HomeMy WebLinkAbout072830 CC Min 1-,78' Ui1i;y Regular Meetin&. Council Chamber-Gity Hall. of West Univ~rsity Place, ~exas_ . 1\iTond':lty .TlJ1l?Rt.'h ~ 1 q:z.o ~, Regular Meeting of' the 'City COl11missionE. was called to6:d~rat 8 P. M~ 'on the above date by Mayor 'Schles~ngerwith ~Commis- si6her Plumb and Secretary, Cushman in attend:anCe,~ Commiss:i.6ner Walling lI.bsent.' " '. . , Minutes of the meeting July 14th, 1930 read by the Secretary~' Motion ml.il.de by COlTIl1liss ioner Plurn,b I.il. nd duly seconded by 'Mayor Schlesinger that minutes be approved: as read. . '>, Carried: .~' " . ],11inutes of ':;;ead by, the Secretary.. ,x.d.., Motion by Commissione ' b B.nd duly seconded byMiyor..,SchJ;~singer that these minutes 301 ".(._."lJ>e ~approved as rea:d'.' """'~ . Carried. , ill "'., ',~. ~ . Reports from Corporat' Cb~,c~ July lO~h 'and 17th reaCt- 'O;r the- 'Mayor. Motion Commissioner FIb; "d.:uliyaecondby Mayor 8ch:ie'~:t'ti$"e~, ~h:~t botb, report? be accepted ,ati'd '~pp~oved': ','-. ,<, .... ,".) OarI..::ted: '-'.. '-- :,'); ,": " ,- '\~ ! ': t t. ",} ,":.;....).~." .", Mayor '. Schlesinger then off'ered. ,the-following :r:~:S0'~1J.~~~!}~.;{l~,e,..,,~,,:;:,: "'0 BE :LT ORDAINED BY THE Bo.ARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF. T~~ ," I:V1im.SITY PLACET~S:' '. _ . .. ,..,<, ',: ...... . , .' . Wl1j!:f$1!lAS, .' there iSllow under- cons~deration'b~'" . ~o:st Office, departmentthe i"nlluguratiG)n'<1f'" . . :rfes', w:J:;t;hinthecorporate"Eimitsof s.aid _,~la,c:e,'r;r::ex~$~ ,and,., .":..' '.' .," , .,' ,:~~a1!;A8,.'tl:i*-re arecertatn 'st:reeiJs . in' ":Place ;,Texas._, that be=.rtl1e,' same name ofIl.oust()n,~e:x:as;, that ,viTiJ:l c:a:p,se confusion p~trnen't, in the making' ofS\l.c,h, m~d;l_deli.ver ", ..... .' .'. _7 ~' ~'>, ~".:' -/<~.:t ,-.. ..; ;' o '1" J .0 ~ 0\ \.) ~ ~ " ~ f it 1179 ~).-~: . . :~\.: .P::~3 ' ~~ ~~I In the ~ppointment of the following gen~~E~n to serve for_the equalization of the 1930 tax rolls, co~~~~uting the Equalization Board , viz: W. F. Ghiselin, .J~.mes A. .~a~1lin fIDd .J. B. Lakner. be hereby ratified . ,n (;-rf,. ?'';~ , Voting Aye': Mayor Schlesinger litnd Commissioner Plumb. NOS NONE.. -"" There being no further business, upon mo~on same was declared by the:.? Mayor ad journed;:':.<, ):~~: ."', ~~; '.~~ :", duly seconded the Voting Aye: Mayor Schlesinger, Cormnissioner Plumb. NOS NONE. ,.M ..... ~';:. . ":~~~:'- Atte'st: City L/- ... .. ....... . ,- " . .: .'. ", t.... :,-. ~:; " ' '.. .' . ( ) -----./ . ---.-..---:r---"Tf'['Ol ..