HomeMy WebLinkAbout041530 CC Min 142 ~L. ~' ,~ ~ I ~~ "j:;,e" rl.~~tJ-. ,~< .~~#~1' ' , ':- ~. - '\.,' -- "" I , " :' I' . ,TueSday Itpril 15th~ ,193o;~;; < CQume~l Ch~mber--------~-CityHall. . C'~^t;y o f\!ferr-un 1 vel' sl t,y P!mnE;--,7.'::T~. Regular meeting of the City Conrrnission convened '~t 8 P. M. on' the. foregoini;';, ?-Rte. C~:;Led to order by Mwy,or SchlesiI!-ger _ w1tb b9tb Corrnissioners; W~lli~g ~d ~lu~p aDd 'city Se6ret~ry ~ Erwin Cushman in attend9.nce. ' " i -; , ' , Minutes of 'the Special:meetir:e; Apri14thand' Regtlla..r meeting 0:( Apr il 1st read l>'..Ild by' f,pllowing motiqn approved~. viz: Motion ma.de by COInmissioner Plumb and. duly seconded. by Cemmis- sioner Walli:c,g tlu.t themiT:,utesof 'April 'ls.~ and April. 4t}1. be a.pproveli. ". ':. :.:~ - . Voting Aye, COInraiss ioners':::.Plumb~&W&11ing.' '.~' '.' NOS No.NE. ':", ' ,if., ' .--. The' Following bill~' ~esent by the Sec~etary ft)r' approval andpa:yment. t:.l -, Houston'Structural st Go., . ,$ 4.65 JIleste~n Auto Supply.,,'".. 9. '76 ,Auto Flower Shop", ',JI. 8.W~ M~shall Ice Co, ,; .,,~ 5.00 F.W. Heitma.nn'Eo, . ,~.: 1:1.50 ~ It fI It II ~. , < 8.64 ' Wilson -Staty &: ;print,g Co., ".,. 5,.00 Rog&n Printg &Specfalty Co., 23.00 Alleh-Gartner Insurance Agency, ',_ 44.88 Su...YJ. Sign Company, 13.50 . Tom J. Fatjo Co., 9.00, ;Pectan COlllp~ny ..'. ' .5.88 Jones Lumber Comp'any, . 9.$1 'R. L. Bentoni'. ~ 25.00 'J.. H.. Painter, Atty's fee's (Water-Wl-cs Bds)lOOO~'OO R~gis Gb..e'vrolet Company, .' " .81 , Security Trust Company,(Bond 1&2'~ lnt,) 2953~25 ~x,' " Motion ma~~ by Con~~issio~er Walling du~y seco~~ed by CO!Mlissioner 1 Plumb tha~ the foregoing bills :itS enumer3.:ted -be approvec:1: and p:.dd. Voting Aye: Cow~issi6ners Plu~b and Walling. NOSN01~o ' ~... ' o " r ('--~ , l' ,/ (.-. ratification, $150~ 00 ~,', 30.00.' . . ' ,t ,:80.00' ,.)+:,,' 4.60 " ; ,J .7.50 '.' -~ ,,~'50 ' , 84 .1 '7 10.17 "0 Th~ following paid bills were of~ere(1' for Vo.Check 20'71 R. L. Benton. ---~-~------~ fI fl 2073 J. J. OtCoYlnorp1il---'":'---~"'--":" TI II 20'74 Mrs Ruby Wade !f~:"'- -~-...:-';..~-- , ~, II 20'75 Oliver Levy (L3.borY 0:- ft II 20'76, Antone Durall It - " ~" , '[' II 20'7,'7 '. City of H'ouston (1 'c:'Y , tt It .20~8' Kren~lerBros Ser.-~' ff 11 2079 't~, .n ff fI II 2080 H. 'C.(~urt & Co ser- vices, p~;n't.~,p-g an, i, ,'o'ililfg, '" , opinion. $31,,6q~;p7Q.iF ',gWs.rramts2370.27 ~, 2081 J. H. Rt~rertyng Fees) 28~.OO 2082 Lee Bragg:;,\, (Garbatge) .. . 19:.,50 ,~,::,[;'7::' 208'7 Petty C~sh :._- · '100.00 2088,. Lee Br~gg (G9.rbage) 19.50 2089 City West Univer Pl. ,,(w~t~r) ,2.32 (Continued P. 14;3) " - ' '-'to.. vi.z'-: ....;':. ,b ~ C' \, :'1) tt tt tI If ,tf lr 'I flIT' ~ 0\ \) ~ ~. ~ () o u , "': I' " ~ (Conti~ued frOffi P. 142.) 143 $2,7.60 , Vo-Check 2090 Aider.. Providen Life Ind Co., 11 It 2092 H" C ~ Burt & Co." <Expenses on Warrant Issue $31,706.70 77.33 If If 2093 J. J. O'Connor, 30.00 It 11 .209~ ~!Irs Ruby W&tde, 20.00 II If ?095, Lee Bri'l.gg (Ggu'>bage) 19.50 II tl 2096 A. p" R'obb, (Laborers) 19.90 1,1 , tl " 2097 Oliver L, evy' ", It " "- 3 .10 n u 20-98 I. 1J!l-. McKeovffi /.../rI' 62.50 fl If 2099 G. IN. Rob ingon"j~~' 62.50 If II 2100 OSCf1l.!' Bennett, ) 55 ~ 00 tf U 2mmm J. JI!I._ Swain, .15.00 II 11 2106 Antone Dur:il.ll, 3.00! Mayor Schlesinger then re~_d Resoluti:~"'aj.1cl. contract trl.l.nsferQ ing .the C:a,rl Pleasant Inc.. contractqr m!jking, certain improve- ments on Lake Street and 'sundry otheF'-~,s}J'eetsin tlle City of' West University Place, Texas,., being"'4ih~~only contract Carl Ple.a.s~nt Inc' has w,ith said City: ,"l)"f': , ., \YREREUPON, Cow~issioner Plwnb presente~jfprconsideration solution relating to the assignment'of,'*;.~~ntract of ~ate ober 9th, 1929 between the Ci ti of We'st :JJ:n~ver.si ty P'li-ce, a.nd Carl Pleasant Inc., to W. "H. Graham.~ foll'ows: . RESOLUTION 'CONSENTING 'rO Af:n~IB:N1\'IENT OF, OON-, TRA CT OF DATE OCT OBER 9TJ:l,-L929', ,BE'TVmEN' TH~ . CITY OF ;VEST UNIVERSlTYPtAGE, TEXAS A1'~1p-. CAR.L PLEASANT I}\fC;, TO W. H. GRAHAM; RELEASING THE SAID C~RL PLEASANT I)\fC ~ " AND ITS. SURETY':" ;30VTHERN SlJRETY COMPANY FROM ALL OBLIGATIONS, IM~O~ED BY SAID CONTRACT ~Nn ACCEPTING W. H., · GRAHAM AS THE CONTRACTOR 'THEREUNDER~ ' . ~ . ~. a re- Oct- Texas '( _.::Motio-n,nuJ.llle by GOlr'!l11j"ssioner Walling and duly s,econo.ed by Com- missiG'mer~PJ.ur,1bthat "the resolution be' adontecLand that the . . .. . ~ . CarlP;Leasant c.ontract be li.ssigne'€t to 'W.,Ii. Graham and ths.t < he ~h~ll ;furnish $75; 000. 00 as provided fQr in s;.id' 'contrltl.ct. V~ti~g,~y~: C6~~issioners Walling & Plumb, . NOS 'NONE~.'., '~';~/~l./.<' , , ' .. Fire Mar sha.l l' J. A. "Metcalf, ,atidressed the Connnission by letter of diat~ April 15th, 19;50., .enclosinga ver.y.conplimentary com- munioationf.orm Fire, Iu.slirance COrrlJ::1.::,.i ss ioner J .W. DeWeese ;ei' Austin Texas., u:rging .the Oi ty: Cor.miissi op. to 'bear the exp~~se ' of representation from this :City's Fire Department tot~e train- ingschool for Firemen under the auspice's of the Agricultural & Mech.nic~l coll~ge,of Tex~s? College Station, on May 5-6,1930. :M:~tion maliite by CGlmrnissi~ner < Plumb duly secomled by Co~issioner ,',Wllili.l1~ ~ha:t 'an a.mount hot'~to }xce~c1' $50.00 be apprQpr'iated by "';"the:;,;:C'i't~y for the purpose ind,i~"ted. Y;., t:tng AyYI: ',' ,'~:~c ~~mm.fssi0nersWalling & Plu.mb'~-.';".. . NOS NONE it '::,r~ ... " Contra.ct assigning $6000.00 of th.e mon st due or to become' Glue on the contract betweep th.e City . st University 'PllJJ.ce Texas.., and E~ S. :McFarland. of date FeliFuary 14th, 1,930. to' R. E. . Magee. ' C?:"!> , ' " Motion by Conrrnissioner Walling and, duly seconded by Commissioner Plitmbthat the Mayor t s action in executing the contract as ..for,e.... , saiel be ratified.. " (Continued P. 144) ~, .- , f -. I -1"44 .~_.. . r Voting Aye,:. Commissio:ner13 NOS HONE. . (con.til1l.uec1fi'<i)ril P. 143.) Plumb' & 1f',Jf;ii,llirlg. " ~ ';J Estir:14te "Ho. .1 Dated April 8,th, 1930" , CoastalCohstr'uction COr!lp&my, E. S. ]/IcFarla:..'1.u, J. H. R.dferty Cit;l Engineer ar:.loul1ting in the aggregate'to $10,413.41 was offered for ippr,ovlll ~nd re:il.d.' " " ,'. Motion by Commissioner PIU;:ilb and duly seconde(L''j;)y,Commissmdln- e1:" W$.111ng' tlu..t the estirlfJ..te $10,413.41 be approyed and pliI,id. . Voting Ay,e': . Commissioner's NOS 1\1011E. .' C') Reports for the corp 10th wer~p:rese;nte~ Motion ma~e by Con Plu..mbtha t the re,po _ Voting 'Aye ~ .-. CorrmJis si onersPlumb NOS NONE. W:;!.lling :&_ ~.!.llb. - :,:;;'-7 . aiion, court u,.rrider dates' of Apri13rd and ~ead~ ' , , ouer' Walling (luly seconded byColmnissioner .:;,pe ,acce'pted as' read. ' ' ; 1 :~~~. &W~111n0" , "."". 0-. .; . t=rt:' .,' . . The r/Iayor advised that he felt that MrsRuby Wa~~ Dy Clerk and Tax Ass~,ssqr 9.n&: Collector; was' entitled. to III r$;ise of $5.00, . per weelC'. E,&tising her fror;l $20.t6 '$25. . per w~ek. Motion by Commissioner Plumb' ":>tnG. s'econded by Cournissi.oner w.al- ling; that the raise "be grlil,nted :and. th:Ji.. tMrs WaC).e recei;ve the SU..ll'l of $25.00 per week. ' , V015ingIAye: COr:'.niissioners Vh.:lling & Plumb. NOS NONE.," . 'j - '-;, (.oJ The qJ,1estion, of a gas ordina...nce was intrQduc'e'Q ',an~ter 6on- sidera.ble discussion it 'was dec'ideo. to' use,thef6 sl:tconta:inefit in:the ordii"lllLnCe dravm up by' the H01.1stoH":~~ol.tneit':w#u~'<i:apply 'tempo;i:'~.rily, pen,ding further invest:tg~..tit1r{'as'betweeR 'the ':'-">' Plum.bing Inspector; City Attorney, MayorancrCommiitalte,ii~s, , looking to the drafting of an ord:\nanc~ cov;ering gajB:':';eQinnections ,to:be attopted and passed. at a later date.'..... ' ' <:. 1', . , ' There being no further 'business bef0re the'botiy' ~n'-"Jil\e't[lt;\n Ccm- riiiss;i.on~r Plu,mb, Quly, seconded by Cormni's-sio:rier"W~lli:ng:'the 'meeting w~.s.' declared adjoUJ?ri.eeiby the May'~r'." ~.:. '"x~>V' . '. '~ T ......", ~ __' ....,'-..1\.,,'"":'. Atte':3~: ,I. Appr0ved;:" . <'.:, I t . .". ; )'~) . }-~ '., {) G.t]; -,' ! , ,( / " J / .. "'!.. ',,,' -:fI . l ',' ..i _. ,-:, ,'_. . J . . . '~i : . '," r 0' ,'<, ' jJ , ~i, . ;':,1"" a," ,"\. \,'. .. ~.J. " ~. ~~~~~1,. f, t!_ . '; il}~;,y;" '. : 1:", ; "1.: I'"' v" ~ < I, L,L!:,',: " , .' _ . \_ 1 ~. .:", . _ .10 ",:! -,. rf IJ[l 1'1 r -,:-----.-- -.- r \ O1lfT