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CounO:L ~...~m Hall.
Mond~y' Septemb' r8 h-L u_--~-~-19~~!
Ci,ty of West University Pl:a.ce;~ T,ex.as..
The City Commission convened in regula.r session at 8 P. M. on the
above date with the Mayor, Hon. H. B. Schlesinger presiding and
both CorMfiissioners. Messrs Plumb and Walling and Secretary Cush-
man in attendance.
Minutes of the meetings held August 25th and Sept 3rd~ 1930 res-
pectively, read by the Secret~y.
Motion by Commissioner Walling and seconded by C~~nLssioner Plumb
-that the minutes of the meetings as st~ted and read be approved.
Voting Aye: CorMfiissioners Walling & Plumb.
NOS NONE. '~, ," , '~
The following b: '>11? w,(;'t~,:offered by the Secretary' for approoval
and paym,e'nt, v. :> '~",' , 'I. ' ~
Cash Account f oap, locks etc, -------~---------$3.20.
J. H. Raffert .. D. .!r eJ:'. , ----------------- 4..40'
Gen Electric Co., ----------------- 3.10~
Chas. T. qkai~ Co.., Staty Bonfield Tax rolls-----15.,60 '-,
Antone Durall,~ ----------------- 1.50
Lee R. Jones,... S~ ~~ ----------------- 5..00
,Oliver Levy, ,-------..;--------- 8. aQ ,
J. H. R:uTerty, -----.;..-----,-----lOGb.,24:~
CentralC'oal & Wood Co., -------------...,-- ,12~~75
A. F.;., Kattmlann Tent & Awning Co, -----t----....------74.60,
Moti6n maae by COmITiissioner Walling, seconded by
that theforegoiug bills be approved" , "
Voting Aj'e,: CorMfii ssioners Walling &, Plumb..
. NOS, NOtrE;' ' ,
Cmr..missioner Plumb
( )'
Court'rep'Qrt .for (the week ending Sept. 4th, 1930.., was ',s~bmiLtted
showing'net' reven~le in excess of sal&ries and fe:es, :$lS.,.Q0;,., ',,),
,} ('
'"" '>
Motion Co~nissi/ner Plumb seconded by Commi ssioner Yva11ing, that
tte report be accepted and filed.
"', ..'~
;Mr'. II'. B.. Council r.epresentative of-the West Coast Li,;f~e j ID..$u:rance Co.
~asprese;nt ,for the pur:p~se of inf?t'minf?' the, Ci;ty .O>f~f'ic,ia11s, of :his
Company"s plan and rate ln connectlon wlth group 1ns:ura.:rJ)c;e and to
soJ.~cit 'the, business for his concerTi-After hav-ing enteJli;efd'into the-~\-,
d~~:a-~ls ,and, di~cu~sing the, ter ,fre~ly" the, f:~ll'~Wir:igm'o~.i~~~,jensued: ~
)\1fo'Clon b'Y,: Commlssloner W ,X ~ g seconded'by CormnJ.dilsJ.;or).'er P::lrUltr'lt,::,,'that 'f,
"Mayor 'Syfilesi,nger bea * ';ized.to s;ign up, on.'bel~ru~' of ,<'t1;te'<~;t;ty, at '
preliminary applicatio . after a complete, Su:i>iV~y of t}iElb','f:irie depart-
ment sec:uring all Ram d other ne'cessary !d.ta,tl1it" t:he I\1i'j''OX' be
flurtherempowered wit ~hority to adopt this form of in~uranee in-'
, stead' of ~ -,our pres gD'alfp plan with the -American Pr'ovi:dent Life
, :;~:~~:~~n~;e;b~~~~r~sion{,rs 'pi~b & Wallings " ,,', 'c' U
NOS' NONE' ,'"
~.. .
, ltlJ:a.yor Schlesinger advised the body that, he had received:a.rto. was in
possession of applicatlon frQm the Gulf Refin?:-ng, Companyt.o be ex-
,.Mcuted~ .for credit fppl,yJ.ng to certain departments' and- individuals
e01(,~ring the purchase of Gasoline ~:hd lubricating <oill?f~r>use
$t:rictly in connection with Ci ty '15'Li~ln:t:rss. 'r:',"" ,
, ~5~ee P. l~!)
~ ..
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(Cont. P. 18~.) 189
Motion made by Cornnissroner W~11in~JdU1Y seconded by Commissioner
Plumb, that Mayor Schlesinger ,be authorized ~ and, that his action
be ratified in the 'signing of an application to the Gulf Refinipg
. Co., for a line of credit for Gaso,line and lubricating Oils and desig-
nating the departments and the individuals to whom such credit shall
- be_ granted.
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Plumb & Walling.,
The Mayor then offered the_ suggestion :t:bm:tmd recommendation that
two neat attractive signs be placed at ehduieelocations in the
_~ontt~ello Park and pl~yground Bloqk of ground,rlesignating the s~e
~s ~ municipal P~k.oftheCity 9f Westuniversi~~Plac~. He ~urther
J.nvJ.ted ;the, CommJ.ssJ.oners ,to take -the mat/ter "." consJ;;deratJ.on,
make at thorough inspection, and to report bac > '>i:i~..:eh~,,- next meeting
as to their desires and' findings. ' ' O. :,> S:f:
, , ~ r
City 'Attorney R. L. Bonfield, submitte9- h~~fpinion Jls,tO the liabil-
ity oE the City to Mr. C. L~ Anderson al~ed owner er~certain'water
pipes in Fairhaven Addition to the Cit~ o~ W~st Bni~rsity Place,
> rt'exas. clad.Ihing that ~ the City has taken his property and is '
therefore "liablte to h~m for damages.
, ,
MQtion'~~g~by Commissioner Plumb~duly seconded by Commissioner Wal-
li:ng,tha:t tl':l.edity Attorney be directed, to disallow the claim and
to so &dv~se'Mr. C. L. Anderson through his Attorney stati~g to him
the. t his 'claim ~JC'rihr"kw aga.ins t the city for alleged 'Gaking of certain
water pipes in Fairhav~d Addition-be disallowed.
Voting",Ay~,;', ,
',/',.. 'x. ' "-c....' ~/;J, '- W '1. PI 1-.
COgIDlJ..S !i:I,=tJqn~V s, ,a.1. J.ng, & UInu .
NOS ,NO~., ~. ','
, .,...-'.....
" r >
Fi;~ Marshall Metcalf appea~ed before' the Co~ission to,reqtrest that
he befurniShep. with =-,copy of the appJ,i ca.t ion on all bu1.ld:ingpermits
j.n-;or.4e;r'tpat he ,might"'keepr in close' touch with' the s'ituat'$Qnlmd
ai' it~,'~Jt~t ',?f having ,~~l details which" ~~~e~!> o,n 'the sa.i_~'!'~p]l:lie..-
tion,~rl'or -ljuJ.ltling' permJ.:t;;; be better" equJ.:p.pe~g: to ,pass ,upon s'ame and
make';minute inspection befoi."e'issui:i1g ;releasds from time te, time.
'~The City tie'Cretaryassur~d Mr. Metc,alf and tJ;1e Git,y 9ff'ic1a.'lS,' th~t
he stood rea.dy at ~ll t'imes to eo~opera.te wfth the Fire Chief or ,any
oth~f;-.'~~pl.Qyee whose duty it fllight be to ma.ke inspections ,?f any de~~~:",
scrip,tl'on ano. tli'a:the wO\1.ld take pleasure in supplying' Mr . Metcalf :,/'
with a' cOl\>Y o"f, 'each b1imlding permit 'issued ,in the' futm-,e. ' '
( , . ,- ( ."-~
" ":......~.~.
, Th~re,R~,i!fg.,n~ further btlsiness, ~on -'motion:;::Commissioner Plumb, duly ,J::'
',,~:~~t}i1l~t~':e'om:m:issitoner- Walling, the Meei;;:lE:g wa.sdec~ared '.djourned..
Commissioners Wa.lling & Plumb.
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'~',','City s~eretary.
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