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Regul~r me~ting of the ,Pity co}~ission called to order by the
Mayor on'the above d~te with both Co~~issioners, Walling,
Plumb and Secretary Cushman in attendance.Mr Milledge City
Auditor present by speci~l invitation.
Due to matters of importance up for discussion and limited
time, the read of the minutes for the previous meeting were
dispensed with. '
Following Birls,~ffered by the Secretary and read by Mayor
f'orratific ....~'; Viz::
Vo-Check--2 "h-Antone Durall, ,Labor water dept. $6~OO
n n - -Houston,Lgt & :pCo Water plants 5~;.50
It fI ~ O-~;. il"., n ,t Light 1r If ',.5Q-"
It u', 5--Ari:t;;'o)aeDUr'all Water Dept '3:.00
tr It. --~04~-Geo,~, 'r.t~ Le'e" ExtY:>a' Work office ;'-:25;~gO
n n;~ ....~6l4;ooener.':~(r;:E,lectr;i.c lee' Co\ ,5 months-" ,:' " 11~lO
" It .-;:2615--C~" F. "Milledge, (Comptrollers ReP€i~i;:)'2q:~OO
It u ~ __2616__Americall,'lli:tle & Gu:aJ?anty C6,; ,_<r (J .:, ~~OQ:
n tl. ......26l7--ConserVative Enterprises Co" (L.~:JJ}1.t;'80.
ft tt h..._2618__Robt. L~ ,Bonfield,," (For Printing") , ,,' ~;;'+:~~~Q :~
'If n' --26l9--A. p..'; Robb Supt for Labor" - - . ',')c; ,tg'~lO ",
, " , " ' '" ;,',. ,
n II --262'l~-J .H . Rafferty, O'Labor Sewer Foe '~lt) '\~;'E35:J'~!b:~'"
U ff . --2622--Cash Account For, ,sundries,,' " ,- ,</."jf~~~~8;'
" fI _-2630--Tom J .Fa tjo prtgCo" ; rJt.~:~~~.SO
n u -:-2626--J.. E. 'Rogers Inc., (Mule Feed)," ,/ ~ \:5j5~~*86
n 1', --262'7-;"D:un1ay-Armand COJJ1pany JGoc>sneckset,c~):,:~~~}B, '
,n -"72628--Al~J:en*Gar~nerIJ;ls Agency":~ <",:,~~\.~]J:)~V;"
",;:. '~:_::~~~~:~~:;~6;~O:;~I~::~ '~~r~: Tn~' Go ".~~t;~~:r~1~~,~~~'
- . . .
Mdt:i,o~ ,m,a.de by eommission~r' Plumb;,~ecoride"4 b;y.:~Q
'~ :1raIl:i,n,gtliti. t:.-, the foregoing bills "a's "read be ';~,' ~'"
J. .. .',. - . . .' I ' ~. . '.' ,
," Vot:Eng'Aye:'Gormnissioners Wa.lling~& <Plump.
NOS l\JONE it. ' '
J t
c,:.wor" Scnlesinger read the following letter
''-~'esideI).t "VtIier 'Lo~g ;:tJe~f Lumber Oo;viz:'
lIon.; H. ,B ..Schlesingel?; Ma.yor,. , ,
City, of West University PI " c'er, Texas.
fJ~~y;;~.F)i.t;'t ".'. ',';'
rs; ii.ceepti~, f.r , '
1Jicello Addltien ' r\ilont,icelle,'r0-P':'Ii>~~k,::~'p,
exp!r>.essing their' therefor/and'! wfsh,~;
f0r having -sent me , ,,', ,'. ' "
Mr", B.. F:i?'ank Bonner, my brother T~ ' '('''lid
my sister Miss Wi s.ttie_, Wier' arlt, jOJ:nt6Wn:ei!~ of' J.t. " "" ".,,~:"wi,t1i'
Mr. .BarlUeyand rae, ~nd it gave me and each of \ws::r~~~~.~F,to
<set aside this block of grounii thatii1 the Y~8;:R~(;:t1~,:,;~i~ur~::jili1e:
peo.pl:e,of Monticello and the West Universi tyP.1~c.~t~"i~t~J~:.ta?,iet'
,m~ ~;hive, and at, place/ ofrecre&yi~~;: ,:.
{ ~':
. ,
"r' ni,!!
(Con1t f~om P. 186.
Motion m&d~ by C~w~ission8r wal~ing, duly seconded by Oom-
missioner .Plumb that the letter read from lVII'" Wier be spread
upon the minutes of this meeting.
Voting. Aye:
Commiss ioners Plumb & Wa.lling
-1\1'08 NONE..
Mr. J. H. R~fferty City Engineer, submitted to
~n estimat,e of costs for the necessary repairs
of College view and Colonial Terrace Additions
sum of $625.00 . "
After full discussion and v~mous 'su~gestions as to these partic-
ular repairs and such ~s seemed necessary in other parts, of the
City J the following motion was made. " ' '
Motion by Cornmissioner Plunlb, dulyseconded, byCbrarniss ioner Wal-
ling, that Engineer Rafferty and street Corrrrnj.ssioner Plumb be
authorized to make ~ a survey of all S ~ in the Oity of
West University Place, and to proceed ~.such emergency repairs
as they find to be necessary at this, ~~
Voting Aye.: ,,{ ~~~~
COlnmissioners Walling & PluuID.
the Comm.ission
upon the streets
:.tggregating the
(1':: '
The May&r xhen made a recolocnendation that in order to extend
the privi:L.ege~ and opportunity to our citizens of ,a saving by
the allow~ce of 5% off on their taxes IDL paid within the _next
15 or 20 days in advance, that this discount be aliliowed for'
a limited time and on a limited sum of the total 1930 TL~ roll.
Motion was then made by Cow~issioner Plmnb, duly seconded by
Co~nissioner Walling that the Tax Collector be authorized to
allow 5% off of any amounts offered in p~ment for 1930 taxes
up to and not to exceed the t~talsv~ of $20,000.00. The t~me
limit for payme.rtt to be f:\xed /j.t October ~t1Y 1930. '
Vmt;i.ng .Aye: . '
Commissione;rs Walling & Plumb.
Mr. C. F. Milledge Certified Public Accxountant who has been
employed from time to time to Audit the Oity's books and Accounts
submitted his recomraendations in the form of a statement showing'
estimated revenues and expenses of the city of the year ,1931
based largely upon the City's revenues and expenses for 1929 &nd
1930, up to August 31st, 1930.
After going into the matter of this statment with a view of es-
tablishing a. buget for tte .comingyearr:s operations" in was decided
to study the figures and suggestions more thoroughly and to
take the matter: up at some ,hX1Jr"WI!{' t:ime i>:~ near future.
There being no further business be~~ ~i*meeting, on motion
Commissioner Walling duly seco~ded~ on1miss:i,.oner Blumb, the
'same w~.s declared by the lVlayor a.~l1rned. '
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Wa.lling &
NOS N01ifE.
". -',";-
Plumb. ~.
APprmved,~ ~~~
%( --"--~