HomeMy WebLinkAbout052930S CC Min ~ ::J\ o ~ ~ ~ .( ( ( " .. 159 SPECIAL Iv.IEE'J:lING. Thursds.X_ IYl~y~?9th,_.!..930.!.. Council Chamber,--Ci~ Hall. City of West Universitl Place, Texas. Called meeting convened on the above date presided ove~ ~y the -Mayor, H. B. Schlesinger with both Commissioners, :!VIe rJft' Walling and Plumb and Secretary Cushman in at tendance.:A\' The Mayor-read before the Corrnniss:Lon in full, an. ,'ance granting unto the Houston Lighting -and Power Company ,Ill.fr " ise in connection with furnimhing electric power for:;lighting, power~~1a.eat etc, the' caption of Which is as follows, viz'#,' '~\ (:t- , ..~ ~ !~;~~: AN ORDINAN9E GRANTING TO, HOUS;T~1'J' LIGH'I'ING & Po,WER COMPA1,JY, IT1::> ,SUCCEsgeE:SAND ASSIGNS, , Tlp!l';:fLIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRAN- CHISE TO, ~ECT, CONS1rRUCT, Iv1AI}~:TAIN, OPERATE, USE, EXTENl), REMOVER, REPLACE AND REPAIR, Ili{"Ul~DER, UPON; OVERt ACROSS AID) ALONG ANY AND ALL OF THE PRESEN/I' AND .FUROOE STREETS, SQUARES, PARKS, LANES AND ALLEYS OF THE CrI'Y OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE AND OVE.'R AND ACROSS ANY STHEAM OR srrREAMS, BRIDGE OR BRIDGES.ilOW OR HEREAFTER OWl \fED , OR CONTROLLED BY IT, A SyS- TEM OF POLES, POLE PO~ LlNiS1 WiRES" GUYS" CONDUITS, AND OTHER DESIRABLE INS~RUMENTALITIES AND AP~PURTENANCES (IN- CLUDING TELEGRAPH AND TELEPH6NE POLES AND WIRES FOR GRAN/f- EEf S OWN USE) IIjECESSARY OR PROPER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DIS... TRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT; :t:'OWE AND HEAT, AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPO~E FOR WHICH ELEC/rRICITYMAY BE USED, TO THE I~NICIPALITY AND INHABITANTS OF SAID CITY OF WEST UNlVERS]- TX PLACE, OR lUry OTHER PERSON OR PERSONS. . " , Full copy of this ordinance on file and of record in the office of the City Secretary. ' , " ; - ~;.~. lVIotion mad'e by Commissioner Wallini{ 8.n,d duly seconded by Commission- er Plumb tha.t the ordinance granting the franchise to the Hous- ~on Lighting & Power Company a.s abov6cset forth and rea.d by the Mayor be adopted and passed. Voting Aye: Commissioner Plumb and Walling. No one voting no. ~..:~~1P ">;} ~...- A copy of the stre,et light agreement and. act was then read in.., full with specificatioJ?s covering 42 overhy}t ma.st-arm construc- tion 100 candlepowerlamps and 51' --250 't~dlepower lamps with 01'- 'namental standards was read whereupon; ~, Motion was made by COL1missioner Plmnb, and duly seconded by Com- missioner Walling, that the Ma.yor and Secretary be authorized and empowered to enter into contract with the Houston Lighting and ' Power Company for the installation of said street lighting agree- ment as per contract submitted by the Mayor and in accordance with accompanying specifications. Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling and Plumb. No one voting no. " Contract was also read and submitted for consideration of the Commission relative to serv ice for municipal water works pumping ------- f"'" --~jf""'f--=r;"-_n- .. . .J. -- ---- - 160 ., ,',- - I ' " 'c' Iii r I:' 1-'----------"---- (aontinued frqm F. 159) ^ eontract to ~ecome eff~ctive January 1st 1930 by and between the City of WwetsUniversity Place ahd the Houston Lighting & Power Gomapny.. Motion made by Commissioner Wal ~and duly seconded by Com- (') missioner Piumb that the agree 'Vas submitted be entered into and that the Mayor and S ary be authoriz'ed and'em- powered H in name of the Ci execute contract wit:Q" the said light. CpmpaTI;Y a~co ly.. ' " Voting Aye: '. ; Ji4 Commissioners PlUmb and Wallt~~. No one voting no. ~here being no further business coming.up for. disP9~ttion, 'at' this time, on motion, duly seconded' the .amtingwas de- cl~red ad.journed by the MaY0r.. ,:. .' , t-f Voting ;Aye: , - Commissfb'n~jr,s Plumb No one vot:i.~g<-:~o.' , ' ~ ',~ , . ;,. ~ ':.<~,~ and Walling'. .. Attest: ~ ;::= ''. \-~l '-- / Approved., ~ . :~.! " Cl . ,~ ,'/i"q ";1 .j; ~.. . f"'. , ~,'~ "".~:>~" ~- , .. .~{ ;,,', , . ~ ~ ,~ . . ... \.'~ ::.;. >-.: , d ., .~ "" - .' -r :Y,::; . ..! . :-',( "J;S.~.' ,j'-:~': A'J / ~.~~: .~ ~ . ~ . . ~/' ~ , , ,'_'0'1, ,. ""I '." , ..<t ..ii..~~ , :' .~. L~~ .' ~ r''',;,. ',.. .:...../.;'. . "':.. '.~;'.;~t:.~ . . :; ~"~~~fi? < ~ :'~'." . .4' .~...\;~~~..'~~- ,. ., t. . . ~ \ , ,- 'J-. -. ','.,- ,1 -' ," ',' '?:~;; . ",';i ;'. t. .. ~.;, .i-~.' " .~' f , L) .' '.",,' ~":;-"j',.,- ',,' , .~ ..' - " "" ~,~ :t- ~: .,-,;? - ~': . T Ir I r.lIT