HomeMy WebLinkAbout091530 CC Min - 190 ,{ Re~la.~ "Meeting:" ", Council Ch~ber-City Hall. , , , Monday September 15th 1930. ,City of West Universi typiaee, Texas. i ~~' ' , , ' , ,~~ " , " " . Ij,:- ".- - City' C~~~:;~ion convened in regular s'ession at 8 P. ~:ont1ie foregoi,$~~ate. Galled ~o o~der by M~yor Schlesinger w~th _ both c ?;ssioners Wal.LJ.ng and flumb and Seere-tary CUS.t:in1~ :i.n attendangje. Minutes~f the meeting held ~ept. 8th were read by the secretarY' and the following mo'tion was 11l11de, viz: , " Motion ,by Commissioner 1l1urnb, duly seconded by Commis*ione1> Wal- J ( ling that the minutes of Sept., 8th, 1930 be approved ,as read.' ' Voting 'Aye: ' ' , " , ' ' Commissioners 'Walling &: PlUmb. NOS WONE. () , / : ."<'i.'. Followingc~~id bills offered by Secretary for ratification, viz : . ''''~;~''. ' ." " City W~'st""uit:t;v,. E.lw~ter Dept , , . J. W ~ Wilder/,~8earching records (Sonfield), Oliver Levy,"''Janitor s'eryiee, Irvin'g L. Peabody (Final en . Sewer) ,Motion made by Commissiciner Plumb, Walling that the bills be ',ratifi.~ci above. ' Vo1;;ing Aye: Commissioners '$g.06 . 24;;09 ~.1e Labor PQe st. 2~~65' seconded ~y^Commi~~+oner as read an,d-, entli1ier~ated ~ . . . . ) ~ ~~l ". W~l,ling &: P:lumb. NOS NONE. ", .. . O!;- ,.< , . . A bill approved by the street &,13ridge Cormni-ssio:ne~,;':~Y~~',~liner Smith aggregating'.$45.GO for work' done w:ithrgraa~r~~l":Uii~ver~ sity, B'UffaloSpeedway, Belmont, Collegev~eW A.~e:j.~ymt' and ,B}1ronStreets ~aspres~nted to the Commission, for $;1>P'r9.:y:al ahd ',llayment. 0 ' ," , ' . .'.:.' ~:A , Mot~on made by, Commis sloner Wal+in,g,' duly seconded:'1i';'" :,:~i~~~o ' ',' si~J;lerp1umb, that th~ af.oresaid hill, be,approved, .' ',,'j jdd:slib- , ,jeet 'to~adeC11iction. of $25..50, d~e ,tp.ecitybY Mr. ;"~~~~l1'J'o;p' .,.,:!V:~-:t~r" f'urn1sh~d and eo~s:umed by him., ' > " :'. ~~~~'n:~ ,~:ye :, . ' ' . - " ~;" ..~ 'j;)~ "Commiss :Loners Plumb,& Wall~~~!~:Nql? NONE,. ',",' ,; , Th~re being no rurthe~ business b~tore the m~~ting'by m0t~oh secori~ed the same deql'a!ed by tb.e Mayor adj.ournEift. :.- ' " Voting Aye: ' ... . , COIImli$S'ioner s ,'".NQ$, WOW:, ' ,f), . '-.j!, B Attest: ) " :."h~:~:,/: ( , , I;: '.. ., ,', , - ..~:~.>, ~'',j~ . (;'\>;'~; -~.; .;,":. ~. .... .;i~,;~~~~)~~ ~ .,.' ',,;{;.~ .'