HomeMy WebLinkAbout062330 CC Min ~ :J\ " 'lj " ~ ,", ,. ~ '>fie .<<. '"li_, '. ( ( R.ltmTT.AR MJi'H;rrING MONDAY JUN~ 23RD 1930. COUNCIL CHAMBER--CITY HALL~ CITY OF ~~ST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS. 169 4l:- Regular meeting c~lled to order on the above date at' 8 P. M. by M~yor H. B. Schlesinger with both Corml1issioners Walling and P,lumb and City Secretary Cushman in attendance. ' , Minutes of the previuus meeting (June 16th, 1930) read and approv- ed' as follwws: Motion by COIT~issioner Walling duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb tha.t the ll1inutes of June 16th ,1930 be approved as read. Vot<ing Aye: r Conunissioner's Plumb &: Walling. NOS NONE. The following paid bills were presented by the secretary to the Mayor for reading and approval.or ratification. J. H. ,Rafferty Engineering fees, acco'qnt. of'tower project It fI If Pay Roll account sa.niti,~y:, sewer, 'installed, Southwestern Bell Irel Co., Phorie service?: ff If 11 11' fI t1 u" $350.00 42.39 14.50 16.35 6.40 8.20 11.23 .50 16.00 AntoneDu~al1 Labor for Robb Oliver Levy, Janitor~ ~tc., Houston Lighting &: Power Co, Li@~t U. U It U fI It "Min J. W. Wilder, For searching recodds'd , , . , ' Motion by Commissioner Plumb duly seconded by. Commissioner Walling that the bills be ratif'ied as read above. Voting Aye: Commissi oners Wall,ing &: Plumb, NOS NONE. The following bills were read by the Wlayor 1'oI' approval a.nd papent. Public National Bank and Trust Company Trustee fees, $125.00 U. R. Bronk, et al, two days work on Big Siren, Fire Dept. 10.00 Houston Concrete Pipe Co, Material 1'or sewer Virginia 8t, 22.98 Western Auto Supply Co, _ ,5.49 Niotiqp. by Commissioner Walling duly seconded by Commissioner Plumb tha.t'~thefor~,going bills as read by,the Mayor be approved, and paid. .V.oting. Aye: ' Commissi@nersPlumb &:Walling.,. NOS NOl-TE. RepDrt of the Corporation Judge for the week'ending Thuxsday June 19th, 19:50 was read and the 1'ollowing motion offered, viz: Motion by Commission~r ,Fl111nband duly $6conded by Conwissioner Wal- ling that the rep9rt of the corporation j~dge ,as read be approved. Voting Aye: / .' , - A, , Commissioners Walling and Plumb voting A'ye.~~ONE. '-" ?,:-,:.:;; C .~ .. Mr. Anderson 01' Bellaire was then reco by the Mayor and invited to make whatever statement he desired l' "uive to his claim for . " _ 0., . _.~,- __;~. - . water lines in Fairhaven and Colonial~riace. ' A general convers~tion and ~iscussion~upon the subject was carried on between Mr. Anderson ~nd the Commission, but inasmuch as the for- mer was not in immediate possession of his cont:n.ct, copy 01' plat and other information in 90nnection with his claim, (which he estim- a"tedat about $3000.00L at l~:ast ip. shape to submit to the Mayor and" Commissioners who in tw;;n would pass to o-p.r legal department 1'eI' consideration, it was finally agreed that Mr. Anderspn prepare / .- --~-,I :; - T, r;-lr""'-' .-----.--~ , ,;r:;r-I-rr---:~::'p~ rr--- I Iii .~ > > :'.... ~.:-tj:)'~.-' l'tl)r (Continued from P. 169.) all papers necessary in his. claim and submit the same at the next regular council meeting or as soon Zk& before that time &s con- 'venient. The mayor assured :bhe gentleman th3.t the City author i- tiErs would make an equitable investigation into' the merits of the . claim. Final'~ ~stim:lte witl1 Ed. S. McFarland under conti3act dated Feb- ruary'-.:2I:4th 1930 extended and s;ccepted in place 01' :Estimate l'Jo. 3 dated May 12th, 1930 the several parts of which ,latter ~s't- imate have not been carried out &nd completed, ' Amoufi:t~ c'laimed this Estimate, Contractori",$14:86.~6 . , / ;.."i Engineer,. ~,' '.: T32..18 c' ~. ~<.ft ~ ' , Mot. 1ri;'made by Commissioner Walling and dlily sec~~de!ip~y .com- m:i;s ' &\er Plumb that tp.is;f'inal estimate be lJ..'pp. l~iJ;'d ;:'ltaid \' . wh opel' and satisfactory evidence of the "iri:e'ss~' . :t~\, be , Q.uced and furnished the Mayor and' (jQmmi~~~s;:f Vo't Aye': " . . ' Co sioners. Plumb & Walling. NOS :NONE. ' ".J, Fire Chie.f Metcalf made appl~~a:bio:ri f'or'~h<? _ autil~ .fire extingUish~r fQr.bout'$35.0Q'and'~' .e~ti . made neeessa,ryby the !l-o~s of thi:s a.pp~atus d;;. , connection witlh. BelJ;aireFire: . , . :::: ' "'P.'$';'1')"q;r cha s e , ' . \3-:ll:S,iPer s "~~~~,~~f!ii?k in Motion made by Commission.er Plumb and dua~ fH,!?eon~ed. by Commis- 'sioner vVa.lling that the' request of' Ghir'f' "ld:eheal~J:':bE!(fge:&'1fttedand that he have autho.l!':ity to make "thesep1.irchases 1iy~:!o~~€4;i:>':;~:bJ:iough the Sec;r-etary. -~-;)':,:.ii ~ ')i Vmting Aye: Oommis.s20liers. Walling&; Plumb. NOS NONE. ~; ^ " , ., '",;". '. - " Q,Uite~n~;~austi'Ve ~iseu~s$bn "in.eonrieCit:~~u,"'wi~t~!/YLL~":t dis:pqsitJ;9n 'and the~ :f)ro:r;fei;' methods to ;:Pu.tl Sltte7 i.l11l ~ '~:~'~~~~:dY the"p1;'esant;":u.nsat:i:sfac''S0ry, service r:1;)$i:hgrellt1~~~ : ;:(B~.agg present; gtu"bage m~n,w.$indulged in. ",whi~h:Jt' ," . ,~,t1'):e ~~ "g~'~~~~i~~,."":;,,,~i-,{.t~~}'A[~~:;~~~;~~~~i~:~~":" " ~:~s '." :R,~U1"'Vs.lio;etn g~,JJe't~~:e,(4,:,i;. ,',s< ' . , 'Pl~biUh..t: 't~~.1'GfBfJtli @@ ~, , , . o .':;'v ,,' ", I I. '"",,: '..... u ~ ~ o 'rJ ~ ~ pIB\, - (From P. 170) 171 '" JDW::Jtlitr: ~I".ei.l1anY~,}211nd .tJ:k "G:011:e<e t'Gr.:.'~b ~3 ;IJppr0~e(ll ';*11d~ :a:~c e:pt~;- !'uSJ1hJ~.et. to. ~Ql>~,'eoi>1'e~1:i':i.cm;sii,::.:..,.:i:'} ':X:.' \'.';.l\.(:~~ j,' , /,~ Voting Aye: ' - _:'~3. Commissioners Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE. " ( Robert L. Sonfie&~~ City Attorney next submitt~d Or designated as Water.Works Ordinance the caption of follows: AN ORDINANCE CREATIN~ THE OFFICE OF WATER COMMISSIO~ER IN THE CITY OF WEsrE UNIVERSrry PLACE TE.xAS PROVIDING FOR THE"APPOINTMENT OF A WATER'COnll~ISSIONER HIS TENURE OF OF* FICE HIS POWERS AND DUTIES PROVIDING FOR Trill APPOINTMElff OF SUBORDINA~~ OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ORGANIZATION Gmv.~ JiHNDN'f AND CONTROL OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID SYSTEM AND FOR THE COMPENSATION OF SAID OFFICER$.A}ID EM- PLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR THE DISCHARGE OF SAID OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING THNl! ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERN~ ING SAID WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE PROMULGATED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SAID CI1ry; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DEFACE ANY PROPERTY OF THE WATER' SYSTEJ1If; REGULATING THE USE OF FIRE flYDRANTS MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO TIDlN' ON WATER WITHOUT A PERMIT; PRO~ RIBITING ANY OBSTRUCTING ACCESS TO FIRE HYDRANTS.; PROHIBITING THE TAKING OF WATER FROM Alne PUBLIC OR PRIVATE HYDRANT WITH- OUT PERMIT; PROHIBITING THE rdAKING OF CON~mCTIONS EXCEPT BY AGENTS OF TIf:s WATER SYSTEM; PROHIBITING THE MAKING OF ATTACH- MENTS, CONNJ!X.;TIONS 'OR REPAIRS TO PIPES WITHOUT A WRITTEN PER- MIT; REGULATING THE ENTRAN6li TO SERVICE PIPES; PROVIDING FOR REPORTS OF CONNECTIONS TO BE MADE; REQUIRING OVVNERS TO KEEP SERVICE PIPES IN REPAIR; REGULATIlifG THE RUNNING OF WATER, THE USE OF WATER FOUNTAINS; REGULATING FEED PUMPS FOR SUPPLTlfING WATER TO S'fEAIvr BOILERS; REQUIRING WNEER TO BE APPLIED AS STATED IN THE APPLI~ATION; PROHIBITING CONNECTIIDNS WITH PRI- VATE WATER PIPES WITHOUT PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS; PROVIDING CONSUMERS NOT Et:t~ITLEDTO SPECIFY QUANTITY OR PRESSURE; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF WATER THROUGH FIRE PLUG AND TEE PENALTY FOR MISUSE; REQUIRING WRIIJ~TEN APPLICA- TION TO BE MADE FOR WNfER; PROV:rpING WA'fER TO BE FURNISHED OWNER OF BUILDING AND ';fIlE LIABILITY OF THE OW1illR THEREOF; PROV- IDING FOR METER TEST AND TIm REGULATION THEREFOR; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO SCALE WA'I:ER BILLS; J?ROVIDING FOR THE CHAR GES TO BE MADE FOR WATJl:R SERVICE; PROVIDING 'WHEN WATER BERY-ICE CHAR GES ARE DUE; PROVIDING FOR DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE AND DISCON- NECTIGN UPON FAIlURE TO PAY CHARGES'AND DUES; PROVIDING FOR TAPPING CHARGES; PROVIDING METERS TO BE PROPERTY OF OWNER OF PREMISES AND REGULA'rINg THE USE THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LATERALS BY INDIVIDUALS TO CONNECT WITH WATER MAIN; REQUIRING PERMIT AND BOND THEREFOR; REGULATING THE MAK- ING OF SUCH CONNECT~111:flNS PRESCRIBING PENALTY'FOR THE VIOLA- TION OF THIS ORDINAN~E AND PROVIDING THAT . ~'HALL TAKE 'EFFECT INl.MEDIATELY::;>), , Motion by Commissioner Walling and duly .sec.ty Commissioner Plumb tha.t the water ordinance as per abov.i -Cion be approved and adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb & Walling. NOS;NONE. (Continued) I I '" ~ 1 -, ITD 1'''~2<'''''< '. '......-0 .;" ~ >.. .".'-<< ~ ~'-- .<:, ~ .: 1< I (Forward from 171) ..f:. . - ~ \ \ , . .~ ~ c.... _ ~;- . , Commissioner Plumb raised the question of' inaugura};jj:lg,I!i.9+'6, privacy in the office of' the secretary and urged mor$,care~n the matter of' guiding the City's books and reco;rds,~< '~' against unconventional or l4,11.0ff'ic~al ~JmI!P~"e-xposUr~1. damag~or use. < t.' u, <: ", . The 8eclletary W&l;S .instructed' to instail a good ia:l~r:~ge,k on, the door leading to the office with the vlA":llt and'majo~:records and. that the same should be kept < locked ,wb,~neve:r er;i\;i:t>l.Jly vaca- ..~ed by the Secretary or his issistint in ~~~e0ffiii~-~~'~ ,'. " , , . . . ..' - - l.' _,.. ~... t ... There' being no further business 1. upqn motIon C(:.)~Sf~'~~t1er Plumb duly seconded by Commissioner Wal],ing, the meet:i:;i1g::ytisdecla:red '''~oy the Mayor adjourned. c.....'. .;, Votii"J:gLA-:r,~i";fv . ' , ". " ~Commf~'s~on~ ~tWalli~g N'OSl~0NE.' "':)',:~~:<>. : "'\~f;' ...\ ~ j/ , " .......*. A'j;)proved, > ~ ' . ..;>.... ." At~'e.sti., . .01'. , .i_~4i~~"~: .. .. . ~r.~-:--. "~I J':-." ~: ;,}.: .-' "- < " ,.... . .~ " '..-.\ ,',." . :.f ,.:.... .',.t. " , -j. , ;; '. ~ '.;~ -: . >~. :.-. '" i.'; ~ ....,'. ' ,~: . ,> , ".-t.'" . ,.:.) ..... "'; ~ ' .; ~ '-- 1.~ ',,' '. "f;': ~ :';J;;;~ i;; ',: :. "\-J..~"'" . ';'. .'. ~~i~ j:" '". ; .~. ""7 .,'. J . .1, ~~~., ': ~, , ~ , ' , ~ .,' ~ . . :.~ ~~..' ~~ ~~' ,,~ ~~.:':":f"'. ::'}~~~:. .,' -. I .----~T Ilr n () ';..,T$. ~. ~ 'L)