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Monday M~~6th, 1930~
Council Chamber-City Hall.
Ci~L-"of We~t Url;~ve~s.tty Place,
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Regular meeting of the City Commission was called to order at
8 P. M. on the above date au H. B. Schlesinger Mayor with both
Commissioners Walling and Plumb and Secretary Cushman in atten-
Minutes of the regular meeting of M4Y' ~9th 1930 were read and the
following motion was offered, viz: ~d'''?:;
Motion b~ Commissioner P~umb, duly se~onded by Commissioner Walling
that the minutes of the 19th May 1930;:1?e:...approved as read.
Votin~ Aye:
Both Commissioners. NOS NONE.
The following bills were read for approval.
- ~'"
Cash Account incidentals, $19.10 . .{.~ >"
Gus Smith, Alc Est. If. 1 (McFarland) ~~",-'!9 y~'
transferred authority H. B. S. and ,~" t~V-
J. A. W. 60206..Qq,<~~' ' . . ,
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co, ~~
Conservative Enterprises Co. (L.D.) 14.20
Oliver LevY$ OLabor) , 2.80
.Cook Bros (1 pr mules) 300.00
Straus-Bodenheimer Co (Harness) 84.35
Motion made by Commissioner Walling and duly seconded by Commis-
sioner Plumb, that the foregoing bills as en'9IIlerated be approved
and paid. '
Voting Aye: Both Commissioners
Report of the Oorporation Judge for the week ending May 22nd, 1930
was presented and read.
, Motion by Commissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Commissioner Wal-
ling that the report be accepted and approved.
Voting Aye: Both Commissioners NOS NONE. .
Letter from Secretary read by the Mayor requesting the Commission,
to grant to the Secretary a two weeks vacation to be taken from
time to time as might appear most convenient and consistent to
him. . , . ,-:~.,
On motion Commissioner Plumb duly seconded, thaX letter was re-
ferred to the Mayor to be worked out wi tht-he City Secretary,
at some opportune time as tm the details or>such arrangement.
Carried. '.' , .. / .
Commissioner Plumb asked for confirma.tion of his action in the em-
ployment of Mr Hatcher to run the mowing machine and do other
work as directed~and that the wages for Mr. Hatcher be fixed'
for the present 'at $21.00 per week, beginni . ,1VI.oo!iay 19th, 1930.
service continuous including Sunday1s if, :~~d.
Motion made by Commissioner Walling ~~seconded by Commission-
er Plumb that Hatcher be confirmed a.nd ,~t he be paid a. weekly
'salary of $21.00 beginning May 19th ~~'.
Voting AYE. Both Commissioners. '
Mr. R. D. Bryan appeared before the Commission to file complaint
n !: 1 '
r:r I n T
( Continu~d from P. 151)
in connection with a bad condition o,fbthat end of Cornell Street
between Tennessee and the arain~ ditch. Mr. Bryan stated that
water stood in this portion o:f ' ~treet a.f'ter ra.ins and
caused a bad condition and inconvenience. to citizens. ,
", , "
The May,?;r a.nd CQmmissioners promptly took ,the matter un<aer ad-
visementano. assured Mr. Bryan that steps would be taken im-
mediately~to drain this portion of the street into the ,dra.,ina.ge
ditch. .'" .
Street and Bridge .Commiss.... ,er Plumb, stated thathe.would
make' an inunediat'e' inve ' tion of the street in que~reion a.nd
would see to it tha.t nconvenience as a result 0t water'
sts.nding on the stree corrected. ',; .:<p c,' ,
There being no furt usmess :,o'ef'ore<the 1;>Gdy, 'on,;.,tno.~0n
Commissioner Plumb du1f ~econ~edby Conunis~ioner Wa.ll~ng
thesa.me wa.s deelm-eqJ'a.dJourned by the Ma..yor., . ,'~ ", ,:." .
Voting Aye.: ' " . .
Commissioner's Wa.lling & Plumb. .:d',~<..~ ";-'
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