HomeMy WebLinkAbout040430 CC Min ~. ~ \) 'r) ~ ~ () I I, (1 u - ) <:' " Fria.ay ~April 4th, 1930. City of West Universltj- }11'ac'e,H3.rris County. ~ . 14,1 SPECIAL. TEXAS. ~ - Onthis,tbhe Fourth (4th)'dii.j- of April, (Fr:i.day?) 1930, the City C~w~issibnof the City of West University Place, Texas, conven- ,e~ in Special session with the ;rollovdng:l]1eln.b~rs reporting pre- sent, viz:' . ./ ..;[;;P. _H. B. Schlesinger,Mayor~, .,~ Preston ";R... Pl{:mb J Cciw..missi~ner. t /~, -- J. A. \iIla Iling, 'u' · Erwin Cushmarl, City Secretllry."'~ ' ' ~l. ' , t,. The .nl&l_yor presente~ for the consider}~t;m of _the" Commission an ,ordlnance. The or(hn~nce '\"flitS read OV'~l\e 'Mayor. . iq'-"j' . l~otion by Conn:nis sioner Walling that ru.;t~li,\ requiring ordinances to be read at more thlin one meeting Qf;~'J\~, Commiss.ion be sus- pended and tna:t. the' ord.inance be plac"eu1.~h its final r'eading. l'l'he Iliotion was~ se,conded byCoIDrnissioner PjJ-'l.U11b. S~e adopted by 1'0 llowingvote :,. ,..' 'AYES CommissiQ"ners Walling & Plumb. 'NOES ; NONE ,: . ';Che Mayorreq-qestedto be rec0rdeli '~s 'Voting Aye ~ ' Theord.inance )s' as p'er caption S.'S follows:' AN "ORDINANCE FROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE, ' OF . CITY 0])' WEST UNIvERSITY PLAUEFUNDING' -,' ; ,,>,".!, iJ\f~RANTS IN 'THE AMOUNT OF $31;' 603.7.0" , ~1A~UR~liG.SEHIAL~~ BEARING INT~EST AT THE RA~E, OF '6% PER ANNUM FOR ,THE P-pRPOSE' OF . F~rIDING A LIKE AMOUNT QF'INDEBTEDNESSLE- GALLY. INCURRED FOR LAWFUL <0ITY PURPO~ES'; PRqVIDING FOR THE LEVY OFA TAX T,O PAY THE u PRINCIPAL AND I,NTEREST OF SAIIID Vil,A.-qRANTS " AT MA'FtTRITY;/AND DECLARING AN mJIJERGENCY. Motion rh$.ciie by Conrrnissioner Plumb a.nd duly, seconded- by , 09mr.t1i,~~io.neF,;,,~Yp,.~ling, ~hilt, the ordinance, ~s ,ab ove se't forth be ipp~€)ved', a;~~pj;,yeJ~ an~' p'~sseQ.",,' " ,... ' , Voting Aye: ',"'.'~. "~'. ' . .' ,'7 -. ' Cemm.issioners Wall:i,iig & Pl1L.111b., ,'. ,'~' Ma:yerrequest).l1g ,to be record,e€ J.S voting, .Jf.j~:' There being J.'l~o r'urthe bu~,dness befor:~ tiH~ m:~etj,1.1:'g" on regu~'ar m0tion Eluly seconded the, same 'was 'lJ:e"clllrea: aGljo1ir:tJ.eu,.. ,,' , All v0~d.ng Ai.e~,:- w"" ,', ,,' ""~,' - ,': , ,."C" o , " . /.~,., t:!- .". , ~. .) Aptes:t; ,,~ ';$ "'.::": . i 1 ". lr ":'.~':. , ' '~y , 'Ciff.' . of, "-i ,,' , " "