HomeMy WebLinkAbout060930 CC Min 164 Regy:l.:~ i:Vleeting~ .a:une9th~ 1930. ", . Oouncrr Chamber-City Hall. Ci~Y of ~esit TJnGe;"~~2 P1Sa~~:' 'X~-g:llIs.. ).~..;.' REGULAR meeting as above called to order by the Mayor 'with two commissioners Plumb and Walling and Secretary Cja.s4ma.n in attend:Jlnce~ .. ..' ',' Minutes of the meeting June 9th, 1930 read by the ~ecreta~y . and approved by following motion: ". " ' , Motion b~CO~issioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Wa.lling th ~inutes of June ,@ be approved as reaq.;, , .voting Aye ;~: ". . Commis s ion 'i a.lling and 'Plumb. . ' NOS NONE.. :' I / Follwing Bi / ~ were submit~ed by the' Secretary arid r~ad outpy the Mayor as -tfllcit'\ilfs: ' . 'J '.' Oliver Levy $ /. ';:,. ;~~{'.abor '.,f1~~0 ' ' Water Bill ,City Hall, .,',;:, , "2~~3' Erwin Cushman "-\l?i;~~ing on City business 5.-1.0 American' Provident Lif'e'o::tn'suranee Co' tpremiums-f 24.'43 . Julia HOffman, Refund ex.~ss tax 'collection 1929 i5~22 'A.'-H.. Stookey ,(aec~ipt No. 425.) ",l:rt..~00 , · '.t~.#..Rarf'erty , ,Fees shell spreading etc." . '~~B8: . {fa;e:4'iis'Luinber Company Lumber for 'bridge ,.~:7~';28 Suderman & Young, for 3 cars shall ' 'i25g~,85 Brazos Valley Buick Co, '. 35.60 Wilson Stationery & Printg CO,2Q~45 ,LeeR. Jones, Shoeing ,mules ," t;t~90 if. E. Robers mnc~" (By Commr Plumb) 13 ~6 W:~lr~":~::Jo~~~:a~~~ndue May 31st,$ . ~~.~~ Norye-ll-Wilder Supply Co, ~.',.. 12'€)~~O Jones Lumber Company, ;' ,O'rJ 10~19 G. A.. Stowers Furni:bure Co, ,cJ ,1.98 ~~~tt T;~:jo:",g~:m~nt & Mach Go ',t I .,'~~~,:.'"..,.,:.'~.,'~o',;~,':,.og. Allen-qartner Insurance Agcy, , .j tJ , Neptu:o.,e Meter Company,' , J . ,~@0?'~ 91 Southern En.gine & Pump Co., '.8.'77- Motion made by Commissioner W~lling and 4uly SeC.,0J:l~~4::,1;)y 'Commissioner Plumb that the foregoing bills as re~~:;~~'P~id bytthe Trel!-surer as funds area:va:i:lable..,. VP ,~hg Aye, , Commissioner Plumb & Wa~ling. ' 'NOS ,'NONE. . ; ;>" . '>.... ~ '~ " ~ . .. "', G~ommissioner J .it}., !:a.l;J.ing introduced the fo1:1~owing;~~~-S~lution, viz :>:~ '<;~j;, ' ,,". ,'... "'\;/L ",.: ' nimEAs,' it appear$S~,;t~3i~-;,t;here is-an ,abnor:m,;l;~q@.nCJ:1i.~c "',,~6f' ,e:m,- ,ployrnente4isting in'th'6;.~nat,ion,th~s.t:;;.te_:;~n;Clth~.", ti;;;:~i1d WHEREAfj, it is the duty,,:0;f'.'electedoffiela.;J./ of~ny':"p:~~iR~c":L subdivision to make s~r~o.useffortsto provide.. m:eiA1bo'i~ of re~ st6:r:ing norm~l laborc'o:kaitio:ns.. , . , "~/"~ , '" BE IT'R:E80LVED, that we, \the Q:ity,eouncil o.f,the ~j;ij~;:))fWest Vniversity.~1ace, Texas.., \,in.'~-ou.n<?i}. ,assemble~~ dO~':r;I:e?y CfO;D,- 's;t~'t1ite'QurseTves -. board !~1' eniploynlen:t,th-at' W~,'0."~1Wil:pO'n, o:tu' :r.eside.nt' c~~~~~ms tor,e~:tsterwl:th the'9,~tYS~~T~t~~Wi~:'n,!?ha.t we ". ~ . I I '. f' ' .' r ' ," ,~. ,".. > - " ,= !'l' ( t" .~ .qjf .... (-' , ..~" \ ~~ ~' "".;:'CY , ~' Qto.. o ~ -+ ~ ( /' { (Continuation P. 164) 165 use every means at our disposal to provide employment on any and all contracts over which the City has proper control and be it further resemved that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of' the City and copies" thereof be furnished to the p~blic press. . Done this 9th day of June A. D. 1930. .' H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor. J. A. Walling, Commissioner. P. R. Pl~unb,' Commissioner. Attest: Erwin Cushman, City Secretary. Report of ~ Corporation Judge, W. ted for approval covering the period Motion by Plumb and duly seconded by the report be approved as read. Voting Aye: Commissioner Walling & Plumb. M. Gates, was next submit- up to ]lune :,,5th, 1930. Commission~rfWalling that '';c, " ~ia:lIOffman '..cct Jlblr.ii /" ~ taxes for full lot ~.she owns only the Application for a refund of j15.22 to ~XKx of charge on Tax receipt #425 12 in Block 11 West University #1 wh w. ~ of said lot. ' . Motion made by Commissioner Wallin y se~onded by Commissioner Plumb, that the refund be granted..<I Voting .Aye.. . Commissioner,S Plumb & Walling. NOS NONE. Supplementary Contract with J., H. Rafferty Engineer and the City of West University Place, Texas." was presented and read by the Mayor, which supplemantery contract is to serve as an ad4Bnda to agreement made and entered into under date of Jany 2nd 1930 - ,: '..1 with said Engineer. Full supplementary contract being on file and of J:>e"cord wi ththe ,d1 ty Secretary. . Motion made by Commissioner- Plumb and duly seconded by Commiss- ioner Walling bhat the aforesaid Supplementary Contract be ap- proved and passed. Voting Aye: Commisaoners Walling & .Plumb. NOS' NONE. A ResmlutionRatifying SUIZplementary Contract as above set forth . was then "read, whereupo.-n: \ It was, moved by CommissimnerWalling and duly seconded by Commis- sioner Plumb that the foregoing resulution be passed. (Full copy on file with the Secretary) \ "'~ .):!' - Voting Aye: .Commissioners Walling & Plumb. NOS NONE. 'J;;..t: OlJi The following Rat~fication of contr introduced by Commissioner Wallirlg~v AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING CONTRACT DATED JAIWARY 2])1'1)" 1930 BY THE CITY OJ? WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND J. H. RAFFERTY CIVIL ENGINEER, PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN ENGINEERING SERV~CES FOR SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ENGINEERING WAR~AN'llS OF SAID CITY IN PAYU:Wr THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR (Continued- on P. .166) 9rdinance was I I I rl";;~"'! ""];.1 ';-rr,~-,T--'----'---:---'.---T--;--n----;r;l,,' j --------:----T i -;lfi~-'~-iTp---;~;r-----_._-------"----~- 166 (From P. 165) THE LEvrING A1ID COLLEOTION OF TAXES ON ALL THE TAXABLE PROPERTY. IN SAID OITY, ,SUFFIOIEl\!'T TO PAY THE IN.TERE8T ON SAID WARRANTS AND THE PltINCIPAL THEREOF, AS THR SAME MAT,URES; AND DEOLARING AI\!' EMERGENCY. U > Motion made by Commissioner Walling and duly seeoned ~y Dommis- sioner Plumb and that the rule requiring ordinances to be passed at. three separaae readings be suspended and that the ordinance be~ placed on its second'and last reading. (full copy on f'ile with the Secretaryt , lpmb & Walling. > . ;?;~ Voting Aye: ;' , 'Commis sione ' NOS NONE. ' The, mal tter epairin:~ $~eets_ impro_ved, with aSphal.l:t~t~:ping was taken l' consider~t~~p and after ,a libe!>al ~$;~1it~>~lp-n,., the folIo , ,motion was $t~.~,;r.ed:" '" " . > >~i:;";>~:3;,::~t;;: Mqtion by Oct i.ssioner Wa.l](~~~>tb!at the street & Br~~g~:ci'o'~, ,,' :\n:tiHrioner b~a.uthorizedand ~~J:1Structedto1naket(b<eJn~~~;:~~i'; repa:irson all of the',.Asphalt 'topped s.tree.ts;:;IPuh~:t~~~~~:wi~hi:rthe exe:epiti,{:>n of tha'4 portion of Rice BouleYara.:.B'~1C " ">'.:Di':~",e" , and Rice Court. The price .to beapI?roximate:ty.>:t:t~Q ~rLt~:Qce 'b.asisof cost plus. Motd.:on duly second.ed, obWi'>60lfuU~if'~l:tiIi1b. Vot~ng Aye:> > . Commissioner Walling &. Plumb.. NOS N€lNE. '. pc ~ 1~.f ~ .~. <". (,..: City :Att'orney'RGbt. L. Sonfietld" made applie:~t-jf,m:~iliji)J:, .' nlissioIlHto;remit, a'Tax of, $4.,OOassets~.ed ag~;iJ4B5t:~; dti,~i;:tb' the f'act.thatthe Doctor <held, recei:p!tte;~:"G)~,' tfuougp:"6'vJjdr the' ,item -ha.d no;t,beenendors~p: <~a;g*t' book I'oX' ot1iat year ~ ;,> , ,M~tiolt'~~~e[by J~qmmj;gsio;neJf W:all~i[g, q.~:L):):seco~~~~:. '. -21 qne~ Pltll,llb, th$.t the ~ .~fi",.t:~Jltt;>, : t$;4~ G(M,:'ag~t1fs,l~.. :><<~'~.f;9r theye~r 1925 as a.fore,said' he r$mi,tt.&,. '.> . = ival;tng'::A:ye':j " ' . . :" ' . . .' . -;~;$1;~nelrl",1?:t';.~a1l~." ........, ..I$l~" }~r~(it~if.~'~~ .tj;;~,~".'.'a - t; '. . ~t . {: ~ " ,.; ~(~?~~A:U:~~~t~ft~,;,cc~<'~). ..," ,':'r';=:':'_~: :,'_~ - '.': f "--''. ~ ' n :'1' f' , lr I nfT c C\ 'c" ~ 0\ \) ~ ~ rf'. .... { ( ') (.-\ . ) ... '" ["""1" * 'T . \ I 167 (Carried Fr~m P. l66.) There being no furthefbusiness before the meeting the same was declared adjourned by motion Comm~ssioner Plumb duly~second- ad by. Commissioner Walling. Voting Z.Aye: Commiss ioners W2J.ling & Plumb. NOS :NONE. Attest: t.:-<: -- e. , r.