HomeMy WebLinkAbout081130 CC Min 182" 'c 'Regv.lar Meeting." Monday August .llth~ 1930. Council Chamqer----City Hall. Cit of West Universit PlaceTex~s. Regular meeting of the City Commission convedned at 8 P. Me 'on the foregoing date with Mayor 'H. B. ,Schlesinger presiding a.:rid both Commissioners Mess~s Walling and Plumb 9ndBecretary Cushman in attendance. Minutes of the meeting August ~uh 1930 re~d by 'thecSecretary. Motion made byCorf1..rn:Lssioner PlUInb duly s6\conded by Commissioner , Walling that the minutes of August; 4th 1930 as read by -the Secre- t~y be approved as read.- ' Voting Aye: Commissioners ,... Wa.Iling & Plumb~ NOS, Norm. ' Jil The following bills wer~ p;r'~ed by the secretary"'for"iifpprov$.l and payment, viz: " ' K~ei1~l'er BroS Service ,.stajt -------......-;.....;---$110~ 36 " ft ' ,ll U:, n ;, " 44~44 ~ .John Moore. L~bor ~ (St ~;&:."B~' DI;f!ft)--::::::::::::: 2.50 fJ 'n '..., ' , J"erryKenn~y . ;,' --------------:- q.50.. Dr. Grady Deaton6 ----~~;r'~':-------'...---:..:.----...--- 'lO~OO'.; '... J. J . Bitting, ----Fire J),ept---.,.:-------------c-5~ 00.: Antone D~all, -....--------------.:.---------- 6.00, 'City Hail'Water 13il1--..;.-------------------..:;----.:, 1~97 .,~, R. L. Benton, Extra work, Tax Roll etc, ------: 25.00' <:. ", . . ' , Ci ", }~ < " , \. ~ ." . , 'I' Motion by Commmssioner Walling duly seconded by COll)lll.i~~ioIler,Plumb 1ihi.t the foregoing bills as enumeratedaad re:a;d be:'.apPr::oYed~ and ptiid. ' '" ,toting Aye =, {"_:; . ti , " Cotill:.rJ;;i.:"ss.ioIiers ,Plumb &; Walling. NQ~f,NONE.' , /'", ;Ci .' -t-.- "~.;~-'..~ '~~'.~: ~~ r~ . ", ~. .... lJ:lie"following P1ilid 'vouchyrs were' offered antl~~ea.E1~:rbr:';tr~t'i:fica- ~~~~~'~fti~~~~'';'?,~1=~'~l.J." }I~~R~fe~ty 6 '$8~H?.~.g~Lyv-li?:'cn~"\v;~~~1."e~r,t'~ed to, Oi tyin litTbr...o:Bo~elOl'lgingto J" ~ H.R..tf:r~rty"~" , " ;~.'>t,' ".:,~, , Vo~cher'2539~,t9J. 'R~ Phillips, $~~'7..5€!E:tpens'e,of:h"nAJ,1_ng, the " $15~ OOG:~00 ~~te,1"~'W9rks bond Sale. ' '~,.' ",'. '\. " \,\::'.;~~~:~rt.i::F' Motion, matde by '0:~min~~sioner Plu..mb"dulysecoIiaeq. 1?w,e \l[aJ.i::ti:r:lf~thatb0itl?-::t6~cner...,cheektJ Nos 2539' a;nd2540;P,~, eGl an;d '3?atifi~d .a~ i1~ed &~ove. " ~V o:birig 'Ayet: ' ' , '" :' ~. . , ," "co!rirn,:tglio~ers'lalling.': 'lumb .... ',,' NOS 'Nen. ,'~ ,.; " "c, . . ' , "'-, f \ ~/ l, '~ 'J f ion- '1vI3tylri!.; 1DA'.~'fl.1>~r'~1ted' '$nd . . . "";~.'cJ'. .:..: ',,_, "",,"'-': _~:'-~<" :.: : ~ . .'- " ,',,-1' >~.', ,~ - . "';.~ ~ :J\ o 'r) ~ (Continued fT'om P. 182) 183 ~ ( that the bill for $1000.00 be approved for, pa~nent just as soon as funds oare availa.ble. Also that the Secretary write a letter to Mr. J. B. Painter advising him of thms action and correcting his mis~ppregension as to the disposal of a:ll of these bonds,. Vot.ing Aye: COlmnissioners Walling & Pllrrfib. NOS NONE. j i i I i ! I J ! I i ( -,-~-~\ ,-'"....~.., .~ ( Mayor Schlesinger read a letter from FiEBt Asst Postmaster Gen '1 Washing'D. C. addressed to Hon Dani~l B. Garrett, acknowledgmng petition T@,ityViJest University Place in the form of) a resolution for extension of free delivery~ ~nd assl~ing Mr. Garrett that the m~tter would have careful invest~gation ;ind further advices would follow. The Assistant Postmast'er~,Gen'ls letter was submitted to Mayor Schlesing by ~NgF~~~m Reprt~sentative D~iel E. Garrett, his letter AUgl).st 7th, 1930. '.,~ :. f. - /~y ~ .t~ ~.' . ~ Complaint was filed by Dr. Grady~~eat _~ealth Officer~'relative to very unsati~factQry and unsanit~r 'nditions existing in connection with two residences onp treet which both'~xe served by only one cesspool which in this, '11 spell is runD.ing~ over. Owner Mr. Burda at 3822 Poe street. Xl , , ~ T ('" City Secretary was instructed by the Mayor to take the matter up immediately with Eity Ep.gineering Department and to direct the Engineer to make an investigation and report back at the next meet- ing in detail and with a diagram. Resolution adopting the agreement between J. W. Wilder and the City of West University Place in connection with compensation to be allowed said Wilder for searching records, working up titles etc., was submitted and read. Full copy on file with City Secre- tary. Motion by ConIDliss ioner Wall~ng, duly seconded by Uommissioner Plumb,'that the said resolution and agreement be PQs~~d and ap- proved.. ~oting Aye: Conmlissione~s W~lling & Plmnb. NOS N01\f.E. ( Under discu~sion of finances and the advisability of adopting every reasonable means of keeping expenses wel~ within range, Commissioner Plmub asked if we couldp~~<dispense with some of the present office force in the City h~ll &nd felt that we should dispense with the services of, '~~~. J. O'Co~Jlor, >>~fer- ing this for consideratio~ of the bo ' After due consideration 'and full di ~~on~ the following motion was offered. . < l:<.~ ' Motion by Comrniss loner Wa.lling, 'cr"lj'W se:?ond~d by COIi'llTI.issioner Plumb that Mr. 0' Connor be droppe....4/'tron(::ct'he pay roll :ri'ter Aug- ust 31st, 1930. " Voting Aye; Commissioners Plu~ill & Walling. NOS NOliE. \ , '\ There being meeting w~.s Voting Aye: NOS NONE.. Attest: no fu~ther business, by motion duly seconded the mam~ declared by the Mayor wijou~ned. Com . ssioners Plumb & Walling. ~; .. I - APprov~,-&! ~~ IV Tor. tii-ry.