HomeMy WebLinkAbout090330 CC Min 18'6.,' Re Regul~r me~ting of the ,Pity co}~ission called to order by the Mayor on'the above d~te with both Co~~issioners, Walling, Plumb and Secretary Cushman in attendance.Mr Milledge City Auditor present by speci~l invitation. Due to matters of importance up for discussion and limited time, the read of the minutes for the previous meeting were dispensed with. ' ,,' Following Birls,~ffered by the Secretary and read by Mayor f'orratific ....~'; Viz:: Vo-Check--2 "h-Antone Durall, ,Labor water dept. $6~OO n n - -Houston,Lgt & :pCo Water plants 5~;.50 It fI ~ O-~;. il"., n ,t Light 1r If ',.5Q-" It u', 5--Ari:t;;'o)aeDUr'all Water Dept '3:.00 tr It. --~04~-Geo,~, 'r.t~ Le'e" ExtY:>a' Work office ;'-:25;~gO n n;~ ....~6l4;ooener.':~(r;:E,lectr;i.c lee' Co\ ,5 months-" ,:' " 11~lO " It .-;:2615--C~" F. "Milledge, (Comptrollers ReP€i~i;:)'2q:~OO It u ~ __2616__Americall,'lli:tle & Gu:aJ?anty C6,; ,_<r (J .:, ~~OQ: n tl. ......26l7--ConserVative Enterprises Co" (L.~:JJ}1.t;'80. ft tt h..._2618__Robt. L~ ,Bonfield,," (For Printing") , ,,' ~;;'+:~~~Q :~ 'If n' --26l9--A. p..'; Robb Supt for Labor" - - . ',')c; ,tg'~lO ", , " , " ' '" ;,',. , n II --262'l~-J .H . Rafferty, O'Labor Sewer Foe '~lt) '\~;'E35:J'~!b:~'" U ff . --2622--Cash Account For, ,sundries,,' " ,- ,</."jf~~~~8;' " fI _-2630--Tom J .Fa tjo prtgCo" ; rJt.~:~~~.SO n u -:-2626--J.. E. 'Rogers Inc., (Mule Feed)," ,/ ~ \:5j5~~*86 n 1', --262'7-;"D:un1ay-Armand COJJ1pany JGoc>sneckset,c~):,:~~~}B, ' ,n -"72628--Al~J:en*Gar~nerIJ;ls Agency":~ <",:,~~\.~]J:)~V;" ",;:. '~:_::~~~~:~~:;~6;~O:;~I~::~ '~~r~: Tn~' Go ".~~t;~~:r~1~~,~~~' - . . . Mdt:i,o~ ,m,a.de by eommission~r' Plumb;,~ecoride"4 b;y.:~Q '~ :1raIl:i,n,gtliti. t:.-, the foregoing bills "a's "read be ';~,' ~'" J. .. .',. - . . .' I ' ~. . '.' , ," Vot:Eng'Aye:'Gormnissioners Wa.lling~& <Plump. NOS l\JONE it. ' ' J t c,:.wor" Scnlesinger read the following letter ''-~'esideI).t "VtIier 'Lo~g ;:tJe~f Lumber Oo;viz:' lIon.; H. ,B ..Schlesingel?; Ma.yor,. , , City, of West University PI " c'er, Texas. .,"".....,~.: ;~~;a:~i1s-f;OTI. fJ~~y;;~.F)i.t;'t ".'. ',';' rs; ii.ceepti~, f.r , ' 1Jicello Addltien ' r\ilont,icelle,'r0-P':'Ii>~~k,::~'p, exp!r>.essing their' therefor/and'! wfsh,~; f0r having -sent me , ,,', ,'. ' " Mr", B.. F:i?'ank Bonner, my brother T~ ' '('''lid my sister Miss Wi s.ttie_, Wier' arlt, jOJ:nt6Wn:ei!~ of' J.t. " "" ".,,~:"wi,t1i' Mr. .BarlUeyand rae, ~nd it gave me and each of \ws::r~~~~.~F,to <set aside this block of grounii thatii1 the Y~8;:R~(;:t1~,:,;~i~ur~::jili1e: peo.pl:e,of Monticello and the West Universi tyP.1~c.~t~"i~t~J~:.ta?,iet' ,m~ ~;hive, and at, place/ ofrecre&yi~~;: ,:. t }, (j , * (j ~~: . cq. er- n- ~' { ~': ~ . , I~ 10\ '0 I ~M i~ I i. :~ I ( f,> \. \ "r' ni,!! I I 187 (Con1t f~om P. 186. Motion m&d~ by C~w~ission8r wal~ing, duly seconded by Oom- missioner .Plumb that the letter read from lVII'" Wier be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. Voting. Aye: Commiss ioners Plumb & Wa.lling -1\1'08 NONE.. Mr. J. H. R~fferty City Engineer, submitted to ~n estimat,e of costs for the necessary repairs of College view and Colonial Terrace Additions sum of $625.00 . " After full discussion and v~mous 'su~gestions as to these partic- ular repairs and such ~s seemed necessary in other parts, of the City J the following motion was made. " ' ' Motion by Cornmissioner Plunlb, dulyseconded, byCbrarniss ioner Wal- ling, that Engineer Rafferty and street Corrrrnj.ssioner Plumb be authorized to make ~ a survey of all S ~ in the Oity of West University Place, and to proceed ~.such emergency repairs as they find to be necessary at this, ~~ Voting Aye.: ,,{ ~~~~ COlnmissioners Walling & PluuID. NOS NONE. the Comm.ission upon the streets :.tggregating the (1':: ' \. ,k The May&r xhen made a recolocnendation that in order to extend the privi:L.ege~ and opportunity to our citizens of ,a saving by the allow~ce of 5% off on their taxes IDL paid within the _next 15 or 20 days in advance, that this discount be aliliowed for' a limited time and on a limited sum of the total 1930 TL~ roll. Motion was then made by Cow~issioner Plmnb, duly seconded by Co~nissioner Walling that the Tax Collector be authorized to allow 5% off of any amounts offered in p~ment for 1930 taxes up to and not to exceed the t~talsv~ of $20,000.00. The t~me limit for payme.rtt to be f:\xed /j.t October ~t1Y 1930. ' Vmt;i.ng .Aye: . ' Commissione;rs Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE. Mr. C. F. Milledge Certified Public Accxountant who has been employed from time to time to Audit the Oity's books and Accounts submitted his recomraendations in the form of a statement showing' estimated revenues and expenses of the city of the year ,1931 based largely upon the City's revenues and expenses for 1929 &nd 1930, up to August 31st, 1930. After going into the matter of this statment with a view of es- tablishing a. buget for tte .comingyearr:s operations" in was decided to study the figures and suggestions more thoroughly and to take the matter: up at some ,hX1Jr"WI!{' t:ime i>:~ near future. There being no further business be~~ ~i*meeting, on motion Commissioner Walling duly seco~ded~ on1miss:i,.oner Blumb, the 'same w~.s declared by the lVlayor a.~l1rned. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Wa.lling & NOS N01ifE. -/ .,. Attest:" ..", ". -',";- Plumb. ~. APprmved,~ ~~~ %( --"--~ \1ayor. ~