HomeMy WebLinkAbout070730 CC Min ~ " ' \) -r)' !t' ~ ( i !-'''''~'l Regu.lar :Meetin~. 175 Monday July 7th, 930. , . Council Chamber-----Ci ty HaLl,. > City of 'West University Place, 'rexas., - # REGULAR meeting ,of the City Commission convened ~t 8 P. M. on the foregoing date with Ivla;yor H. B.. Schlesinger presiding and both Comnlissioners, Walling and Plurfib and Secretary Cushman in attendance. Minutes of the meeting June 30th read by the Secretary. Motion by Comnlissi oner Plurllb,1 duly seconded by Commissioner Walling that with two slight correcti.9:n~" viz: the addition of the name of J. ~. Hafferty Engineer auld c6rr,~.ction of the amount from $3220.87 . to $3381.91 in connection wfth\th~ Final Estimate Miller & Miller June 20th, 1930., the minutes be,~,atherwise approved as read'. Voting Aye: "_",e~, ,,' ~ Commissioners Walling & Plumb. . NOS NONE. ~. CI g, Engineer J.. H. Rafferty submitted for tR)val and pa:~'Tllent two corrected Estimates No. 1 Dated Jun~ 30~~, 1930 One for the sum of $3~p~.39, and one for $223.72, the Qformer for grading and repair- ing~t~eets and general clean-op job and the latter for Fire Hydrant ~.t Wakeforest Il.nd Plumb streets. These two estimates introduced for the purpose of substututing and making void the original Estimate No 1 M,iller & .Miller & J.. H. Rafferty of s~ne date with the corrected ~m~x~x Estimatea and passed for ap- proval and payment as recorded in the minutes of June 30th, 1930., f'or the total s~~ of $3381.91. Motion by Commissioner Walling and seconded by Commissioner Plunlb that the two corrected Estimates, both .Numbered 1, be approved in accordance' with above and paid. Also that the original estimate N.o. 1 for $3381.91 be made null a;nd void. Voting Aye: Cormnissi oners Plumb & Walling . NOS NONE. Claim for damages to automobile ana slight injury to lViI's Clark (J. W4 Clarj) i~. the smm total of $24.50 was filed by Mr J. W. Cl&rk ~ith request that same be approved and paid. Motion made bYC.ommissioner Walling ana seconded by Commissioner Plumb that the claim be approv~d and p~.id through the City Attor- ney after having the proper r'~I,~a'i.se executed by Mr & Mrs J. W. Clark.', Voting Aye: Commis'sioners Plumb,.&,,,-Itialling. NOS NONE. ';.~ ' }:. A letter was read by the Mayor fr0m Engineer J. H.' Rafferty, re- connnending that the Commission pass a resolutio r~~uesting the Post Office Department to install a free mail~~ry service within the City of West University Place, ~ bn~ Comrliissioner Walling made a motion whiqh ly seconded by Com- missioner Plurfib that the City Attorney b~~structed to draw up the proper petition in the shape of' :it reiBiution to be submitted to the Postal authorities at once. . Voting Aye: Commissioners iJVa11ing & Plt:lJub. NOS NONE. (over) '1-'. "I I-hi 176 L-"~ ..c .':1- . ~.. -. -. r ~ ," ;: :...f.. [' . ~. . ,", '- (..., ...:~.: . I'" .,' >.' ~ (Continued from P. 175.) There being no further business before the meeting on motion Gommi$sioner Plunill duly seconded by CormnissionerWalling~ the same was declared by the Mayor adjourned. Voting Aye: Cormnissioner Plumb & Walling.~ Nos None. Att~st: .{ l / ,/ . '" ,- / C/ .\,'" ,- ~, . ~ ,'1' ' . - ..:, (- " .--) APprove~ ~'" . I - ~ -t' _.' ' .,. . ~ 1:.'. > ~~' 01 ty Secretary. . i, . "~'. 11" . _ "\', 'll' :. . . ,-~' ~. l' ~". c G .....J. :""'). . . ;; :''-".:'': .I, . ~> " . . -/ .. \'"1. ' . ~'. .l.. , ..,' ',,:', ' ..... . .~~.;; , 0;;~' :," '. + ~)~' . ~ ~.~ :, .-,-',' . ';-{ " .', -.., ~ . y ~~ -~. ". ',. ' "1' "):; .~... . , .. c ..' ~ '<; '. . :--: ~ llf