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Regular T~reetjy)g_
Monday June 30th. 1~30.
Council Chamber-----City Hall.
6Sty of West Universf6Y Place, Texas.
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EBgular meeting,~f the, Corr@ission called to order at 8.P~ M.
on the above date with CowXl1issioners Walling and Plumb and Sec-
retary Cushman, in a~tendance, H. B. Schlesinger Mayor presid~
Minutes of the meeting June 23rd read by.the ~ecr~tary and the
following motion offered: .
Motion by Conmlissioner Walling duly seconded"by Comraissioner Plumb
that the minutes of June 23rd be approved as r~~cr.
Voting Aye: . , _ "Cr.
Commissioners Plumb & Walling. NOS NONE. '_,,~~ '
. ,.'~
t/i}-e-~' we, ,..."" Jffl"a~ng June 26th rea.d
duly . "~c~,:ied by Conrrnis s ioner
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Report of the^CQrporation Judge for
and by Motion Cop~issioner Walling,
Plumb was approved as read.
Voting Aye:
Co~issioners Plumb & Walling. NOS NONE;
Following bills prepented by the Secretary for approval and pay-
.l- ~:6 -
menu, VlZ.
John D. McCall Expenses Dallas to Ho, June 19th to 21st 1930, $66.52
Irving L. Peabody Foreman E~sment sewer jOb Va ct. -------- 10.00
J. H. Rafferty, Engr Fees ft tt fI II If -_______ 3.76 '
J. H. Rafferty, Engr Fees Final IVi & }\if fire hydrants & etc 161.04
City W. U. P. Water Dept, Transfer of funds from General 1100.00
Berry Miller In full for wagon p~~chased by Coron. Plumb, 75.00
Public National Bank Trustees Fees, 125.00
J. A~ Metcalf '(Work on Bog Siren,) 10.00
G. B. Murray, Salary tor June Marshall, 25.00
J. A. Metcalf, tf n It Fire M&.rshall 25.00
Gus Smith Loan to Water Works re~~iring well #1 225.00
L. Thomas, Laborer in Park & playground 3.50
Oliver Levy Janitor and. cleaning yard, 4.00
Gilbert PradiI Labor mowing lawn and rent lawn mower~ 3.00
S. E. Smalley (Work on streets and carpenter ,job for Becty 12.00
George Smith Labor Maintenance work st & B Dept. 8.75
J. J. Lincoln First week 2 trips gathering garbage 16.00
A. P. Robb, Supt Labor pay roll week endg June 30th, 20.25
MMotion by Commissioner Walling & duly seconded byCow~issioner
Plumb that the foregoing bills as enumerated be approved amd paid.
Voting Aye: . ,
Commissioners Plumb & Walling NOS NONE.
Mr. Joe Clark appeared before the Commission port an injury to
his c~ and slight personal injury to Mrs '~esulting from ac-
cident on Academy street due to bad cond~ "6"1' Sanmtary Sewer
ditch at point he crossed. Mr. Berry Mi ~' upon being questioned,
said that such bad condition existed a~~~ ould he correeted.
Commissioner Walling suggested that Mr~Clark present his claim
for damages at the next meeting properly itemized and that the Com-
mision would then be in position to pass upon his petition for
recovery of damages.
COIDrnissioner Plumb was then requested to p~chase a couple yards of
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(continued from. P. 173)
crushed rock from Haden' & Austin and to make" the neces3cuy,repairs
such as would protect the City/against a recurrence:of the accident
reported by Mr. Clark. , :., (..M;e.~, nil
.ct'~~~, i' " 71 - rq ~:J~8-11 r I
Final Estimate Miller & Milrer'~ for ~8~8~8. was pre~~~~~~to
Commission for appr,Qvu and"paym~nt in script. ~Estimate~"~;el3l:&'et[,~ '
.~ June 20th~ 1930 for grading, repairing. and general 'str:~e~'-G181in
tip ana. fire hydrant at Walteforest & Plumb. '~ .' ",'.,', '.' .
Motion made by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded bY' Cc::>:rrrrQ.4:'SiooO
sioner Walling that the estimate of Miller & Miller fo~~~~
slim of $3220.87 ,as above 'set fo~t~e' accepted a.ndap13#:~f~~', fpr
pilyl;p.entin script. . . ,."~.~,,,., ,
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Voting Aye:" ci ~.,'~ '
NOS NOl'TE. ~ ':'
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