HomeMy WebLinkAbout042230 CC Min ~ C\ o. ~ ~ ~ (~') .. F-, "-- " '. -l) I "W'f'l---'-- .' -. .: ."",~-,-. - -:'0 _.., ~ "'W-,,!;:,.,~r--~:'~'",N'" ""'-~~~' ;(...~,~ ." ~ \ , 145 TUESDAY APRIL 22NDj 1930. a.QII.NG.IL~B A lVrRRR ~,.._C,-Trpy..--JJ..A.LL.. r.Trr'C ()~ 11\~~rr ~Et'J.TiTTi~RSITY Pb~,:9E" T:E:x.AS'~ I, MEETING IN REGULAR SESSIQ!\T uonvenedat8 P. 1"<'" 6h the foregoing dll.te.. Called to orderbyM~yor S6hlesine 'wi th both COI!1ll1iss ioners "present, viz J Walling & Plumb~md Secreta.ry Cus~man. lUnutes of the li'leeting Tuesd.ay April 15th, 1930 read by the t!!A.ry :;l.nG followed by, Motion COl,lmissioner Plumb, seco:c.ded by Commissioner W~lling the minute:;! of April. 15th, 1930 ~.s read be approved. Votin:g Aye: ' Corr~issioners Walling & Pl~unb. NOS NONE. Secre.. that "-y. . ~, ! .,;( '~ft. i<. "1 't, "~:-~.i' . Followi'ng bills offet'ed for approvitl;'~;.i1f.i-", . A. P. R@bb, Supt Water Dept' Lapor~' '1~:~",~ $28~55 H., C. Burt & 'Co ' Telegrams 'x..!~~~. . 3.00, Houston Lighting ,& .Power COl11plll.ny (W ,~':-Wpt) 2:,L0.80 If U . n, .ff f!, ':!BrfAl') 17.04 Lee Bragg Fe>r gatheringgarbaa;e" /'~f;" 19.50 Mot;!.OlT m:a.dte by Co:rnmissioner.Wal'1inj,iandsecemded by Conirnissioner Plumb that the bills ~s~bove enu&erated be approved and paid. Voting Aye: ~ C@mmis~ioners P1Lunb & Walling. NOS' ~ NO~tE. . ~ ~ ..\. Mr. A. B. Wi11iams,on ~PDeared before~ the Com.missionf.ol' the purpose . -~. . . - ~ of submitting a letter frq~n Mrs'H. 'B. Williamson, rel~tive, to shell- ing streets and' ~plaee.~urbing, . inst-to.ll sewerttge etc mp. her property consistiri;g' Qf,6 acresfuore or less f~cing Bellaire BlvQ 'intersect- e€t by Tei:n:3,essee 'Avenue. The gaia improvements to be ..made as pomes were erected by her ap.dsold.. ;. c, " ,After ,(jiu~"e'onsiderati'on street & BrH!.ge COLwissioner P\R.Plumb, made, following motion, duly seconded by Commissioner Walling; . . '. .'" > .,. . . . . ~ \ IVIotJ.(ll.n:tJ;i:a;t the request of:Mrs H. B. \'hllJ.ams0n be d.enied on the .' gr'6un(i:' tH~t the City could not legaily or' consistently' improve -sft're~ti(:in 8. sub-division sUbjec.t to sale. . r' ,..., ' '\rO~i:n.g::~.y~:: Corrm1iss~oners Wallj.ng &. Plumb.^ . NOS'NONE ':", ' , . , . . ' ", . - .r :-;~:~!;~,~ .... . ~ .. , Fj;~'ei';W'~#$~';dl Metca.lf then submitted to the Commission a letter ~1i:tidre8 FJe'i'T .f<:) the 01 ty authorities frOIH Mr. J'.:W. DeWeese Fire , I:ni!n.lr.llnc'e" Cfommi-ssion'er' for infor!rlation and record. . Th'fs:,jhitEi refeir'" '":; .foil!. 'lett'er' \vri tten to Mr. DeWeese giving; 8. sun1- mary"':of ,'J;ip.,~ e1,_ ,s,:put forth by the West University Fire Depart- me,nt';subm$ijting''')l1i,t~fl11a copy of the l1ayorts prccla.mation, 'tne cir-' ;; e:uia..r~i_:@1itout"19y~'the. F~re. :Qept.7 }1nci!.sr"tirecti,on r of Chief l1~t~alf ~, aiIl;,'iri,'({$amne'etiorf":w,i1;h our recent<CLEAN-UP-WEEK. ' I'll h:1.sI'etifer of the 12th inst." M~ ~:~,DeWeeE,!..e>Fir~ Ins' Coml1r,~ :was ve:r:Y<O()mj;9J?i~eIrlr;s.ry.: he s ai,d . in ~par't. ~'\;, ..~> ~', ' , ~. uWe: 'w.ii.it ::to . say to you~ that it is m'O,s't e '~ging to' the tftep8.rt- <menlt't:V,:{j;:;P@e,e:i.v-e:s'ucli a splendid lett., '~t'eport from you. It . im- plies "s:t:Fong co-operation ,as betwee ". . Or'ficia1s' andcit'~~ens. ff , "Money," n:11 en. cles.n-u.p-clil.IT1paigI)s . i.l municipal ,an~. ind,:g.:;;- > . " ' ,tD~:~,'~~::.'[ ~tising. The.mor~ inviti'q.if.,-ou mal-reyour. city the 'more pe~pI-e ';vfrll corne to enJ oy J. t. tf ,', \Y. ".., Seere~a:rY",~hen :instJJ.ucted to file the letter f:r:om JIi1;r'., ""DeWeese. - oft _ , A (eontin:ued P. 146~) .....'..A~t\..~: ~'-.~ -' 1 ---v- 11 ----r1JTl :146 f (front P. 145) .' " /, I Rel)Ort fror:l !ion. W~ M.' Glil.t es, Ju.dge of' the Corpor:..t;i.on Court covering docket .disposed of for the week ending April 17th was subni tted. Motio:c.. m~.d.e by, Co~:m.lissionf-n'} Walling duly' secon6ed by COH1:niss- loner Plumb what the' repor.t 2.S rendered by. the Ju.~_ge, b~ .accept- ed and fil~d. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Plumb 8.: Wallinc;. :NOS :NONE. I ' I' I ! The following resolution was was re~d by the Mayor: Resolution approvine;. e,stirD.~.te No. 2Jfor emgineering services in .connection with the ,; rovementof portions of Lake . s't~eet and , .. / :ddr~ other streets in the City, of West , ~.~i've:r-~'itYPifl1.ce, Texas., authori:zing the ~tlxec~ltf'QA, and delivery to th,e 'Gontr~etor" 1l?f war~lUi'j;u~ of said. oi ty in payment of '.: .l~, OOO:'Q? of Fhe &Uli.ount of s.i& e!itim:a-te ,. ~ and carry~ng the excess fOrWllll?dtG est~mat\!; ; No.3. -' , . . t. .' , . " WHEREAS, ttl city Co)nm.ission Of ~l-J.e City of VIlest University Pl~ce, in Harris County, Texas, has heretofore ordereQ ~he im-. provement of portions of L~{e stre~t and sundry other streets .... .. - '- , or portions thereof in said city, designatted as unitsNe.~ -28 to 86'both inclusive, ,except 41, 46 and 47, to which order re-, f.erence is here n1:.4de; il.nd., ' ,J '. VJHEREAS, contract for 'm~king said improvements was ".warded to . Ca.rl Pleasant~ Inc., b~sed' upon plana', a,.~c? specif;i.c&tti~ns"prepa.red. by the City engineer of sfiidcitY,. arid. in said :con~r"ct.7 slilid C,Ontra..ct@r obliga:ted himself to pay the. engineering,.;'f,e,es as tney beca..me ,due f. and". . ~ ". '. " . ~',~";;'f: ",: . ,WHEREAS, sa~d plans and spec~f~'ca1:aons have b.ec1'l, pr,y:p'areci}>y sa~d City Engineer and hlil,ve been approved by the' City COr}m1FLssion or s:atid. City, by re~son of which one half e1' theengine,er1ng-' fees under stlid contra.c t, ,uil.mely.7 two 3.ndone half. per cent;, there.Qf, h~sbeoorQe 'due, ~nei heretofore said c1 ty appr.Qve,d Es:tamat.e .N$. 1 for such first half of, said fees a.nddelivered.the~~irstten . wa.rra:nts provided by~ the City for the Ci tyfs share@f;<su,ch, w@:pk to the Contract0r.7 Carl Pleasant Inc.., who has failed.~Q';' proceed with the w?rk" but the. sa~d Carj. Pleasant Ine. "hlil.S,;~~~i~~ed: said COJltract, to.W."H. <fr~ham, with t~e consent of the C-i'ti,w'lo.Pytl:;1e 'terms of wh~?h, asslgnraemtthe ::;ud W. H. Grahll~J+as,Q1?-+,j.}g;!-~.eCl , himself to procure the1f.:~~p. of sa:iCi warrants.d'p,om;,sa;:L?<>Carl Pleasant Ine." and, 'lG::If ,"i{:,~!.~}~: " ' . " ".:.r' . ''':; ,. . VmER~AS, said .first .~wa~~~if~jt wer~ 'tiiel:i~er-~a ~:t~ _ s~id~ Oar 1: Plea.sant Inc. ,for iilpurp,os:~'..'W ~ pay~~er ~,,:porti~rrJ,Qf,t ..:th~. fir~t half of s aiel eI?-gii;lg fees ~l:;j.i'ch'l.l:~<ta~:!ii .y~t _:1&een -R;fl:l,. a: sai~ E:n$ineel"'; aTIG_" . ,.', _ ~::;:~;.:' ':,",: .' WHEREAS, the, said, y Engineer; J. 11:;. Ril..rf~r.t:jr, is ~ ~~'fllPJ,t#.iD:.~ng of the non-payrne s9.id first half €,')f his saiti. fe~s,:.s 'a~0re- sai"i Ll1~, now deIfl2.. ""tb,at ,the' sme bepaicil.:' ,W0:Wi!}j~:r;'~~;~e;, ".; ,,, ,~, ,BEIT>R , sLVED BY THE CITY COIvnVIIS8IQN.0:~. :T~l!!:~';, CITY OF WEST UNIVER.SITY PLA.CE "TEXAS. ,-:'::: '."..' , "" .,' '" ,> I" ' " (lr That warrants of the Cj.ty of West Univer~ity:.~,;/.f&.., ';r~T",xa.s# denominate,a West University Pllll.c~ Street Imp:rQ.vem;e,nili'~hts - - "',. ... ~ . series,~-l9,'~~.; }T.esI1 r.o 20 both inclusive;. each for,~€r,stim. of $lObo.6Q~/~:3,;ggr.egating $10,000,,00 be 'executea.'by. t1i~;t~i:"'YQr ,'-;~$]f~4:,;' _ ,( <}oilti:quedP. ,1'47.) " _ ",", ,,', .<'~': "'. f r f ~)":'::;." :c.'.~,,"'''''''' ...~ .1. 'c . :~~~~~td!~':>'I'~' u~. , ."',"~~.\~:.i.'."'-. ....t,;....f:;;..~;. ~. :! <',"', ~r1 "I' n o o , ~ 0\ O' ~ ~ ~ In o c' I I 1 '" ~ .,- I ., r ~ . (Continued from p~. 146)' t47 3\l.n,,_ Ci ty Secr~tOCl:'Y and deli verecit to W. II. Graham; the Contractor, for 'use in ,:paying Engineering :fees uJJ.der' siid contrlll.c t, thes~id sum to be d'educte{l here:d..ter froEl any swns' of. money going to 'said Contractor for the performance of the work in said con- tra.cti (2). That this resolution takeeff'ect and be in force immedIately from and after its passag~ and approva.l. ." Matton made' by C()rmnissioner J. A '-Walling>'and secondeill. by Commis- sioner Preston R. Plu.mb, th~t the feregGing resolution as@.complete- ly) set. forth abov?,~be $.ciopte~ and passed. ^, .,~, Carried' b? ~?llQ:vn-,~g vote. .' A:~';~'~.'" ,~, AYE: CommlssJ.oners Plumb .and 'Walllug. ',''4) :i;,'~':: NOS-NO:NE~ ' " ,'. ' "r.t ;,'J . Pursuant tg the introduetion or the's "::t rela~\ ta a rebate ~~~ the City on shell puechas@~ andret~ence to ~~~cfact that ~"lthough claim had been filed.. that TI0 ~cti9n hadb:.~en taken as to the col~ectfon,of Gurjust dues$ the following mot~Q~ was made. ]\[Qticm' by Commissioner Walling .and duly secondeet by Commission- . er' Pl1.U!1b, that, the City Engineer who h&tQ. previous::I.;Y .tiled .these claims :a.nd. W3.S in possession of the recCi)Difl of' former.Jatction in the pre~ises,' that he. Mr. J. H. Rafferty, b~ ins.tructe€l to take' the matter up with Co:nrnis s1 oner 'of Fish &. Oyster Dep:a.rtment at Austin wi"th II. view of getti:tlg some substa.ntial atC tion. . YO"bJ:ng- AYE: ' , , . ,-T1'1e:re oe:ing no"further busines s before the body, by regular mo- ti~n dulv secona~d the ~~me was declared-by the MaYQr adjourne~. ~~~st;~ ~d . Approved. ,~~ City Secretary. c. ~~'~.~' c;,,- "~ ,. i" ; _ _-..'1 "" \~ ,,- .: ,~- .....ei ~,:'l ' ::~\>~;~; V". .... '" , ~ ", ;r;," - ,.. ':-.:- : ....... .... ". ~ .... .", ~; ~ ~. . ~ ..: . '.~--':; ..,& " T If -mil