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MondaY__~N"i12th.2 1~~0. '
Council Chamber-Gitt Hall.
c~ty of West Universi 1. Place. Texas!
Regulwr meeting of the City Commissioned convened on the fore-
going date at the Oity Hall B p~ M. with the f'ollowing in attendance,
viz. H. B. ~chlesinger, Mayor, pommissioners Walling and plumb and
Secretary Cushman.
Minutes of the previous meeting dispensed with.
Following paid bills
J. J. O'Connor,
Oliver Levy,
Antone Durall
tt II
Hity of Houston (Water Deptt
Krenzler Bros Service Station
tt tt u u
submi tted by
the Secretary
11.90 . .
for ratification,
American Provideht Life Ins Co
'Jack Rafferty,
lVlrs E. L. ,Alexander RefUnd #994.
J. W. Wilder, CAlc Delinquent Tax)
J. J. O'Connor, ( Special Duty)
Houston Natural Gas Go
Ma~shall Ice Co,
Oliver Levy (Janitor service)
Jack Rafferty (Telephones)
W.T. Barnhill, OApril permits)
Lee Bragg$ (Garbage)
Cash Account (Parking)
Oliver Levy .;
U. R. Bronk, (2/3 ~lec permts)
City West U P (Water Dept.)
Erwin GushmanTreasr. (Sundry Ex-
penses for entertaining the Harris
County League Municipalities. . ,,66.15
R. L.. Benton, Extra service .'.', 25.00
.Motion made by Commissioner Plumb :.and duly seconded by Oommissioner
Walling that the foregoing billsa~ enumerated be ratified.
Voting Aye: Commissioners Wallin~r.lf::,.Plumb.
NOts NONE. '
, " '
. ~<
. eft
Rep.orts from the Corporation Judge for the weeks ending May 1st
and May 8th respectively were submitted for approval.
'Motion made and seconded the'/; the reports. as rendered be approved.
Voting Aye: Both Commissioners
Application from Haden & Austin f'or a reduction in the assessed
valuation of their taxes for the year 1929 was submitted by the
Mayor. It appearing that the assessment placed ~n_t~~ir property
for 1929 was excessive and out of proiOrtion w "tEtfe valuation
used in 1928, the following motion was made, ':~..
Motion by Commissioner Walling duly secon Commissioner Plumb~
that the taxes assessed against Haden and 11 in for the year 1929
on thier 95 aRres, be corrected un a bas~~f 10%. increase over
valuation assessed and paid on for the ye~ 1928 . '
Voting Aye. Commissioners Plumb & Waling. )
Estimate # 3. May 12Dh, favor B. S. MCFarland, Contractor and
< (continue~ p~ 152~)
c r 1 '
---, if I 1;11
(>Cont. .from'p {51.':';:
..' ~ - ~~~~.
J. H. Rarrerty,.Engine~r,'{Accturimulative) Aggregating the sum o4ih,
$6445.46 was submitted by t~e,Engineer for approval and payment! '
]li.otion made by Connnissioner WalliIlg and duly seconded 'by: Commis-
s.ioner J?lumb,. that the estimflte.Ed.S.. McFa;r>land ahd .r:H.,. Rat";'
f'~rty aggregating $6445.46 be a:pp~oved and paid.:''' .
Voting Aye:
Commiss ioners Pl1llI1b & Walling.
; ':..:~ . ,~), .t: -~ - - ~
As a matter of inf'ormatiop.,.:Engineer Raff'erty supm.~t\~<a;:thfJ,f'91...
lowing letter froIP- Mr.. Wm. J ~ Tucker, Exc. ::>ectty~ G~e." F-ish and
Oyster Coromi ssi on under df,l te of' May 1s t , 1930, viz,:' '..:
_.-~.. ....
~~~ ~
, lVIr J. H. Rafferty ~ ':.'.C~,ty Ep.gineer,
Gity of' West Univers.~,*..p;lace, Texas.
~ W' ;~:~}};~ .
~y: ./ 'v.
~''Jf' .,':,:>...,'.
;., "7 .
'- This .a.ckriQWledgesJ-y-~~()J.~F:'\?€t~.::I~~i
. n toyour.J-6:tter:Jdi~'ii~~~~~}'
ef'und on :sn~ljl used on~~b.a.,~(c:,,;:s
is st.ate. I. assure youj~at::]'!
. r, refund at. j;he nexts.ession~
.Since rec"i. ving Y$~~).~~.~1\;!~r"f
a.llowed and we ,shallbegJ.ad to goin~,~:::.j)~~"
andniake such recommen~tj.9I1s' for:rezf'~,da~.,"Eixa '
to and as provided for .by~ 1..aw.' , .,
Very Truly Yours$
. , .. (Signed) WIn. J.
_.:'" -:
, .. . >~:-
1ng my $.tt
':p~tment l'
this claim
..., a"':'"
. Upon moti,on Cormniss1onep, fll;Wlb':;f~c
,ling 'j' ~he,8~cretary wa.-s dir&c,~;~~~~:
f'ti'ture reference and eonsider;Il;\~~fi!!~i .
. -.r.""!o... .,..,'
. ~:, ~~:
'. -:F- .... .,.. ;; ~:_ :. .
Communication f'rom Mrs~~~t~a Olson ~f),e "of.,
~~~4~ 991;}.c.~pn+;q,g p t;b,f),:, 'P.a.V:~l1l~],;J,1},,& 1mprov ~mep.,t,
BeJ;;~~~j~9~t,;~ct~ti9n.. '..,. ,,,.',';," . '. ')
1Seet>~t'~y'was' inst:rucj;e~ tQ,.~,,~,t;J;~i~~\ /
Lee arid tOf0rWard:copy to EIigiIie~r
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(Continueq from p~ 152.)
Motion by Commissioner Walling and duly seconded by Commis-
sioner Plumb, that tiI.B.<< Claim be filed by the .City of West,
University Place, Texas., against the City of Houston for
val'l.lJ3 15ft Sanitary Sewer taken over and tied int.o by'the City
of Houston at Kirby Drive and R~inerman street. and the aU
C. I. Water Line as per amounts shown in the report ~f Engineer'
Rafferty and that the Mayor, city Engineer and City Attorney be.
.,1i1.thorized to determine with the Engineering Department of the.,,'
City of Houston, a correct basis of settlement account of the -
City of Houston appropriating to its use the 4Stf storm Sewer, -
iIJ.stalled by the City of West University Place between Kirby Drive
and Reinerman street. ' / '
V oting Aye:
Commissioner Walling & Plumb.
, --.(:'",
" ~......~
; .~~.
Joint recommendation from the sione~~ J. A. Walling
and City Engineer J.. H. Rafferty to,ge r. with p4;aJ;lS and speci-
fications PROJECT '2. City West Univ i ty Place ;)~a:ter Lines ' -
under contaact with Ed S. McFar:!-and, Was submitted.,
,This Project #2 being authorized by the City coune::+1 under blanket
instructions given Water CommiSSioner at meeting oPFebfy Ilth$
1930. '
We furtherrecommend that a standpipe of ,100,000 gallons capacity
be constructed to provide pressure for the anticipated Summer
load. The installation of' this tank would reduce the power bill
and wear and tear on motors and pumps and would increase sys~em
efficiency more than 20 per cent. The cost would approximate '
$7,000.00 installed.
The construction of the units authorized under project No.2,
and the installation of the standpipe will meet the requirements
of the,City wate~ system and fire fighting system for the next
two' (2) years. Respectfully submitted,
Signed J. A. Walling, Water Vonnnn.
. tt J. H. Rafferty, City Engr.
Motion made by Commissioner Plumb and duly .seconded by Commis-
sioner Walling that plans an~,specifications for project #2.
and also the install~tion of 100,000. gallon capacity stand~'d
pipe be adopted and pa.id for from 'biI::Kel: the water works bonds
already issued.
Voting Aye:
Commissioners Walling & P~umb.
--- w'
. ,~
Plans and specifications for the,constru :':<I'and installa.tion
ofa di'sposalf1?~a!:rb~d a; .' '., . . -
~ -t;O~\fiBt~'iP't'~~an~DS6Uj,~" \r~O)$t~g::;~Q.Q.~l':;',$~~ ~ ~40. 00
Pd. '" ;,p1aIt$.8~dC31l1.i~~~re~tt<lnts c.f}G.l;}?j~,~'1 W7 :::,sew6Jtcl~n.s1-noJ31;h"~o~- ,
V~~v~rsf;;~~ ~q1!J,leV:~9:n~:-'Col1.e8e.l~0~~Ql1e.ge ;yVleW\ an.dTl602on1d~~J.{
"~~J.,e, ,.t.q. j.l'1~~o"Q;~l~(,"PP:co~~~tel.~~,~1~~~Q:q're~o' i~U.bltii t.ted.!]).):
~:@,giJ!.~e~~:lR.at)fl~rtj". .:.r,::':l '"C.L',:.,::': h:,. ,:;, :'~. j:,;.".:,,~~. . '<:\'-.' ',~' : i
M.'cil;tdion :'1l:'lado'ELlby: ;1.0_oJDnlis~,~~ItJW-.l.lit~,g;i;~% ~~,eC?~.e~~~.}?~t Y9~ ~0'"
s;1Qne:e, P,J;umb; tb,$t...vb;e.-,-;p~~~.~an4 .i.~p'ecif:Lcat:LQn:s re.1.aJlmgg 0 e..
~'i$;p'Q>8[1l.l;~:p,A:.art:tJ. f~~Q.. ~tP.;t~~\Q~ep;~gj,~.~~~~.('+l;n~ l~C" "'I")t~~~CC ~<(, r;~~mge
l::l4""o.- 1"-......48 .NQTl.tvqo1' ,;Un].'U{ell,Sl'1.,+::V laO:Q.~eli~dcJ.nn ,q. ,f)i~,f-' Qv:r' ;,',. ',r
:~:-;...~ 9n~i:^1''.;~'l'alJ~~jre:r~:~nL~1., .r~mi~ted~'~ 1 ~\,:;e~,(f):tv:. '~g$.~~~'1?,~s.t
~~10v.p"":'l.::;ei~l"~~~' .~~::;ed~"l1d~t'iiat "the :Ma:io';}~,a-6DQ~t ~~a't*~~t( ~th~:~ '~.+'U.1.1.y
i;!'v.....;'~' ,O!~ ~-'::~du.' >(Tl~,;:iii~ 'in i;\ , 'tli~ "ri1iaAl1~i .; :!,Q~~" ~~g'~~ L-'~:tl'X'e ~J;.9},
~e'l,o~ ~_~!t~ -:~~ t~J"i.'''Qr:!-~' ',' ..,_ '-'~~ _JI:.~ v :JV';' J.. V..L ~L..:~ ,,1..J: '- 'l,j s:.-.....-; ,-,_t ~.,'.A \.J.~ (~"i ,~~ V"-.I;.:k
the disposal plant. (Conti.lnro1ecL F'. 154.
T - if I "1lT
(Continued from P. 153.)
\ ,
. \ 'I
Voting Aye:
Commissioners PlUmb & Walling.
; ,
,;' <
, ,
The Mayor appointed a committee consisting of, J'.' At. ~W~llingi
P.R. Plumb and J. H. Rafferty as to s~curing~a site_ '
Water connnifu3'ioJter Walling offered'''!l reeommendation J~jj>0m.~iMr. .
Finley advoc,~!ifgthe installation.; of an. elevated.:Water':1.'~k.'
to take the .e of a pressure ,tank which is r,eeommendea ,to
'effee,t a 2 ~'per cent credit instead of being penalized'by
the use of sure tank. ' ,
Motion mad Commissioner Plumb and ~uly seconded by Com-
missioner ,ing that. the Elevated tank be installed<'as~
. soon asj;>raeefi~able..
Voting Aye:. . , "
Commissioners Walling & Plumb.
=,Jt:'.-"'": .'
.' " ~:~. j1-'t~
The Mayor dir.ected the Secretary t<?.:. write Oi ty Engin.er J'~ 'H~
Ratfert1~f1:;6':':f:1U>nfsh complete map' o-!,:' the ]>ro!Hi)sed;i~~~tap1", ~',)
sewer Lines.' atld system and a.lso to>-'get uper' iprQpe~eF;ai' sttm<i..
$,rd.'met of' mi!.p,$":eorentire '~sanita.ry andsewer.s-y:s4;i6miJot t~e()€;i1rY
. ; s.nd .. an. adequate'roller case for the convenience' of, Jio":bms '.:'
these lines a.nd"j~~\1rnishing proper infornia:biol1las theno.c'a$ion
f'or such may arise~ Also $' "", " ,,\,,~) ~;: " ' i ~ {-_~
A'le'tter'dir'ecting the City Engineer "to ]>rcH:eed 'W.i1tli}'i;h$;,tl1ll:tihor- "-
i~~d' r'epairs' to' ~ bri~geiS or culverts :e~U11d in: badh~~$nM'1J;1on'
ifio-Celle'ge (;-ourt:, famit~_tb"'his,,.-depar4l~~1at~'~:Cl:4~.~)0;,'~{.. ':, ,
to ppoceed with ~he deekfug()f' fJ.ooJ"'~Landi?eli>air~; 't~~__:pJtage(J,.~ro&~ 1>
,drainage, ~ithbllt'a.oa;'ft's.:i Univ-er's~4;:v Bottlevard.., ", .': ", ;~.:.~ '
The;rebeing n(rf'urtlierbusln~s~:,be:fQre' thebedy,: 'om:i;)m'i;~~ft;t'"
C~Yrini ~si O:tier .,W-ai ling', dw.W::s:ee~~ed by ~E;>~:i.ssi0~e~1~~~~i1rr('J~:.
the:MayoJ?:, dec'1'ared th~ meet;iE.'g'.::adjeurnea~ " ":. ;lL: {}::1:f,'J': ";1
Voting Ay.e': .',. ' ,. " " .J,ou, ~';,' , "
Commissioners Plumb & Walling. .,:_:;'f"l.C ,\;~:~j):-;,;.,;,;
NOS- NONE.ari!;ll,' ." ,
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