HomeMy WebLinkAbout042930 CC Min 14' '8, :'G ,f(1A)~ . . '''}l'i'- * I '1'1 r~qP;' ! if'\' I"~ "f>, >.> 1 - '!, 1'-..3.:.' ',:\ . . RB~ meeti;sg:O:f 't;he,City Commission ~onvened :at 8 P. M. on the foregoj.ng: dat,e. H. B. sehles:i.nger, Mayor presiding arid Botb Commissioners1Walling & Plumb and Secty Cushman in at~ tendanc e. . " " " . \() I. Minutes of themee[t;ing 04 April 22nd$ read by the Secretary, and the following mo1;ion was made.. , ' ' , ' . Motion by COIIlII!issioner W8J.ling dUlyseconded'by Commlss ioner Plumb that the minutes of' A~;L 22nd be apprgved as read. Vo~ing Aye: Commissioners. ~~' .. .. - Walling and 'Plumb J. 7A~-; ,,-.:.:1 " "". ' -- NOS' NONE. ; , d' , Th~ following biilf we ~',,fesent~d fo'r payment and ~nunlera.t;ad by the Mayor, viz: ' ,.. '?:f '. All sa~~1es and; Co~is~'oners fess for themonth.o~~.Jlpr~~, 19~O'., . All Courtsala.ri es; a.ndfAees for the. w~ek ,~ng Apr,il~' ~4th~.. ff ~ol1:thwestern Bell' ~elephone Co, ----------_..-:------.,.;-...-t36.'"r3 . A~toneDural1 Lab.or. ----------~~=--------;;;.-., :'9";00' . Oliver Levy : . -'------.-~-.;.-...-------;,;;.... '6.'70 .Lee Bragg, (Garbag~') ---------.:.i;.-...-------'-- '1~~:56 G.' W. Robinson '(EXtra 1I0rk) ------...---"::..-------:..--,. 2~$O Ca:h Ac;ount (Inci~ent(:lls) ----------.---------;-.::.- .~~ l~~5 . . -- ~-~--~--~._~---~-----~ .5~B6 , '". U" -11 ________...______.____:-_.~~_: 12..QO ~, ," Sf ~. (___~_______..___._..;.~.~..:..~~~~. ".~-'5 J. ,W. Wilder $ QSearching records tor Sonf'Lel:d) , ~._..:.~~~~.ij~:.,00 J~' H. Rat!er,ty_Gity ~ai~eer, (Ghecking~&~.rDa.te~~},~~ ;:~Q J ~ J. ,01G9Dn()r( 'l9p~:c,f,~!:\4tlt;ies ordered by lVfay~r) ,'.?0 J. H. Rafferty, ,t1J:'~J.epht):Q.fcle~lls for ,cfi.ty. L,.l)..)( ,', ,,;55, ' Mot;t'on made by Co~'sslori.e~,'p)1).Ii1b. and duly :sec~#i<1ea .1},:f':~._ls-- sioner Wal:ling t~a~ ~ll of'~.~ 'b:t-l1s as ;above.'~e1ium~~.~~~~:l~ . approved and paid., ' '~!:'';'' "," , " ". Voting AYfH ' ", . ~ ~Coumd.:sslon.ersWal1ing & Plumb . . NOS 'NONE. c) " ~, .$': . ';', ,;/ The regular weekly, re.port of the Judge. of theborpor~ti~en Co~.t was Submitted and read, .' MCDJ'tion made that. same be accepted. Garrie!'i_ ,c, i r I [, I~, f' , " } . .. . Application fo~rein "tt:$,g~f.fine pai.d by Mrs:E. ',L.A:~t . ~ft: connection w~~b;:~V~' c.Q~J?l:ain t , /1994 . M~reh 2Q~11" ; ~~'" ti.pand the folloyt ot-j;c:)umaae..., ',.., ,'-,,' '~~;;~~~i~~o;:;s1 '. ,t~;i~~~at:~}t~;~~f~~~:~:~ '~~~":. .I~;:t?er e'a~e t~ough arpo', ._ > ,':"r~~4edq:~,.tbat' the l:)ecr~~~t~'t~ $n- 'struc'ted to 'issu~,;vtli-e.lier tavore,'$ :1):.L,. 'Alexanaer"a~'~:i)i>d~ngly. 'Voting ,,AYE': /, . {'~~' '<>:',' . ,'.., ' (},o.i ss ien.er Plumb: &: Wallii1g~ 1fOS'NONE.q, ' ' Est-iltui1;e . N9. 2., A.ceUlTJI!l~l,a~i'Ve Jd aD.~ takingtl:1e pla9~ :cG.$;Est- imate;,NQ.1, Ap:ril8~;n.,,, 1930' .favor,.E. S .McFar,lan~ e(i)nt:t*~etQr EJIl;~ ~~' H. R~ffert'Y ,ER$lneer was BJii,~1p.1tted fo~' apprQv~l. mica. pay- . meIJt.SaidEsti1'na.tea.~gat~ng th~"rsum of'$l()),.Q06.82~" " lS~J~)',F. 1491' . . " ~.. . ~~ . '," '. . C' >' . ".ii " .' \ ./4F< v' ,,- I> ~ 1 ..,..,. r T] nn ~ :7\ C ~ ~ (Continued f'rom P J 148)' I 149 . ;/ ~ !( Motion made by Commissioner Wall~ngland duly seconded by Commissioner Flumb that Estimate No.2. in the sum of $lO~606.82 favor E. S. McFarland cotitractor and J. H. Raff'er- ty Engineer be approved and ordered paid. Voting AYE. Commissioners Wlumb and Walling. NOS NONE. . Letter was read from Enginner J. H. Rafferty addresssed to Mr. W., Tucker, Fish, Game & Oyster Commission at Austin Texas, directing attention to previous applications for a refund in conrlect1onwith the City's claim on shell used on public streets as provided in Section 7 of the sand" shell and gravel law * passed by the second called session of the 36th Legislature and known as the Senate Bill No'.: "114. . , . , ... ". . A copy of Mr. Rafferty'S letter was, referred to the City secretary , for filing. ' There being no furthe business before the. meeting, the same was declared by regular motion duly seconded adjourned. A:pp:es-t~d city " / J ) h~.!.~~ . ' ,,/<~.' , Cf 'Ci':;.jp .' / cfd'v -, ,~ ,:"..::-;-. / ! /,/' '}, Z. .\.<_.-:/~ ,/, ~ ,d}~ ' 1 \....;/ ..., (' fl '~''''>I J ;,., .'.4:~ ' ""'-~--'~-'''--'''''''' . . c - ~ r ... -"'I ..- .; ~ f -......--' / ' J ~ ' ' . '~; V ' I ,::/ to' '~~;J~)"I:" ;V/-/--d.,b:er ' /'j1"p ,I? :<.. 'Ii ~,....::: c 0< /.~;e..,-,r> "'~. . " . , ~ ,. I ., - - ~ , '. :/ ,"yl ,/ " ?;, . /- p ", - / c....~) yo. t-~t. F:t_'< ~ '_ ,,' oil cf l" '-'''''' Il-a>"l ['~l :r----,.-------,. ---n, ..T -. I I - - "-"T' 'I ----m~