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Oh:1l-s H. Mayer, Plumber, communication read in cQnneut~onwitht;he t--'\
tt:t:i?:ning: down of his work; by Inspect:or Barnhill'on the WailiterLang '.-/)
,jt:lb~ '>. " ,.'.;',';;L: ;", ';
" "T'he",,S:aid +'ed5ter from Chas H. M!lyer was' referred to, R1t3:\~i',&h:t.~.t:!""
,M~tta:lfwith ;instruc<tions to settle the complaint ma:de:,[Q't)IVI~:
~'iiiyer ',t'Itd"toreport, backlltthe Jie:x.t meeting~' :;~~;;:,;3.,,~_j,~ t", ;
D:r/~' 'Gritdy Deaton 'City Hea.lth Officer" filed ,ac:omPl.~t,:$gJ;~nst' Mr.
I!111ingtori;', owner of nouse 11632& Buff,alo 8peecb/llLY ;'t1t~t:1.iJf'i~: ~~11d:,o:pr
toil~1f,,<i;)~lley in very b~d condition and th...teomplaiJit_JJ.i;"4~c~.een
,~~~e;",.t0:i im bysevera~, of' :'the ne~g1:ihors'~"P~'em:ts:eg:;6egu,lii1;,~~~;b:Ydt.
"",: ~A'" Kirc~er,Renter~ ',' '",. " '. '.;~~:,'~; , :}i' , "
~lIoi;;,$on nla,de ,by,qqLtp11~ss~orie.r W~lling duly secondedbyQ;p!r#n:i.ss-lQ:ner ,(
.';;C ?1;tunQth'a t' G~ t.y~A.i{:i?'~r*e'yb~'i:ri:s t~u.eted; to ' advi'l:!~" ,M~+/~J;\I;*J;,';tgj;~:;m;~o!Y1le.r'
, .~~~;{~~~~~~~i~~~~~e~~::;~~.i~,~~:;~~iK~:~~~ho~;~::::~i:~tt~.~:t:~i~~,~l~a~ti::" "
bl:e:'thiit"pfiemfsesJjnis'i1!b',~ecte,a t1ietretQ,witID:mltt"'S0/~i~ i,~nd>;r0ul '
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R'8gul~ l\[~@ting..,
:Monday August ,18th, 1930.
Council Chamber--City. Hall.
of West University. Place, Tex~s.
The City Commission convened in regular session on the above date
with Mayor H. B. Schlesinger presiding and both Oommissioner~1 ~
Walling and Plmnb and Secretary Cusp~an in attendance.
Minutes of the meeting held on August 11th, 1930 were read by the
Motion 'by Commi:ssioner PIlJ.mb, seconded by Commissioner ,Walling that
the minutes of August 11th, 1930 be approved as read.
Voting 'Aye:
Commissioners ~lumb and W~l~ing~ NOS NONE.
The followi;ng 13'1.;;18 were~ffer'ed ~ approval
Vo. 2560, ---O~i veJ:"'Iievy <!ani t ,~." .'
. ff 2561, ---Gllbert,Pradla" ~or.
U ,25621Jiz---Anto:ne I1ura1l;, ~ J
u 2572, ---Gilbert Pradia ,n
It 2573, -~-Cash Account! \ ndries
<> . '. .,. . /1 . .' '. f' '. '.
Motion by COll1TllissionerW:all,.:i g, seconded by Commis sioner,,-2'lumb;; that
the foregoing bills be' approved and ,paid. "-
Voting Aye:, :: '
, Comrn:(ssi6ners 'Plumb and Walling NOS ,NONE.
t . :..:.~ ~J.,~.
3.nd payment..
~~2 .80
6.00 '
6.00 ' '
3.0€) "~,
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