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061630 CC Min
- 168 ~.,~~y~~~~~ MG~ti~~. d'Wle <6, _~, ;19:3,0. _ poun~il Ch~ber-Ci~Y F,ll. of West University P ace~ Texas. ",-. ~ty ~~ ~' ~he following items were Ca.sh Account "f'or soap. Oliver Levy, Lab or Antone Durall .r" , La 'Thomas If (Monti' eTc. -H . Rafferty, +EI;lg F ~ .- :::." '~~e:'. :;~, Moti9n::'~'y ',CoriiiiiissJ.6n~r~, ,that the foregoing it~ , Voting Aye.: . '~.: , J Comm~ssi6ners Plumb &- W,:ii!l$ng. NOS NONE~ presented for 5/' , , . approva! a.ndp,,~~n:t: @l':5'O""":;"{+''':' 'if ,- ' "', -- ' .';,. 11~20"-- 5.2:$ Park) __ 3'~50, , (Fina:l,_McF.,rland) 132.18...' yiz: , . ~--Jl"~ ~ '-', ing, duly s-econded by Colilmissi:oner Plumb, :~ approved ,canel. paid. ' L":,;~~,,: ~ ,f \ ! ! : I., .. I. , The report of Corporation Judge f'or the week. ending J1lll6' 1Zt,h, ~as , submitted.. and read. :-MO~?i-en '[1&" Q-~~ssioner Plumb, duly . th~t,j;;her'e:port of the Corporation , Voti::rig:Ay~ L ' , . ~oriJn:i'i,sgioners Walling & Plumb. , }{{:)S .1't,ON:B:.' , . , secQnded byCqniln:i.E!~~.A~rW~a.lling judge as re~dbe" ~~~~\T.~~;.'" .'-. (l , "'. '"" '-,-: - .' ".,-':"r". .;~ ' . . F"'~' _:. F011ow,~~g petition from ,t1:ie~ J-a.clie s Commi t~tee . fo:&:l Te'a to be giveil'T):ui~:S:l$ay 19th by the 'B~ptis't':eh:urch was read by the SecretarYt Flott. .M~yor"&' COmmiSSioners, : Gen t 1 emf>1i~ ~ , Tll~< petitiort,for the~~ ',~rep~,~' fqr,the~: a~ :;- ~l' a'L .C) ~ ~'..c<' ~f ~ . :.,....":.'.... ," 'c r .: --" .>" ~ -'.1 ! -':]!1