HomeMy WebLinkAbout051930 CC Min ~ ::J\ o '"f'J ~ ~ ) .' .-J ..... "" [1 l' I.. '- 155 Regular Meeting,Monday May 19th, 1930. Council Chamb~r-City Hall. City of West University~ce, Te~s. Regular meeting of the City Commissioner was called to order at 8 P. M. on the foregoing date by Mayor SC41esinger with both Commissioners 'vValling & Plumb and ::3ecretary Cushman in attendance.. Minutes of the meetings held on April 29th Special May 12th and regular May 12th read 1I1y Secretary Cusbn1.an. Motion by Commissioner Plumb and seconded by "corrunmssioner Walling that the minutes as above be approved wi th tW9:S1ight corrections, One as to substituting the word Monday for TuBs4ay in the ~pe- cial meeting of the 12th and the other in conn~,(!'tion with the disposal p+ant and intercepting seWWBr system Q~tlined in plans and specifications submi t~ed a.t Regular meeting,::'of the 12th by: Engineer Rafferty ~ ~- ~(>(...'11',,~',{., , submitted for approval $2.25 3.70 95.34 247.89 14.49 10.10 18.80 25..00 3.05 31.25 185.53 20.60 5.00 8'7.50 4.09 19.61 '4.00 51.80 3.63 / The following bills were Antone Durall, Oliver Levy, Houston Printing Company Houston Lighting & Power " "" n Co. , 11 Wilson Stationery & ptg Co, Chas T. Skains Co, Morrison & Fourmy Directory Co Texas Sporting Goods co Lloyd Metal Company, Norvell-Wilder Supply Co., Tom J. Fatjo Co., ' Allen-Gartner Insurance ~gcy, '- Remington-Rand Business Service Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Sears Roebuck & Co., Rupley Brake Service , Brazos Valley Buick Co, Texas Hotel supp~y Company Inc and payment; ~.) FF'" ,. '':~. , C.. if':' . if; Report from the corporation Judge for the week end1ng Thursday May 15th was submitted. , Motion made. by Commiss loner Walling and duly seconded by Commjls- ,sion Plu.rnb that the report be approved as read. Commissioner Preston R. Plumb submittE;i~' his report in connection with obtaining prices on Grader, Mower ,', mules and wagom as dol- lows., viz :,~,. Team of mules can be purchased for Wagon, about 2 Blade mower, Light Grader, TOtal cost approximately, #>:~ . r.Y~250.00 "~j.. 50.00 C~ 95.00 185.00 $5'70.00 Cormnissioner Plumb expressed the opinion that an economical shed' should be built which might be put up wi thin the total above 'Stated. P{fotion made by Commissioner 'Walling and duly seconded by Commis siner ~~Ir-'r--'- i>lT - 156~ qpntinued rromP. 155. Plumb, that the Street & Bridge Commissioner Mr. Plu.n1t),;'b~' authorized to go ahead and perfecrt plana for th~ Pur qhase, of the urgently required chines ao.vislilgg the COIrln.1~t:lsioIl as to what money would be~'"' ' ~ to cover. <f>;' ,0 Voting Aye: Commissioners Wallin NOS NONE. Ai le'tteraddressed 'to lie city Secretary ,from theF~b:ric 'Fire HoseOoTIlpany' under ~ '.le of May 12th ;t'e):.a:t;ive to~~:e~e'cu:tion ~of th~ee riot~s~ by t~e .'Mayor and $e'cret~y ,'to C:9,!er:~r'~.mguiit ofJ)3~Q.'0.9 due them w~tbi1iterest 'at ~%,:tJ;ie :note~:"b~~'f~~twe $100.()b';"e~(.!p. Feb. 20th 1951, 1992, & 1933~' ' , ' '/:;;~,:',c ',<",~'c , ' , ... .. . --- M9t;i.on madEFbY:,Comm1ssioner Walld,I,lgam.;d. clliL:J.yseeQ~4~<;t,-.'Q;Y~ q~p1" miss1"oner, PIUl}1b,;that: the Mayor . arid 'Secretary 'l1e,,", ~., ~"tr;~~ld to exe cut em. the three nGt~s in the. sum tlBtal of '$snt'k ,C!t;j;1fi-~&'d ~s af'oresaid or in liri.e',with said lette1'....",. . , . ",:", "':,.'" "'., Voting Aye: , " ' .....;, .>.;, , Commissione,rsWlumb & Walling. . : . . '. , .',' NOS NONE. ' > -~ .." ':: < ..~ ~ 5'~-:"~~' ." ,x:.... There being no further ~bti.siness before "tlir~:.'#t~~'titi:~"bymbt~n ~:~;a~~10:~:d~d see~nded the same was<i.~~~:~~;~~?~~~:':::::: ~ :; t.-;. .., .::;:: . ",}.:~'i;-'~, c' I . Voting Aye: " Cdmmissiener Wal~rng &"Plmnb. IiOS NONE. . , < . , >, r Attest: . i> '" ApprG>V?~, ,( .";.-'-::."' .'..~\' '.::" \.' r. ," . . '.~:; . :\ 1 . ~.l" 'r},' ~: " . , ','-'",. . '.:~ .,~..~.~.~ "" -....., '" ,-- ~ , t ' '. lj .. .. .; " , -f"; 't . " '''..-. . -: .\' '.::'-- '\ ~ '< ;" .,.... .,"-., ---.~ I' -.- ,",- " , '" ~ l' I.. ~ ~_.t- . - ," "~:'. . .-. ~ -;,' ,.'- ~ . ~~----rn!T