HomeMy WebLinkAbout080430 CC Min ~~ ,---- r .~ ..-,'.-'---= ~ 180: Regular Meeting. ' - Council.Chamber-City Hlll.l~. Mend, ll11i:H 4th, 1930. City of West n~versl'ty Place, Texas. Regul,ar meeting of the City Council convened at 8 st.: l\~.()m :;the foregoing dlll.te with H..B. Schlesinger, Mayor pres.Jtding'apd~ :both (\ CO'tni11issioners, Messrs Wall:Lng & PlUI11b and SecretiU''y iJushrrvm, in .~ attendance. >', ' Minut~s of the meetings Jul~ 14th and 28th respective.ly, re~d , by the Secretary;~, .,.... . " '~". ", ..., ., . . Motion Qommissioh~r>Wa1l~, duly seconded byCommissicrher Pl.innb thlAt minutes readf9!' "11): o.ates as above be approved a:s read. . ,'i.;f , Voting Aye:" " . , Corninissioners Plumb & ling. NOS 'NONE. ~~ , : .." , ~. Report of the Corpor " n Judge for the week ending '.ruly 3,113'13 . . was read and .~" '.. ... ..'. . ,c, '. .' ,<;..c~': ; . ,,' ~ .' Motionmad~ by' conimis4ioller Plumb" duly seconded by :d~fumi~$~i'ori@'r' . ,Wa.l~ng that the report b}' approved and accepted. . . ',Voting ,Aye : " c, . Q,olimlissioners Wal.ling & Plumb.. UOB NONE.. ~.~~~~~f-~~- - .~.-,-' ~ ~"'~ . ..~ ~_}.. " . " ~ :-'. '.' . _ \ ',. : '-," te}i'i~ from Mr.. Leslie Goleman Trust Officer S1inicfi,einto T~ust .:.~t"instructed byMr ~.. W..1JVierand als~.Mr.'~r:~ . "~~ldit~~:: , we;re reeei;ved and readl, s~bmitti'llg a, deed :dJ:6 ,con' 'e;da.teii '. ,',~111y 30th, 1930 to the City :of:,1;l~-strUiJ.~V~:::s':i,1z!\~:;as;, , Qf'Blo.ek Eight(8) Montj;cello'~dditioR:aDeFeapon,'~b1owing ," resolution was offered: . .' .... <"<....;~-'.:: 1'- ' -,': '" "~EREAS;theSan jacitito. Trustconlpanyn,a~'~Wx :.}30th, 1930" conveyed to the Git:y of:; ,WestWJi.l;~~ :'~Bloek Eight (f?) ,of Mon,ticello ':Add:ition,l~~~, 4 . .. . . '.__._. 0-' '. arf.. ..., .',' '," . ..... ~ER~~AS~ Mr. R~W:~ Wier and Mr~E..G. . i:O: p:l;'.oeurin,8said CoJiv:eyaJlce from San Jac ~..;id City, and . ')-. ~ .... ...... ~ ': _..:. >-J:::" , .~~:;';-.... ~ ,~ .~~ --.. 'Q-~ .. , o ~ 0\ C M ~ (From P.. 180) 181 ~ Motion by Commissiqner Plurno, anq., dul:},- seconded by Comnlis- sioner Walling~ that the resolution as above set forth be passed and approved that the property therein descri~ed be accepted for Park tlurposes, thY..t tany taxes accruing to Cit:r of ItUest University Place be cancelled and that said Gity assume responsibility for &ny taxes due and unpaid the County,Otate or School District' for the ye&r 1930" Voting Aye: QONMIBSINOK~~ WALLING & PLUMB. NOS NONE: r, ,/' ~~ (" Fire M:arshall Metcalf advised that Oscar B ,~~t fireman quit his post as of July 28th, 1930~ That .fi6her was issued to cover everything due him up to &#d,J~,v,~tting said date. M~.. Metcalf al.d vised ~ha.~ Bennet! was :cl~im'fng? 15 days addi- t:LOnal pay but staten tnat he qu.tt h~.g ':f:l.o,st on account of refusing to obey specific orders and ~n~ructions from the Chief. Walling'l<,:' Motion made.by Commissioner that thea~aitional 15 days pay claimed by Qscar Benn~tt be denied and that the City Secretary be instructed to have his bond cancelled. Seconded Com. Plumb. Voting Aye:: . Commissione:t;.'s Plumb & Walling.. NOS NONE. ~ The Secreta~y offered the follOWing bills for approval and pay- ment~ viz: ~ , Roy B. Nichols 1000 Postal Cards for Eax Department $10.00 ) U.. R. Bronk~ for July Electrical Permits, City of Houston, Water Dept. (Montrose & Bissonet) AntoneDur&ll~ Labor Water Dept; 7.43 , .50 7.90 Oliver Levy~ Janitor, 2.80 Motion, by Corr..r!lission~r Wal~ing, duly seconded by Cornrnissioner Plumb, that the foregoing bills be approved and paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb & Wallmng. .NOS HOl\rE. - ,t.c.. ....~y- . .3~ 'There being no further business before~~~ meeting, on motion Commissioner Plu~b duly seconded by Co~is~ioner Walling, the s&me Wllil,S decla\.r~d by the M~:yor adjo~ed:.-.. : Voting Aye: " , Commissioners Vlla,llin,g &y Plumb. NOS NONE. ) A.ttest: I. n _ --'* ..