be pa,id to 'Miller,&: Mil-
ler and tl!at a vote qf, tha~s and appr6ciation be e~ten4ed to"
thesegel:lc~~~menf'ortheir liberality in making a subs~ai1tial.dona-
tion to ,tij,e':!i'lre Department Barbecue and also for their rmtirmng ,
'.' ef':t5'Q~ts ,~,~~ ,~stip.t,ed co-operation by virtue of pers'onal i,nt~rest and
,~e~l1e:f;'j$~n~~4 !s'Q]>,ez:v.:Lsiop.. , " .,: " ,', , "
Vou:cher 2:66'7 favor I, W.. M~KeowIl, :for $,'75,.00 waspr~~e.ntedror 'approval
wi th:t;he. e:x;jllanation tha~this amount. ,wa~ aqvaIlcedto' be .usecl 'in
compinatio~ w~th $100.'reali~ed as hi~ equity in th~Buick just,so~d,
as a.,cash'payment9n'aFord Coupe. '.
Motj:,'on ,.m~4~by OOmmi ssi o:p.e;r Plttillb duly second~g. by- Gommis si oner ' ,
. ',Wa; " "'~t~t.tJ;le', amount O:f'b" $75.o-Q 'IHll.idMcKeown- for the purpose ii1~,
d.;fe! ~:':~~';::approved~~It be'ing under'stood, that, the Ford, Coupe newly'
pureJjfi$j,iii~~:ll 1:)e u.sed by' bl'~ie'r M.cKeown1n tb:~ citY-service, when
- "nec.ess' :V:1!h e",nne~t4;o:r1 with pplice dtit'ie.s.-. ',.' (
Voting ..:Coriirni~u~!Q!ii?rs Wa:};t~g &: PJ.umb, ...
NOS N, ,,;.: '" " ' ',' ", ";. "'. , " ( '", ~
'. , " , " ". '($-
PetitiQri't~oni C1 t,izens t8ignedStephe~~. ertet als., residents
(j:r,Colleg~ '\Ti~w,,~dd+tion :u.nder da.;te ~. 'pt.15th ,1930, wa.asubmi1;;-
, tea req1i~&t.fng :~xtension of sani t'$.;t>~~wer system -so' as to' reIp.va'
unaa.nita,ryeondillion, on Tennys'on &:~ ~even.son stre,ets and.stressing
action 8.f? to the home of A.. K.. Ship:t~y Lcr'i 17 :tuBlock 11.
. (1). 192 Cont,fd) .' ~
'- ,
. ~ ., "
'/- .
-." ~. . ..;, -
(From P.'191)
. .
The Ij[ayor instructed th~t the pet'ition of these citizens in Col-
ledge view Addition be.,Feferred to the City Engineering Depart-
ment.for i~spection and recommendation.
City Attorney Sonfiel(l, 'submitted an ordinance regulating the 1\
installation of gas servi~e lines and providing for regulation of \)
'gas pip!1mg etct '~<- i , ,
The Mayordire~t~ AtForney Bonfield to submit a copy of th&s
gas prdi:aance ~the Houston Natura.l Gas' Company and ask far
t~eir comme,nt" ~eP same if anY, and 'ttlen,ce to ,present the' or~
dinance. again ;jer receiving his, reply from 'the Gas Company.
After some d,~, ~SiO~ relative ,to improvement ~n~' e~ansion of
our traffic re~~ations especially w~th a view to protection
of the sch.o:O~, d.ildren," following motion was offered~v,iz;'
:.:.,. ~-P~~.:. '. . '. . ~ " .
Motion by CottWii~sioner PlUIJ1bduly second~d by Commis&ioner Wal- ,
ling, that tli~r:'~\:ty Attorney be direeted to draw "u:Jc:)',~aIl> or,dinance
providing' for ';cQmplete stops by all vehicles befor.e 'en.tering the
fcrllowirig streets 'and Boulevards, viz ~ Bella.j.re, EO,u,le:v:.ard and all
streets leadin~t;hereinto; Both sides -University J~'on[evard.. Wake-
:rarest; Belmont, ,Buffalo Speedway; 'Both Sid~sRic,e, J5:G'l!i'l'evard, Bel- , "
mont, Wakeforest and Virginia streetl, and prescriJb:i<ri.g:a penalty ,
for vlolatian thereof. . , " ',~~', '
Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Wal~ing '& PlUmb.
the, suggestion ,
Commissioner Plumb then offered m9t~9Rthat the City b~ilda
foot bridge across 'Drainage ditch 'at'lJnivers~ty ,Boti;;Ji~'V'~'~,b~-
tw~en -Tennessee ,'and Edloe streets" whereupon': ,the 'f0Thlo-.1tig, " ,,'
m'otion w.as ma-(ie:' r' ,," '.,1, ':, '
, , Momnd.s.sion-erWa.llirig"moved that ,street .& ~Briage Qo.~~sis4oner and
the City Engineer be authorized to' constructfoot'br/ ' ~ as above
" on f'~ree accountrbas,isand ,to file with the 'C1:ty ,QOPT' , 'sian :'ap~
.- ,,' prop~i.ate sketcl)., showi,:ngspeclfieationsQf ,s.a:idbrHtje~ ' , '
.Voting.Aye:' Commiss ioneps 'W~lling & ,:Plumb.. ,~', ;,~:i'tL;) ,';. ,,,
, NOS 'N()NE,~ ,',,' .',,'.,,' , ' '; , ' 1:,+, :y,'
b afore', the ~ee,tJ.ng,;~:~~e ;,same' was
on motiofi~Gm~"'Wa:jJll:~~[:seeonded
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